Bringing Military Supplies to Ming Dynasty

Chapter 63

While still looking around, Yang Chendong had been led to a square table, on which some fruits and tea were placed, and the location was close to the stage (where Yiji performed). Although it was not recent, it was good.

Yang Yang naturally sat down there, and then his eyes began to wander. He accidentally saw several acquaintances and said hello.

Looking at Yang Yang\'s obviously showing off expression, Yang Chendong shook his head helplessly, "fourth brother, what are you doing?"

"Say hello to acquaintances. Oh, sixth brother, you don\'t know. I seldom get to such a place. Oh, it\'s only a table fee of twenty Liang silver." Yang Yang said with some pain as he explained.

"Well, it seems worth it." Yang Chendong also looked around. Looking at the environment here, he nodded with satisfaction. In my heart, I also began to measure whether there is anything to improve compared with my own decoration drawings.

Looking at Yang Chendong\'s look of no heartache, Yang Yang put down his heart. Although his own brother was true, he spent other people\'s money in the end. It was impossible to say that he was not guilty at all. He felt that he was pulling the flag and pulling the tiger\'s skin. In order to show the necessity of his existence, mainly to be worthy of the sixth brother, he carefully pointed to the two tables closer to the platform and said, "sixth brother, do you see the people on those two tables?"

Yang Chendong\'s eyes moved with him. Two young people in their twenties were sitting on the two tables. They were dressed in brocade and satin, looked arrogant, and seemed arrogant.

Knowing that the sixth brother was paying attention to them, he smiled and whispered, "the seemingly older childe in the East is Xu Chengzong. The one in the west is Zhang De."

"Oh!" Yang Chendong raised his eyebrows, "but the descendants of the Duke of Wei and the Duke of England?"

"The sixth brother is really clean. Xu Chengzong is the eldest son of Xu Qin, the Duke of Wei. Now he is not in good health. They say he will pass the title to this son. Zhang De is just the second son of Zhang Fu, the British Duke. It is estimated that he will not succeed in taking the title. But I heard that he has a good relationship with his eldest brother Zhang Mao. I think he should have no worries about food and clothing all his life." in order to please his sixth brother, Or in order to have more money to spend, Yang Yang poured out as much as he knew.

Yang Chendong nodded as he listened. He knew both of them, and the Security Bureau had made a detailed investigation before.

Xu Qin, Duke of Wei, is the grandson of Xu Da, king of Zhongshan.

At the beginning, Xu Da was known as the founder of the Ming Dynasty, but no matter what, covered by the big brand of the British Duke, no one can afford it.

It\'s just a nine arts workshop, which can make the two princes support here. It can be seen that this fragrant lady should be of some level. Yang Chendong can\'t help looking forward to it.

Yang Chendong sat down in his chair and sipped his tea from time to time. When he first came to the capital, he knew very few people, which saved him the trouble of making false promises and greeting others.

With the passage of time, the whole hall is becoming more and more lively. Various people are constantly introduced into the seat in front of the square table by the maid. Slowly, the climate in the hall begins to rise, and all kinds of sweat smell also fills here, making Yang Chendong\'s nose frown slightly and shake his head. The ventilation equipment here is not good, So that the taste here can not be dissipated quickly. Just this, it seems inferior.

Unlike the immortal house you want to open, it has not only transparent windows, but also a layer of screen windows. In this way, it can ensure that ventilation does not enter all kinds of mosquitoes. That is the place with fresh smell.

While waiting, or suffering, the seating rate in the hall also reached more than 70%. There was a gentle sound of walking. Two girls who looked decent walked on the stage with a lute.

Yang Yang has been watching Yang Chendong and is ready to explain as a speaker at any time. Seeing two girls coming up, he put his head together and said, "fourth brother, these two people are warm, not a positive angle."

"Yes." Yang Chendong nodded. In later generations, the grand theater also used this procedure. First, there was a warm-up, and the real corner can only be used as the finale.

With the appearance of two warm girls, the whole hall was much quieter. Then the two women first bowed down and saluted, and then the two women holding the lute slowly opened their mouths and sang, "the red dragonfly flies on the green poplar branch. As soon as the spider saw it, he opened his web. He looked at him with infatuation. Spider, don\'t look at me. This trap urges you to think less. You spend all your mind, but you can\'t get on your web."

The music style is very slow, often singing a word for half a day, which has a little taste of Kunqu Opera of later generations. This song was also famous at that time. There were Dragonfly words. Some people could not stop nodding and shaking their heads. It seemed that they were reading the four books and five classics, and so did those who knew it.

But no matter what others do, Yang Chendong is really going to sleep. He is obviously used to the pop music of later generations. He can\'t appreciate this set in front of him.

After singing a song for nearly half an hour, Yang Chendong, who was about to fall asleep, woke up with a cry. Then, when she looked up, the two girls had bowed down and bowed back, and replaced a beautiful woman in her thirties.

From Yang Chendong\'s position, you can just see a trace of melancholy in the corners of the woman\'s eyes. He guessed that it must be an accumulation of life. It\'s impossible to spend years in a happy scene without any grievances. On the contrary, all kinds of people should greet each other with a smile, and all kinds of people may bring your face. But even if you open the door to do business, you can only smile and wait for a long time. This melancholy naturally integrates with the soul.

"Fourth brother, this person is Cui na\'er, the Bustard in charge here. When she was young, she was very beautiful. Even now, there are many people who pursue her. But she has always been clean and has never had an affair with any man. Later, she was favored by the owner and managed this nine arts nuisance. It\'s not easy to say." Yang Yang had an opportunity to show her, You\'re welcome. In his heart, he envied his sister and sister. They could take a thousand liang of monthly cases from their six brothers a month. As brothers, they really had nothing.

This made him feel unfair. At the same time, he also moved his mind, that is, please his six younger brothers and get more silver. At least he should get close to his sister and sisters and get the silver. As for whether the fourth brother will be looked down upon by others for flattering the sixth brother, he doesn\'t care. The world is vast, and the silver is the largest, isn\'t it?

"In addition, Cui na\'er is on the stage, which proves that lady Xiang is about to appear. She comes up for a reward. This is also called asking for a reward. Whoever gives more money later may be favored by Lady Xiang. If the opportunity is good, it is very possible to become a guest." Yang Yang is still chattering there. At this time, Someone has thrown silver and copper coins on the stage.

It should be noted here that Daming has no silver, even very little silver.

The currency used by the Ming Dynasty was treasure money in the early Ming Dynasty, but the treasure money depreciated so quickly that it was like waste paper that no one would use it. Private transactions mainly used copper money and silver, but before the inflow of overseas silver in the late Ming Dynasty, the silver stock of the Ming Dynasty was limited, and the imperial court prohibited the mining of silver, so the silver circulating in the market was not sufficient.

The first ticket number in China appeared about the early year of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty (after 1820). This first ticket number, called "Rishengchang", also appeared only at that time.

There is no silver ticket, which also makes it inconvenient for people to trade when they travel. They often need to bring a lot of silver or copper money to trade. Just like now, give me a reward to attract the attention of Lady Xiang. For a time, the silver money flew all over the stage.

Of course, only some small retail investors threw money on the stage. They gave too little, so fishing in troubled waters was just to prove that they were also a generous Lord. Just because they were shy in their pockets, they had such a method. Like a really rich Lord, there are Turtles who come to the table with a plate. Once they receive the money, they will sing and drink loudly to praise the dignity of the reward person.

Naturally, such an approach can also lead to a competitive mechanism, which can make more men spend a lot of money here and let them harvest more.

Mr. GUI began to act and walked to the tables. The silver money on the copper plate began to increase gradually. Yang Houdong was looking at this scene with great interest. These were completely different from what he imagined in his mind. Naturally, he was a little curious.

While watching and imagining what mechanism to use when his restaurant was opened, he suddenly woke up with a song and drink. "Thank you, Prince Wang, for giving fifty liang of silver!"