Bringing Military Supplies to Ming Dynasty

Chapter 62

"No." Hu Yan shook her head, dodged the jade Bi, held her cheeks with both hands, and said painfully, "Xiaoqing, do you really want to appoint a woman when she marries her husband\'s house? I think Miss Yang\'s seven was so lively that she was spoiled by thousands when she was in her mother\'s house. But when she marries the Wang family, she has to be a maid and a servant. There\'s no way. It\'s really too hard."

Knowing what Xiaoqing was worried about, Xiaoqing quickly shook her head and said, "no, miss, if you get married, master and adults will decide for you? No one will bully you."

"No." Hu Yan shook her head stubbornly. "The identity of the seven sisters of the Yang family is also not simple. Her father is an old adult Yang Rong. He is no worse than my grandfather, but he has to suffer the same pain? Alas, Xiaoqing, I suddenly don\'t want to get married."

Hu Yan said like this. For a time, Xiaoqing didn\'t know how to persuade her. She also sat with her cheek, looked out of the window and said, "women are destined to marry and have children for those men. This is our life."

"But life is also divided between good and bad. Once you really marry a person like Wang Gou, your life will be ruined. It\'s better to be a girl all your life without marrying?" Hu Yan shook her head. This thing had a great shake on her psychology, and even gave her a kind of premarital phobia that modern people have.

Seeing Hu Yan, Xiaoqing was really discouraged. If so, I\'m afraid that the master and adults would find themselves guilty. What would they do? She was also a little frightened at the thought, but she jumped into her mind with a person\'s name, "Miss, you can marry the young master of the Yang family. You see, he doesn\'t hesitate to break the law to seek justice for his sister\'s affairs. Such a man should be credible."

"Marry the sixth young master of the Yang family? Is he really worth trusting for life?" at this moment, Hu Yan began to seriously consider this problem in her heart.


Flower street!

It is located near Chongwenmen gate in the outer city of the capital. At night, there are red lights and willows. Countless dignitaries, dignitaries and rich merchants can see it here,

In the Ming Dynasty, it was stipulated that civil and military officials were not allowed to sleep at night and prostitute. All officials who slept in prostitutes had a staff of 60, and the matchmaker was reduced by one, that is, they had to beat 60 boards, even the introducers. The descendants of officials who whored and prostituted also played 60 boards.

There was once a commanding envoy of Hainan guards in Guangdong Province, Yi Jinbiao, who went to Beijing to stay and prostitute. He felt that he was relegated to garrison Weiyuan guards! It means that people with military posts are not allowed to stay and prostitute, nor to marry le of the Jiaofang division as a wife, otherwise they will be transferred to other guards. However, although it is a punishment, they also have a salary.

In a poem written by Du Mu, a female merchant who did not know the hatred of the country\'s subjugation still sang flowers across the river. Of course, female singers also included prostitutes They nailed the pillar of shame as if they were born cheap embryos. However, this is just the theory of beauty and water. Who do business women sing for? Not for the meat eaters who shoulder the rise and fall of the country? Without them, are the singers bored to sing to the water? To the tree? To the wind? Frankly, these poor women are just incompetent and lack integrity Just a man\'s scapegoat.

In this regard, Yang Chendong\'s view is really different from that of others. In his view, existence is reasonable, just like prostitutes and prostitutes, which were thought to have been broken since ancient times. It\'s like the Republic disappeared under the severe blow when it was just established, but didn\'t it reappear as soon as the economy developed?

This is a demand, that is, if there is a demand, there must be a response. As long as it is used well, it can also reduce the occurrence of some crimes. Of course, management should be standardized, such as paying taxes, regular physical examination to ensure safety, and so on.

Of course, as Yang Chendong is now, it is impossible to put forward these things, that is, nothing to find trouble.

Flower street is different from the ordinary willow alley. The legal control here is also much weaker. Most people here are skilled, and most of them don\'t sell themselves. Unless they really see the right eye, it\'s another matter. Because of this, officials don\'t need to be so afraid to appear here.

When he came here tonight, Yang Chendong was also looking for talents.

In the so-called thirty or sixty lines, every line produces a champion. What does this champion mean? Of course, it is a talent.

Just like those female stars in later generations, they can\'t deny that there are good and clean ones, but most of them know what kind of state they are. In fact, they don\'t want to become such people, but what should they do in the general environment? If they are not hidden, there will be no play to pick up. In this way, they come and go. Anyway, others are so popular, and there will be no successors The so-called. But it is undeniable that no matter what way they get angry, they also have certain abilities and can be regarded as talents.

Yang Chendong knew from his fourth brother Yang Yang that there are two very famous flower leaders in the flower street. They are famous for their skills to suppress the crowd. They are many distinguished guests. The most important thing is that they really do not sell themselves. It is very appreciated by Yang Chendong to insist on this in such an environment.

The first place to come today is called jiuyifang.

As we all know, the ancients said that there were six arts, namely ritual, music, shooting, imperial, calligraphy and counting.

It\'s said that lady Hua kuixiang really has nine skills, especially dancing. I don\'t know how many men lingered and couldn\'t eat.

As Yang Yang, the fourth brother, said, this fragrant lady is born with strange fragrance, which makes people want to get drunk. Even if she is closer, it can let people\'s thoughts fly. It\'s wonderful.

Yang Chendong believes in this. Later generations often hear people say that someone has body fragrance, which is not surprising, but sweat has a special taste, which makes people smell it.

But although I heard that I was busy completing various tasks at that time, I really had no contact with such a woman. Now I have the opportunity to feel one or two.

Yang Yang was originally a dandy. Places like jiuyifang naturally came here before. Just because the bag is not rich, so every expenditure is not very happy and does not impress people deeply.

Now that he has six younger brothers to pay the silver, Yang Yang looks excited and excited. It\'s time for him to show off tonight, and it\'s also the heroic moment when he throws a lot of money.

He came to Jiuyi workshop in a carriage. As soon as the car stopped, Yang Yang lifted the curtain and went out excitedly. Taking this opportunity, Yang Chendong also noticed that the gate of Jiuyi square in front of him was nearly three feet wide, showing its profound inside information.

At that time, how about the strength of a family? It can often be seen from the width of the gate. This is the first impression left for Yang Chendong.

After getting off the carriage, Hu Mang and Yang Er left behind. Yang San and Yang Si, who were driving the carriage, stayed here. After observing what people came down and went, Yang Chendong, who was also wearing green clothes, took a folding fan under the pull of his brother and fourth brother, and strode into the main nine arts barrier.

As soon as I entered the gate, some young boys greeted them and led them the way. However, after more than 20 steps, I came to a courtyard on the second floor of high school. People haven\'t entered it yet? You can already hear a burst of yingyingyan\'s voice.

"Yo, this is not fourth master Yang." a well-dressed woman in her thirties who was greeting guests at the door saw Yang Yang, recognized his identity at a glance, immediately pretended to be surprised and shouted, and then the fragrance rushed to her nose.

"Ha ha." when Yang Yang saw this, he first looked up to the sky and laughed. Then he naturally let the woman rush in front of him and took his arm. At hand, a piece of five Liang silver was put into the woman\'s wrist. Then he naturally asked, "is lady Xiang there?"

One shot is five Liang silver. Yang Yang was not so generous before. In this way, the welcoming woman looked happy and said in a whine, "fourth master Yang is lucky. Madam Xiang will play and sing a song tonight. I\'m afraid it will start soon."

"Yes, that\'s good. Just lead the way." Yang Yang nodded with a smile, then touched his hand on the other party\'s chin, that is, he laughed and entered the hospital.

At this time, another maid came forward and led Yang Si and his party into the yard with lanterns. As he walked, Yang Yang said to Yang Chendong who was following him: "That\'s a welcome girl just now. She was taken over by some angry female artists. In fact, they were also famous when they were young, but now they are old, can\'t dance, sing or play. They are born in a cheap family and have no way to go. It\'s pathetic to say. Therefore, when they can take care of them, they usually take some silver I gave it to them. "

It seemed that he was afraid that he would blame himself for giving five liang of silver, and Yang Yang explained.

"It doesn\'t matter. The fourth brother will do whatever he wants. The silver won\'t hurt." Yang Chendong smiled and shook his head. For him, the mere five Liang silver is really nothing. I\'m afraid if they go out to rob Kaohsiung, they don\'t know how many five Liang silver will come in.

Seeing Yang Chendong\'s indifferent expression, Yang Yang had confidence in his heart, so he said to the girl leading the way: "I don\'t need money. I\'ll reward you for finding a good place." then he sent two liang of silver.

"Thank you for your reward. I\'ll take you to the best place." looking at the generous reward, the maid\'s face was happy and brought more hospitality along the way.

The yard is brightly lit, and I don\'t know how many candles have been lit and how many lanterns have been hung. This expenditure alone must not be too small. Of course, the guests who can come here are all small family resources, so it\'s enough to reward the maintenance cost casually.