Bound Luck: Get The Whitebeard Template at the Start

Chapter 15: 1 power, single-handedly kill the overlord of the mountain forest!

Domineering and domineering!

Rao is a terrifying talent in the world of pirates, and only one among millions of people will awaken!

And Xu Fan, the ability to use at this time is exactly this power!

Taking his body as the center, he burst out towards the Snow Wolf King.

The momentum is like a huge wave.

In an instant, this majestic force was precisely controlled by Xu Fan, squeezing every inch of the muscles of Snow Wolf King\'s body.


The Snow Wolf King only felt a loud noise explode in his mind, and the extremely terrifying majesty quickly eroded his brain, awakening his deepest, most primitive emotions.



Straight to the depths of the soul.

The Xu Fan in front of him is more like a powerful creature with blood above it.


A voice full of fear came from the mouth of the Snow Wolf King, and his mind and body were completely dominated by fear at this moment.

So much so that the unstoppable attack of the Snow Wolf King came to an abrupt end.

With its huge mouth open, it stopped in mid-air, neither daring to fall nor retracting.

Such an amazing scene made the atmosphere of the scene even more strange.

No one thought that...

The attacking action of the Snow Wolf King will suddenly stop!

The host and guests in the live broadcast room all widened their eyes, showing a look of horror.

"Well, what\'s going on here?"

The host Xiaoying was completely dumbfounded.

King Bing, Brother Qiang, and others, couldn\'t understand all of this.

Is the screen stuck?

Otherwise, why would the Snow Wolf King\'s attack hang above Xu Fan\'s head?

Who can explain, what exactly is the situation?

Survival from desperation?

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more stunned, their fingers hung on the keyboard, and even the action of sending the barrage stopped.

Everyone held their breath and stared at the picture with all their attention.

Xu Fan…

still alive!

Although I don\'t know what happened, but in the strange picture, Xu Fan has indeed ushered in a silver lining!

"It\'s... scared..."

Soon, the guest Qiang rolled his throat and swallowed nervously.

Through the live broadcast, he clearly saw that the eyes of the Snow Wolf King had undergone subtle changes.

As an expert in wild survival, he has seen similar performances from other creatures.

"But, why... a terrifying beast with such a huge size feels fear?"




At this moment, a loud noise resounded throughout the live broadcast room.

The Snow Wolf King, who was over five meters in size, seemed to be confused, and his limbs began to shake.

The pupils, which were filled with fear, then slackened.

In the end, in the midst of this sound, the Snow Wolf King fell to the ground.

A large cloud of dust and smoke spread out in all directions.

And those wolves that surrounded Xu Fan were also incomprehensible.

Why did my king suddenly fall to Xu Fan\'s ground!

Especially its movements, it\'s like surrendering to Xu Fan!

For a while, Snow Wolf, whose mind was not that powerful, began to step back.

I want to get away from here.

The eyes they looked at Xu Fan were gradually filled with fear.

On the other hand, Xu Fan remained calm and calm, "Even so much arrogance as a tyrant..."

Although it was not his intention to use domineering too early, the wolf king in front of him was beyond his understanding.

At this moment, he was completely forced to take action!

"But there\'s nothing you can do. According to common sense, there will be no wolves of this size in this world at all."

Xu Fan thought to himself, clenching his homemade long knife in both hands.

In any case, if you want to win the resources in the forbidden area for the Yan Kingdom, the only way is to kill the lord.


Xu Fan has never been an indecisive, woman-friendly person.

I saw that his gaze was slightly condensed, aiming at the left eye of the Snow Wolf King, and a force erupted from his arms, pushing the long knife out.


The sharp blade pierced into the pupil of the Snow Wolf King, and continued to penetrate from the weakest point.

Straight to the brain!

Blood flowed out from the corner of Snow Wolf King\'s eyes, dyeing his hair red.

And as the long knife passed through the Snow Wolf King\'s brain, its body also twitched a few times.

The pupil of the other eye gradually dilated.

The fear in his eyes slowly disappeared.

At the nostrils, there is only air out, but no air in.

The chest that should have been rising and falling, also began to stand still.

All the signs are pointing to...

This mountain forest lord lost his vitality!

Xu Fan solved the opponent directly with his own power!

As for the wolves that surrounded Xu Fan\'s path, they were even more frightened at this moment.

None of them thought that the king of the race was like a wolf god.

it turns out…

He died in Xu Fan\'s hands!

The most terrifying thing is that the whole process took less than half a minute!

If Xu Fan did his best to kill the Snow Wolf King, they might still have the courage to rush up and defend the glory of the wolf clan.

But now, everyone can see the difference in strength between Xu Fan and the Snow Wolf King.

It\'s not a level at all!

The snow wolves let out "woohoo" screams, but none of them dared to approach Xu Fan.

Not only that…

As some wolves in the wolves collapsed because of fear, they turned around and fled here, which instantly formed a certain effect, UU reading www.uukanshu. com more and more snow wolves began to run for their lives.

In fact, although Xu Fan now only has 30% of Whitebeard\'s power, if he wants to, he can use his tyrannical arrogance to sweep in all directions and destroy the entire pack of wolves.

However, considering his every move, he is broadcasting live around the world.

In order not to reveal his strength too early, Xu Fan concentrated on his domineering and dealt with the wolf king alone.

The result was as he expected.

With the fall of the Snow Wolf King, the remaining wolves simply did not have the courage to face themselves.

"It seems that in future actions, we should be more cautious."

Xu Fan muttered to himself, as if he had escaped from the dead and felt relieved, he slumped to the ground and started breathing heavily.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, the number of people began to soar wildly.

The audience of the Yan Kingdom.

foreign audience.

A large number of people poured into the live broadcast room, directly raising the number of people online to one billion!

no doubt…

Xu Fan\'s live broadcast room broke the live broadcast record in one fell swoop and became the peak of the number of people online at the same time!

Moreover, every audience who came into Xu Fan\'s live broadcast room was dumbfounded and shocked!

【Notice! Congratulations to Xu Fan, a player from the Yan Kingdom, for discovering a mountain forest in the forbidden area outside the territory, and successfully occupying the mountain forest! 】

[The Yan Kingdom bound by player Xu Fan will get the embodiment of the mountain forest! 】

[Assessing the players\' harvest this time...]

[Get a D-level treasure chest! 】

This notification appeared in the live broadcast room of each player.

Everyone in the world who pays attention to the live broadcast of the forbidden area has only one thought in their hearts now...

Yan Kingdom\'s player Xu Fan...

in the end…

Where is it sacred? !