Bound Luck: Get The Whitebeard Template at the Start

Chapter 16: Can you help me with my mortgage?

"Sure enough, everything in the forbidden area cannot be understood with the common sense on Blue Star."

After eliminating the Snow Wolf King, Xu Fan sat directly on the corpse of this fierce beast, leaned back, and lay down.

Not to mention, wolf fur is moderately soft and hard, and quite comfortable.

In addition, he won a large area of ​​forest resources for the country of Yan.

At this time, I can finally rest.

"If you hadn\'t seen it with your own eyes, who would believe that a wolf could grow to more than five meters."

"It\'s almost catching up with the sage wolf Holo."

"And this is a D-class creature."

"I don\'t know how outrageous it will be for C-level, B-level, A-level..."

"The most important thing is that in this forbidden area, I don\'t know if there are other civilizations."

Xu Fan thought to himself.

My understanding of the world is still too little.

If they were all fierce beasts like the Snow Wolf King, with their current strength, there would be no problem in crushing them all the way.

But in case...

"Forget it, let\'s be more stable."

Xu Fan took a deep breath and started planning his next move.

Now, I got supplies from the players of the Fried Fish Country.

It is no problem to live frugally and stick to it for half a month.

People without far-sightedness must have near-term worries, and vice versa.

"Anyway, it\'s better to collect all the information on the forbidden area as much as possible."

"Then take a break and leave here."

No matter what, he was bound to the fate of the Yan Kingdom.

All resources found in forbidden areas can be embodied in the real world.

Solve the human crisis.

How can you stay on the sidelines?

"But then again, I\'m not a tall person. Rather than claiming to be a hero, I\'d rather say..."

"I hope that the people around me can live a better life."

"If I perform well in the forbidden area, the official should treat my family well."


Xu Fan suddenly remembered.

His every move is being broadcast live.

at the same time…

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room soared rapidly.

600 million.

Seven hundred million.

800 million…

In the end, with the announcement of Xu Fan\'s solution to the Snow Wolf King, the number of people in his live broadcast room exceeded the one billion mark!

And all those who witnessed this scene blinked frantically, seriously doubting whether they had hallucinations.

Otherwise, with the power of human beings, how could it be possible to kill beasts that are several times larger than themselves?

But no matter how shocked these audiences are, it can\'t change the fact that has happened.

Xu Fan is like a **** of war, he has solved the overlord of the mountains and forests!

The entire Yan Kingdom was completely boiling.

Many people even walked out of the house and started setting off firecrackers.

Not only to celebrate Xu Fan\'s escape from danger, but also to celebrate Yan Guo\'s acquisition of precious resources!

"Neihe, I have no culture, go around the world with one word, a D-rank beast, just like this by our contestant Xu Fan... No, it was Dad, Dad Xu, he was killed by Dad Xu!"

"Just now I thought little brother Xu Fan was dead, but I didn\'t expect little brother Xu Fan to be so fierce? Does anyone know the contact information of little brother Xu Fan, so I don\'t need the dowry!"

"Don\'t want a dowry? The old lady can pay a dowry of 1 million yuan, and stand aside if you want to prostitute for nothing!"

For a while, the barrage in the live broadcast room was overwhelming, and every audience member was excited.


There are also audiences who are sour about Xu Fan\'s performance.

"If the beast hadn\'t stopped just now, your players would have died. What\'s there to be proud of?"

"I saw it too, but it was just luck."

"I seriously suspect that Yan Guo\'s players are playing G, how can I report it!"

However, these voices were quickly drowned out by the barrage.

Yan Guo\'s audience didn\'t even bother to match the line, and responded directly with "It\'s so sour".

More local tyrants began to send gifts in the live broadcast room.

The ID is even changed to the best guardian Xu Fan, and he wants to lick a god-level ID such as Daddy Xu\'s Swallow.

Some viewers even temporarily quit the Yan Guo live broadcast room, and went to the live broadcast room of other players to talk about Xu Fan\'s performance with gusto.

Let the number of people in Xu Fan\'s live broadcast room skyrocket again!

And the host and guests in the live broadcast room were stunned for a long time before they could react.

The host Xiaoying took a deep breath, "Congratulations to our contestant Xu Fan, who saved the day."

"If the fierce beast hadn\'t stopped suddenly, it might have been another ending." Yuanyuan on the side couldn\'t help but speak.

The result was still an unpleasant speech.

Even the King of Soldiers, Brother Qiang and the others also looked a little unsightly.

"What I want to say is..." Yuanyuan suddenly realized that she had said something wrong, and quickly explained, "Could it be that there is something wrong with this fierce beast, such as physical discomfort?"

"I don\'t think so. When it rushed towards Xu Fan just now, it took a ten-meter distance in one step. It was very lively, but you are right. Its sudden stop is indeed abnormal." Qiang Brother frowned.

Although everyone held their breath just now and didn\'t even dare to breathe, but with Xu Fan returning to safety.

Everyone\'s dangling hearts also calmed down.

Some details have also begun to be noticed.


These people, separated from the screen, naturally cannot perceive any domineering domineering.

Can\'t understand what happened.

Only limited cognition can be used to force an explanation.

In the end, it was concluded that the Snow Wolf King was seriously ill, and it relapsed just as he was rushing towards Xu Fan!


This feeling of forcible explanation gave Xu Fan the mystery of the chosen person. UU reading

From entering the forbidden area to the present, Xu Fan\'s luck has been extremely good!

Casually scared the snow wolf away.

He casually picked up other players\' supplies, and even robbed people of their heads.

The overlord of the mountains and forests encountered was seriously ill!

be nice...

I\'m afraid it\'s not the smoke from the ancestral tomb.

"Maybe, it\'s really possible that it was our predecessors who protected Xu Fan from the spirit of heaven."

In the end, Brother Qiang, a survival expert in the wild, came to this conclusion.

But right now...

In the picture, Xu Fan suddenly looked into the air, as if he was looking for an invisible camera.

I saw him speak slowly, "My parents are both ordinary workers. In order to help me buy a house, they took a mortgage for 30 years. Can you help me?"


"I have a younger sister who is going to college next year, can you help me apply for a grant?"

No matter what, Xu Fan could not return to Blue Star now.

I am somewhat worried about the situation at home.

Just to mention a word.

However, Xu Fan believed that even if he didn\'t say anything, the government would properly accommodate his family.

Only when he made these demands...

The host Xiaoying, "???"

King of Soldiers, Brother Qiang, "???"

Other guests, "???"

And the audience in the live broadcast room, "???"

Is Xu Fan\'s brain circuit so fresh and refined?

Then, Xu Fan withdrew his gaze and focused on the treasure chest he obtained.

do not know…

What rewards can be offered?