Bound Luck: Get The Whitebeard Template at the Start

Chapter 14: Domineering and domineering, fully released!

"You call this thing a wolf?!"

Less than thirty meters away from the Snow Wolf King, a mysterious voice sounded in Xu Fan\'s ears again.

At the same time, his cognition was completely subverted by the scene in front of him!

"D-class beast..."

According to the original conjecture, Xu Fan felt that the leader of the wolf pack was most likely the lord of this forest.

As long as you defeat the opponent, you can occupy this place yourself.

To win precious resources for their own country.

Because of this, Xu Fan ignored the official warning.

move on.

But he never imagined that the lord\'s body size would be so exaggerated!

The standing posture is more than three meters high, and his eyes are the size of iron basins.

Especially its fangs are thicker than its own arm.

If this is bitten, I\'m afraid it will not be as simple as bleeding.

"I thought that the leader of this wolf pack was only relatively strong, for example, his body length was close to five meters, and his fighting skills were even more superb."

Compare the leader of the wolf pack imagined in his mind with the big guy in front of him.

Rao is Xu Fan, who has always been calm, and he couldn\'t help but complain.

"It\'s two completely different species."

The audience in the live broadcast room of the forbidden area was even more dumbfounded.

Completely agree with Xu Fan\'s complaints.

As of now…

All players in the world who have entered the forbidden area have encountered large and small crises.

A few even encountered terrifying beasts.

But to say the worst is the player from Fried Fish Country.

Because he is the only player who has lost his life so far.

But even for him, the beasts he encountered were within the comprehension of human beings.

And the big guy Xu Fan met at this time completely shattered their three views.

On the entire Blue Star, there is no wolf with a size comparable to the Snow Wolf King!

Do not…

I\'m afraid I can\'t even find a wolf that is only half its size!

The most terrifying thing is that the government even set the danger level of this beast at D level!

It is the one with the highest danger level among all the beasts encountered by the players!

"Run, what are you still doing!"

"Please, Father Xu, run!"

"Faced with that level of beasts, you can\'t escape at all..."

The barrage in the live broadcast room showed pessimism.

If Xu Fan has a heavy weapon in his hand.

Maybe it can turn things around.

But in fact, Xu Fan only had a machete tied to a wooden stick in his hand.

Even if he pierced with all his strength, the length of the blade would not be able to cause fatal injuries to the Snow Wolf King!

"It\'s over." Brother Qiang, the guest in the live broadcast room, suddenly collapsed.

In the face of absolute power, any wisdom and courage are meaningless.

Just dropping the paw of the Snow Wolf King was enough to kill Xu Fan!

this time...

Xu Fan is really dead!

Not only that…

With the Snow Wolf King showing his fangs to Xu Fan.

The other snow wolves came out from behind the pines and cypresses, and surrounded Xu Fan, so that no water leaked.

Even if it is conservatively calculated, the number of these snow wolves is at least seventy or eighty.


Xu Fan\'s live broadcast room suddenly fell into an unprecedented despair.

Obviously, he has already walked out of the dangerous snow field.

But it still fell short.


Even the director sighed helplessly, and ordered the other staff to prepare for the screen change.

"Xu Fan\'s luck seems to be running out."

The host, Xiaoying, and the king of soldiers.

At this time, I don\'t know how to appease the national mood.

"Our contestant, after all, paid a heavy price for his arrogance." Seeing this, the writer Yuanyuan shook her head as if she hated iron.

"That\'s why I said that the hope of all mankind can only depend on the players of the Lighthouse Country."

"Only the lighthouse country has the most advanced technology and weapons for mankind."

"They are the only ones who can deal with this level of beasts."

Seeing that Xu Fan\'s situation was over, Yuanyuan was ruthless and openly touted the lighthouse country.

King Bing, Brother Qiang, and Director Zhang of the Zhanhu Bureau, although they were dissatisfied with Yuanyuan, they couldn\'t say anything right now.

What can you say?

The gap between Xu Fan and the forbidden beast is bigger than that between a baby and an adult.

how to spell?

The Neon Country audience in the live broadcast room sneered again.

"It seems that the Yan Kingdom player will become the second person to die in the forbidden area."

"It\'s really pitiful. It\'s not a blessing to have found such a precious resource."

"More than that, after the Yan Guo player dies, there will be 10 million people buried with him!"

"That\'s why I said long ago that the Yan Guo players are not as good as our Mr. Maori."

For a time, the audience of Neon Kingdom seemed to have won some victory, and a sense of superiority emerged spontaneously.

And the audience of Yan Kingdom, although some people responded quickly, but more people have already lied down and ridiculed, and even quit the live broadcast room directly.

I couldn\'t bear to see Xu Fan\'s tragic death.

On the screen…

The Snow Wolf who surrounded Xu Fan\'s retreat was even more grinning, his face was hideous, his front claws were constantly digging the ground, as if he was ready to charge.

But at this moment, the giant Snow Wolf King made a low voice.

As if giving orders to the wolves.

Although these snow wolves could not wait to tear Xu Fan to pieces immediately, they slowly backed away.

Xu Fan was vigilant about his surroundings, and immediately reacted.

"Do you want to fight me one-on-one?"

Xu Fan suddenly realized.

The machete that I got from the players of the Fried Fish Country was stained with the blood of Snow Wolf.

In the backpack, there is even a wolf skin that was just peeled off.

Plus the sentinel wolf who ran back earlier.

That\'s why this pack of wolves mistaken themselves for an enemy!

Based on this kind of relationship, the Snow Wolf King in front of him would have such a performance!

On the one hand, it wants to avenge its dead compatriots.

On the other hand, I want to show its power by hunting myself!

"It suits me exactly."

So, Xu Fan simply took off his backpack and threw it on the ground, holding a homemade long knife in one hand, and stood on the ground!

Mount Tai collapsed before and its color remained unchanged!

Although Xu Fan didn\'t want to reveal his trump card prematurely, since things have developed to this point.

Then he can only see tricks and tricks.

Although the number of people online in the forbidden area\'s live broadcast room was reduced by a part because they couldn\'t bear to watch Xu Fan\'s tragic death, they still maintained four or five billion people online at the same time.

They held their breath, not even daring to take a breath, and stared at Xu Fan with all their attention.

I want to accompany him on the last journey.

At least…

At the last moment, Xu Fan was not scared to the point of urinating.

I didn\'t embarrass the Yan Kingdom!

"No matter what the result is, I can accept it, Xu Fan, he tried his best!"

"God is really jealous of my Great Flame Kingdom! It\'s clear that Xu Fan\'s performance is the best, his physical and psychological qualities are among the top players in the forbidden area, but he met the Snow Wolf King!"

"Uuuuu, I dare not watch it."

"Fuck, that wolf king rushed over, so fast!"

I saw the snow wolf king\'s front paws kicked hard, and the huge body seemed to be flying in the sky.

Just one action, the distance between the two sides, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is cut in half!

Such an exaggerated explosive force is far less than the world\'s trapeze!

Xu Fan…

I can\'t run at all!

The next second.

The Snow Wolf King approached Xu Fan directly, and instantly opened his **** mouth.

The fangs, which were thicker than Xu Fan\'s arm, even drooled.

That huge mouth, like an endless abyss, can easily swallow everything in the world.

Many foreign audiences even thought of a name at this moment.


The giant wolf in Norse mythology!


In the eyes of these people, this wolf king is no longer a simple beast, but a god-like existence!

As a mortal Xu Fan, there is absolutely no possibility of resistance!


Player of the Yan Kingdom, the ending is already doomed.

That is to die at the mouth of the wolf king!


At this time, Xu Fan was still standing there, neither afraid nor flinched.

"Since that\'s the case, then I can only fight!"

In an instant, Xu Fan raised the long knife with one hand, his pupils shrinking forcefully.

A faint breath, centered on Xu Fan\'s body, was released frantically.


The breath is small, like a clear spring stream...

But then, Xu Fan\'s breath changed rapidly.


The aura that burst out from Xu Fan turned into a violent sea on the spot, surging and crushing towards the Snow Wolf King at an extremely terrifying speed!




And this momentum is nothing but...

Domineering and domineering!