Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2755

"Nanfeng, you should know this elder!" At this time, the God of hundred swords also said.

Nanfeng respectfully motioned to Xinghe Shenjun and responded to Baidao Shenjun, "master, I know that the reason why I can safely return from the dark sacrificial yuan is because of this elder's hand."

"Now, I tell you, I asked you to help, so you should know what I mean." The God King of hundred swords said seriously.

"I know, this elder was once a member of Sandao palace. Since he was with the sect leader, the sect leader's real identity is also a member of Sandao palace. Now, the sect leader should want me to be a member of Sandao palace." Said Nanfeng.

"Ha ha, it's easy to talk to smart people." Hear the words of the south wind, star core God Jun laughs.

"Nanfeng, what's your consideration?" Hundred sword God gentleman asks a way, the tone is a bit impatient. He is really determined to get Nanfeng.

"Sect leader, joining like this is betraying the evil sword alliance. Although the sect leader and I have an agreement to deal with the Yin ghost sect and the evil bite family together, the evil sword alliance is not in the agreement." Said Nanfeng.

"Besides, I don't want to be the enemy of such a powerful force as the evil sword alliance, at least not at present."

Hearing Nanfeng's words, Baidao Shenjun was a little anxious, but Xinghe Shenjun was very calm and said with a smile, "if the chips are enough? I believe Nanfeng Xiaoyou doesn't like the evil sword sect

"Is master Xinghe so confident? However, since master Xinghe has said chips and saved my life, I will seriously consider the chips that master Xinghe said. " Said Nanfeng.

"You fellow, before you join us, do you want something from others? They will save your life." Said the fire order of the devil.

Nanfeng originally came for sanmiandao God King. He would certainly join the power of Sandao palace.

"Huoling, if I don't do that, you won't be at ease with me." Nanfeng said seriously.

"High sounding!" Said the fire order of the devil.

"Ha ha ~" hearing the four words "fire order of the devil ancestor", Nanfeng just said with a smile.

At this time, the star core God King also began to say his chips.

"If you join the former Sandao palace, you will become the first day of Sandao palace. We will spare no effort to cultivate you. That's why we invite you to join us."

"Because no one in Sandao palace can surpass the God King of Dao alliance in the future. For many years, we have been looking for such talents, but we can't find them."

"But in the end, there's someone like you."

"In addition to this, you can get half of the rights of Sandao palace, and I think this half of the rights is enough to show our sincerity."

"In the future, you can do whatever you need as long as it's within the range of the current Sandao palace."

"It's a very generous condition. It seems that I can't do without it." Hearing this, Nanfeng touched his nose and said with a shy smile.

"So you agreed." The God of hundred swords said with a smile.

"The conditions are rich, and in the face of two strong people who can't resist, I have to agree." Nanfeng said with a smile, "besides, if you don't promise, all the previous agreements with the sect master will be over."

"Xiaoyou, don't worry. Even if you refuse, we won't embarrass you. We just hope you don't tell us what happened today."

"Ha ha, two elders, I'm kidding. I agreed." Nanfeng laughs.

In order to make them believe, Nanfeng also swore directly.

And hear south wind swear, two people also believe.

Nanfeng must take this oath, because if he doesn't, they won't really trust him, and he can't really know how many people there are in Sandao palace and the real status quo of Sandao palace.

"Ha ha, from now on, we are our own people." The star nucleus God gentleman laughs, the laughter is full of excitement.

"Nanfeng, from now on, you are the second person in Sandao palace. Master Xinghe and I will listen to your orders, so you can tell me what you want." Hundred sword God King is also excited to say.

"Of course, the present Sandao palace only exists in the dark, and there is no real place to settle down!"

"After that, I'll ask you to look after me." South wind respectfully.

Immediately, Nanfeng also asked about the current situation of Sandao palace and what kind of strong people exist.

"To tell you the truth, I don't know very well either!" The star core God King is to reply a way like this.

So the south wind became suspicious.

Xinghe Shenjun immediately explained, "Nanfeng, you know how strong the evil sword alliance is in the pursuit of Sandao palace. Therefore, the current master of Sandao palace has never called all the people together to meet, just let us work separately."

"Baidao and I are partners."

"We only know the palace master and our own people. We don't know anything else.""Of course, except for you, the palace master has promised you half of the rights of Sandao palace. I think the palace master will come to you soon and tell you half of the warriors in Sandao palace now."

"So! But the current situation in Sandao palace really needs to be like this. " South wind nods.

"The palace master certainly doesn't want to hide like this, but there's no way. In the face of the suppression of the evil sword alliance, he can only hide like this!" Star core God King said.

"Master, who is the palace master now? What does it have to do with master Dao Shenjun? " Asked Nanfeng.

"Today's palace master is named Zhengdao Shenjun, the adopted son of the palace master of sanmiandao Shenjun." Star core God King said.

"I see. It's because he is the adopted son of the God of the sword that we can rebuild the three sword palace." The south wind sighed. At this moment, Nanfeng is also looking forward to seeing the God of Zhengdao.

Listen to its name, should be to get the three sides of the sword God King true justice of the sword heritage.

"Well, then I'll leave first. We'll talk about it in detail when you and Baidao come back from the evil sword palace." Star core God King said.

"Good, master Xinghe!" South wind nods.

Then, the core left, Nanfeng and Baidao continued to move forward.

"Nanfeng, at the beginning, did you guess that master Xinghe was actually sent by me, because you didn't look shocked after you knew the relationship between master Xinghe and me." On the way, the God of hundred swords asked.

"A little bit!" Nanfeng said with a smile, "after all, senior Xinghe is unlikely to appear in the dark sacrificial yuan without any reason, and the whole double heaven is for my safety, that is, you."

"Your guess is perfect!" Hearing the words of the south wind, the God King of hundred swords said.

"Ha ha, whatever you want." Nanfeng laughs. After that, Nanfeng also secretly contacts Mu Yihan. He wants to ask Mu Yihan about Zhengyi Daojun.