Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2754

The breath of the spirit body is not the power of aura, nor the power of evil Qi, but the power of the dark breath that he cultivated. There is no doubt that, driven by the other nine worlds, he also evolved into the world of netherworld, which gave him the body of netherworld.

"It's a complete and perfect promotion!" Nanfeng said with emotion.

"Perhaps, you can ascend again, ascend your chaotic power, and use the chaotic power to counter ascend the innocent power of the triple eye." Said the fire order of the devil.

"You mean let me have a deeper understanding of the power of chaos." Said Nanfeng.

"That's right, because the three forces can be integrated into chaos. With the formation of the underworld and the spirit body, you have a deep understanding of the underworld. Why don't you practice from the fundamental integration of the three forces to improve chaos?" The fire order of the devil.

"And once you have achieved chaos, in fact, you don't need to spend too much time to cultivate the three forces and the power of innocence, because chaos can feed back all forces."

"I know. In the next few decades, let's try the fundamental integration of the three forces, and try our best to see if we can upgrade the realm to the divine realm." Said Nanfeng.

There is less than half a year left for the three Sabre examination, and less than 50 years for Nanfeng.

Before entering the closed door again, Nanfeng also dealt with some of those who were sacrificed by him. Those who were lucky and didn't die, so Nanfeng asked the dead to send them back to their original places.

Of course, because of the sacrifice, those martial arts practitioners can hardly practice any more.

Nanfeng also asked the dead men to warn their forces. If they commit crimes again, it will not be like this. Instead, they will take their lives and the lives of the whole force.

Of course, this is a verbal statement. Even if those armed men do evil again, Nanfeng will not be able to kill them. However, Nanfeng believed that with this warning, those warriors would not dare to do evil.

The time in cultivation is always the fastest. More than 30 years than 200 years, Nanfeng is awakened by the God of hundred swords.

"Are you ready to go to the home of the evil sword sect?" Nanfeng asked the God of hundred swords.

"That's right. It's time to go. The three swords competition will begin soon." Said the God of hundred swords.

"OK, when I say hello to bingnu and Yihan, I'll go with the headmaster immediately." Said Nanfeng.

"OK, I'll wait for you outside baidaomen." Said the God of hundred swords.

... "brother Nanfeng, the purpose of this Sabre contest is to fight for my father's martial arts! There are also two kinds of God sword spirits left by my father, the killing sword spirit and the evil sword spirit In the palace, Mu Yihan asked repeatedly.

"Yes, you can rest assured, Yihan. Only I can see the martial arts inheritance and the two kinds of Dao spirits of the three side Dao God King. Even if I give up my life, I will bring them back for you." Nanfeng promised.

"But also Han, you must not be impulsive, do not show too much."

At the same time, Nanfeng is also Bing Nu's voice and says, "Bing Nu, you'll take care of Yi Han. You can't let her go out. You can't use me to suppress her."

"I see. Don't worry!" Bingnv replied.

After saying goodbye to the two women, Nanfeng meets with Baidao Shenjun and goes to the evil sword gate.

"The master of the sect, the emperor of Yin, ghost and God and the people of Qianxue sect didn't come to make trouble when I was closed?" On the way, Nanfeng asked. You know, he's the two greatest geniuses who killed them.

"No, because there is no result in their quarrel. There is no rule in the evil sword alliance that the geniuses of the forces can't compete with each other. On the contrary, the leader of the evil sword alliance supports and orders that the strong ones of the forces can't interfere in the struggle between the disciples and geniuses." Said the God of hundred swords.

"But, they will not give up, this time the three knife will try, is their full attack on you."

"The news that the Alliance chief summoned you has spread, so they all know that you will definitely appear in the Sandao meeting. You must be there to prepare."

"Then come and see what they can do. Now I'm even more eager to try!" Said Nanfeng.

Nanfeng is really not as powerful as yinguishenjun, but Nanfeng is not afraid of other Shenjun under their door. As for these powerful Shenjun, such as yinguishenjun, Nanfeng will not be silly to face them.

"It seems that you have gained a lot of promotion from the twenty-four sacrificial array of dark sacrificial yuan." But I want to remind you that the 24-hour sacrifice array on you has attracted the attention of many strong people

"Now a lot of people don't do it. I guess it's because the leader of the alliance said that they would summon you. They think that the leader wants to sacrifice the array at 24:00, because even the strong one at the leader's level will definitely be attracted by the array."

"So." There was a slight south wind.

"So be careful!" Said the God of hundred swords.

"Thank you for reminding me." Nanfeng nodded, and he was also on the alert.

"Maybe, after you see the sword alliance God, you can give him the 24:00 sacrifice array and let him release the news. In this way, you will save a lot of trouble." Said the fire order of the devil."And in this way, you can gain his trust to a certain extent!"

"Huoling, I really don't want to give up this 24-hour formation. I also want to understand it!" Said Nanfeng.

"I tell you, now that you have this 24:00 sacrifice array, there will be all kinds of harm but no profit, and these dangers will not be mentioned." "You said you should understand, but according to the past situation, even if you are in the realm of the emperor, you will be qualified."

"And when you get to the emperor's Kingdom, you will get other 24-hour Memorial array."

"Now, it's better to give it to the sword alliance God King."

Hearing the fire order of the demon ancestor, Nanfeng felt that it was very reasonable. Indeed, he was not qualified to understand the 24:00 sacrifice array.

In the world of Wanshi, for 250 years, he constantly tried to understand it, but it was still like that. He could not understand it at all. At most, he was familiar with it.

"Well?" At this time, Nanfeng couldn't help doubting, because he felt the arrival of a familiar breath. In fact, it can not be said that he is familiar with the breath, because he has only seen the owner of the breath once.

"What kind of nuclear God did you contact?" Mozu Huoling asked.

"When did you see me?" Nanfeng responded.

Just after their conversation, the star core God appeared in front of Nanfeng and Baidao God.

"We meet again." See the south wind, star core God Jun said with a smile.

At the moment, the God King of hundred swords is very calm. His expression tells Nanfeng that he absolutely knows that the God King of star core will appear. In this way, Nanfeng immediately understood a lot, and his guess with the fire order of Mozu should be good.