Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2756

"Brother Nanfeng, what's the matter? What can I do for you? Do you want me to go with you? " Upon receiving the contact from Nanfeng, Mu Yihan said so.

"Yi Han, I know your mood, but it's not suitable for you to go out now. Listen to me and stay in baidaomen." Feeling the urgency in Mu Yihan's tone, Nanfeng comforted him.

"OK, I see, brother Nanfeng!" Mu Yihan said reluctantly.

"Yihan, your father had an adopted son named Zhengdao Shenjun?" Then Nanfeng asked.

"Is it a sword?" Hearing the words of Nanfeng, Mu Yihan gives a slight sound. But mu Yihan's tone doesn't seem to be very happy with this Dao Shenjun, even a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, Zhengdao Shenjun, he is now the leader of the hidden three sabres palace." Nanfeng said, "and I've already been solicited. I expect to meet you soon."

"Has he become the leader of Sandao palace? He doesn't deserve the name of Sandao palace!" Mu Yihan is even more angry when he hears that Zhengdao Shenjun has become the leader of Sandao palace.

Hearing Mu Yihan's words, Nanfeng is puzzled and curious.

"It seems that this sword God King did something at the beginning, which made Mu Yihan very angry." Said the fire order of the devil.

Mu Yihan also continued, "Zhengdao, named justice, is actually an insidious villain, and also a man of heinous crimes. He is good at camouflage. Otherwise, how could his father accept him as a disciple and an adopted son?"

"He not only harmed many female disciples of Sandao Palace at the beginning, but also had misdeeds towards his mother."

"When my father found out, he didn't have the heart to behead him. He just gave him a serious warning."

"But my father didn't spread his story, so no one knew. They thought he was just."

"So, has this guy changed after being warned by master Dao Shenjun?" Asked Nanfeng.

"Although he is astringent, I'm afraid that the dog can't change his way of eating excrement. He once again gathered in Sandao palace. The name is reward. I'm afraid it's just to let those people work for him." Mu Yihan said.

"It seems that it is impossible to rely on the God of the sword." Said Nanfeng.

"Yi Han's judgment is decisive. After all, it's unknown that the God of the sword has changed. Let's make contact first and then draw the final conclusion." Said the fire order of the devil.

"I understand!" South wind responded.

After asking Mu Yihan about Zhengdao Shenjun, Nanfeng takes his mind back and puts it on the Sandao meeting.

For a while, they came to a large area of ruins. In this area, they could feel the fighting atmosphere of a long time ago, as well as the killing, blood and ferocity contained in the fighting atmosphere.

"Three swords will try to compete here?" The South breeze doubts to ask a way.

Isn't it in the evil sword League?

"Of course, this is not the alliance of evil swords. This is the Sandao palace. It used to be the main city of Sandao palace, and it was also the cultivation place of the master of sandaoshenjun palace." The God of hundred swords said slightly.

"This is the former three Sabre palace." Nanfeng felt heavy at once.

"It's true that the once three swords palace, the towering and infinite three swords palace, is said to be guarded by the three swords of God, but now it's just a ruin!" The God of hundred swords said heavily.

"After the God King of Dao league made this place a ruin, he ordered that no warrior should be allowed to rebuild the city or build a new site here, so that the waste would exist all the time."

"When you look at the center of the ruins, there are many bodies nailed to the broken boulders. Those are not the God King or the God King, all of them belong to the original three Sabre palace."

"Moreover, the God King of Dao Meng connects those corpses with himself. Once someone moves those corpses, he will know for the first time that through that connection, he will tear the space directly to here."

"Therefore, we, the three Sabre palace warriors in the dark, dare not bring those corpses, otherwise we will only let one more corpse."

Nanfeng looked at them and found that, as Baidao Shenjun said, many warriors were nailed to the broken boulders by huge artifact nails. Because they were all divine kings and gods, they were not subject to strong external forces, and their bodies could hardly rot.

"The sword alliance God King wants to warn the living beings in this area with this South breeze says, tone in, kill idea already rise.

"Yes, the purpose of the God King of Dao alliance is to warn the warriors and creatures in this area. See, this is the end of not submitting to the evil Dao alliance. Even the powerful three Dao palace is just this end." Said the God of hundred swords.

"What a sword alliance God King, this deterrence, enough deterrence." Said Nanfeng.

"If it's not for different positions, I really admire Dao Meng Shenjun. He is a overlord." Said the God of hundred swords.

"It's true that he is a overlord who can bring down Sandao palace, which is the same as his evil sword alliance. In terms of martial arts strength, I also admire him." South wind nods.

"It's decided that Sandao palace will rise again in this ruins." At this time, the south wind in the heart of a heavy voice.

"Look forward to that day, because at that time, you will be the strongest in the whole divine realm except the emperor." Mozu Huoling said expectantly.From the moment when he chose to follow the south wind, he expected the south wind to reach the peak of martial arts. At that time, he had a chance to get all the flames in the world and make chaos fire by himself.

In that way, his magic fire order will become an artifact of heaven and earth that can compete with Tianzu axe.

"Sect leader, the God King of sword alliance, what do you know about the God King of sword alliance now? In terms of strength, has he broken through to the half step divine realm?" Then the south wind asked the God of hundred swords.

"I don't think so. The half step emperor is not so good at breaking through." Said the God of hundred swords.

"This is also one of the reasons why we want to rebuild the three Sabre palace. If the God King of the sabre alliance does not break through the half step emperor, we still have a chance. Once we break through the half step emperor, we have nowhere to hide."

"I hope he won't break through for a long time, give me some time to grow up." Nanfeng said in his heart.

After that, they also left for the evil sword palace.

The evil Sabre palace is on a plain to the east of the waste of the three Sabre palace. The power of heaven and earth from the plain tends to be evil, so it's best for the evil Sabre League to be established here.

Compared with the waste of Sandao palace, the palace of evil swords is very lively. The city is so big that the buildings are constantly growing, the flying boats are constantly crossing, and the shuttling warriors are endless.

In particular, the three sabres will try, but also a sea of people.

Just a few steps into the most central huge city, the God King of hundred swords changed his face and said to Nanfeng, "the alliance leader has sent someone to deliver the message to me. As soon as you arrive, you will go to see him." "In such a hurry to see me." Nanfeng said slightly.