Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2662

"Yes, this fragment of heizu axe must not be returned to heizu's descendants!" Said the fire order of the devil.

Later, Nanfeng entered the Wanshi world and began to close the door. He wanted to integrate all the forces in the Tianzu axe. In the kingdom of God, he was already qualified to integrate the residual forces of Tianzu in the fragments.

Moreover, he has reconstituted the spirit of Tianzu's axe, so it's better to let him refine the remaining power of Tianzu to improve his realm and strength.

In the invisible way of time, his time has gone by a hundred times.

So, it's really heaven and earth outside. If there is one year, he can have a hundred years of cultivation.

In this evil swamp, Nanfeng once again sealed the blood of Tianzu in his body, and the great relationship between the blood of Tianzu and the power of zuyijue.

Therefore, in the refining process, the time is relatively more.

In the Wanshi world, it took 50 years for Nanfeng to thoroughly refine the power in the Tianzu axe, and also completely integrate the fragments of the Tianzu axe with the spirit of the gods and demons.

Refining power, the south wind also further, from the early one yuan God King realm breakthrough to the early two yuan God King realm.

After that, he began to suppress the fragment of heizu axe.

Put the fragments in the deepest part of the world, use the nine runes to condense the seal array to suppress, and also submerge the dark Qi. In short, any force that can be mobilized, the south wind has evolved into a seal force.

"This kind of suppression, at present, only heizu can make this piece of heizu axe break through the seal by induction." There was a heavy south wind.

"And when my realm is further improved, I'm afraid heizu can't do it."

After all this, Nanfeng began to find a way out of the evil chaos swamp. It took him three years to find this way. In the three years, he also gained a lot of evil light again, which made him completely consolidate his kingdom in the early period of duality.

So far, it took him 15 years to enter the evil and chaotic area.

Of course, in fact, for the south wind, it is ten thousand years.

"If it wasn't for your life, the jade plate was flashing all the time, I would almost think you were in the evil swamp, brother Nanfeng!" As soon as the south wind comes out, Bingzhong makes a heavy noise.

"Ha ha, it takes more time to enter the evil swamp!" Nanfeng replied with a smile, "but in the past 15 years, brother Bingzhong, you are not waiting for me here, are you?"

"Of course not. I come here every other time!" Bingzhong said with a smile, "let's go. Bingnv asked you to meet her as soon as you came out."

Nanfeng nodded slightly. Bingnv wanted to see him, naturally, in order to get Qi Yun!

Immediately, a group of two people through the transmission array toward the blood ice clan.

On the way, Bingzhong naturally found out the current state of Nanfeng, and he was more afraid.

Nanfeng also asked Bingzhong about the current situation of the evil sect. It's not bad. With the help of Helian's family and bingnu's unwillingness to help, she has completely stabilized for 15 years.

Bingnv's help to the evil sect is naturally very reluctant.

As for those who want to kill Nanfeng, they have to stop, because they don't have much courage to go into the evil swamp to kill Nanfeng.

As for Bingxuan's death, Bingzhong won't ask. Nanfeng's killing saves him a lot of things.

In Xuebing clan, Nanfeng also directly enters the cultivation world where bingnu is. Goodbye to bingnu.

"It's OK. Fortunately, you didn't fall in the evil swamp. Otherwise, your evil gate will completely disappear in the evil swamp because of your fall." Seeing the south wind, the ice girl said coldly.

"Thank you, bingnv, for these 15 years!" Nanfeng thanks with a smile.

It's true that if it wasn't for bingnv, because of Bingxuan's death, the other faction of Xuebing clan didn't know how to deal with the evil sect in secret.

"You don't have to thank me. You have disappeared for 15 years. That is to say, this time you have to give me three-quarters of your own fortune." Ice female light says.

"It's my life to accumulate 15 years of Qi luck all at once. Well, in the next 15 years, I will provide you with one tenth of Qi luck every year. After 15 years, I will restore one twentieth of Qi luck until you break through God." Said Nanfeng.

"I want three-quarters of your luck now. You owe it. If you want to complain, you can complain about yourself!" Ice female cold voice says.

She's not going to give up the opportunity to get rid of Nanfeng.

Now she takes three-quarters of her fortune to Nanfeng. She doesn't break her vows. She can even abolish Nanfeng to a certain extent. How can she let go.

"You should have expected this scene?" At this time, the fire order of the demon ancestor asked Nan.

"Nature expected that taking three-quarters of my luck would not threaten my life. Beyond the promise, the ice girl would not miss this opportunity." South wind responded.

"How do you deal with that?" Said the fire order of the devil.

"Anything, as long as the chips are enough, it's possible!" Nanfeng laughs.The palm turned, Nanfeng took out a breath from the time tunnel, handed it to bingnv, and said, "I'm three-quarters of the breath. Bingnv, please put it down and feel it first."

In fact, there is no need for Nanfeng to say that as soon as he took out the Qi luck, bingnu's attention was attracted. Bingnu, who has many spirits and blood vessels, is very sensitive to good Qi luck.

She immediately took it in her hand and felt it. After feeling it, she just couldn't believe it. "What kind of luck is it? It's purer than what you have on you. It contains great road, and it also has a feeling of being close to heaven and earth?"

"Bingnv, what's your luck?" Looking at bingnv's shocked look, Nanfeng grinned and asked.

"That's why. No wonder you didn't refine all the Qi after you got them. Instead, you left dozens of shares." See this one scene, the evil ancestor fire makes smile way.

"The luck in the time tunnel is much better than that in me. I don't think this ice girl will refuse." Nanfeng said with a smile, "besides, it doesn't matter if she refuses. I'll refine the Qi to recover."

"It just makes me lose three-quarters of my Qi luck. Even if I recover quickly, it will have some influence on my martial arts."

"Don't worry, as long as this ice girl is not a fool, she won't refuse the luck in the time tunnel." Said the fire order of the devil.

"How much luck do you have? Where did you get it? " Returning from the shock, bingnv asked heavily.

With bingnv's question, Nanfeng knows that bingnv has chosen the air transportation in the time tunnel. "Bingnv, it seems that I don't have to tell you this. I just want to ask, how about exchanging the qi movement with the Qi Movement in my body?" Nanfeng laughs.