Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2661

"It's a foregone conclusion!" The outcome of the ninth ancestor is unknown, and the south wind is a cold response.

"How arrogant The spirit of the black ancestor axe fragment is very angry and hisses again.

"I'm afraid that's why you don't have any other thoughts." South wind sneers.

It may not be useful for the ninth generation ancestor, but it should be useful for heizu's axe fragment intelligence, because he has been in this time tunnel for too long. He can't wait to go out. He is very afraid of being suppressed by the south wind.

"Kill him!" Sure enough, when he heard Nanfeng's words, the black ancestor axe pieces roared with ferocious and gloomy tone.

"I see, master!" The ninth ancestor responded.

The ninth ancestor knew that he had to make a quick decision. Otherwise, if he delayed, his wisdom would be influenced by Nanfeng's words. Moreover, when the power in the two pieces is exhausted, the loser can only continue to be him.

The source of Sangu's evil spirit is no longer there. He is not as good as an ordinary warrior, and he can't compete with Nanfeng.

"The ancestor of Demons - axe body!" The ninth ancestor roared.

Boom boom! Under the sweeping of heizu's magic power, the crazy magic body reappeared, which was bigger than the chaotic gold body of Nanfeng. The shadow of pieces of heizu's axe diffused on the body, infinitely enhancing the physical body and magic power of the body.

At this moment, the ninth ancestor's physical body and magic power are both at the same time.

The body of the God King and the chaotic gold body are integrated, and the south wind completely absorbs the power in the Tianzu axe.

On the body, there are also pieces of Tianzu axe, which are also strengthening the power of Nanfeng's physical harmony.

Between the eyes, they collide with each other again, and the figure diffuses with the manic waves, occupying the whole space in an instant. This time, it must be even more desperate.

Feel the spread of the waves, this seems to be a more intense, I do not know when to win or lose the battle, but only a few minutes, the battle ended.

With the blood spilled again, the ninth ancestor was severely hit.

At that moment, the ninth ancestor was separated from the fragments of heizu axe.

"That's the result!" The south wind came out of the storm and said coldly.

"It's true that you and I have fused some of the power of the two most powerful weapon fragments between heaven and earth by blood, but you have to know that you are not what you were before, and you are no longer the top genius with three demons of heaven and earth!"

The power in the fragments of heizu axe is similar to that in the fragments of Tianzu axe. In this way, the decisive factor is Nanfeng and the ninth ancestor. But at this time, the gap between the ninth ancestor and Nanfeng is too big.

At this moment, there is no suspense about the battle.

"South wind!" The ninth generation is growling.

There was no failure in the martial arts of the ninth ancestor, but this time, he really failed twice, and it was a complete failure, and the failure was still in the hands of the descendants of his blood enemy Tianzu.

Nanfeng no longer paid attention to it, and the power gathered again, divided into two groups, and suppressed them towards the ninth generation and heizu axes.

"You go first!" At this time, the black ancestor axe fragment intelligence suddenly said so.

Then, the fragment of the black axe exploded wildly.

The fragment of heizu ax exploded his intelligence.

Of course, it also blew up all his remaining strength.

Such a self explosion caught the south wind off guard, and the power of the self explosion was not small. The south wind was the first to bear the brunt, just barely defending.

Fortunately, there was not much trauma.

But when he felt it again, the ninth ancestor was gone.

The look of the south wind was directly gloomy.

The ninth ancestor, he is not willing to let go at all. The ninth ancestor is a genius who goes beyond the level to challenge. He must be the leader of the future demon clan and a great enemy.

Nanfeng didn't go after him, because it was a little impossible. At this time, the ninth ancestor must have fled back to the demons along the way he got through the test.

At this time, he did not dare to enter the demon Kingdom now, even if he had an instant walk between heaven and earth.

"I didn't expect that in order to let the ninth ancestor escape, the intelligence in the fragments of heizu axe would choose to explode by itself!" "But also, his intelligence in this fragment is dispensable. It's better to save the ninth ancestor and let the ninth ancestor take the news back," he said

"Otherwise, no one in the demon clan can know who has this fragment."

"Careless!" There was a heavy south wind.

"At least, this fragment of heizu axe has been obtained by you. With this fragment in hand, heizu axe can't be recovered again!" Mozu Huoling said, "in general, you have succeeded."

"I'm not going to comfort myself with this. The escape of the ninth ancestor is a failure for me." Nanfeng said, "but don't worry, this failure will not affect my mentality!"

"That's good. Take this fragment of heizu axe, let's leave too!" "After all, there is no guarantee that the ninth ancestor will bring the strong one in," said the fire order"I understand!" South wind nods.

At once, the south wind suppressed the fragment of the black ancestor axe into the depths of the engulfed world. Without the intelligence and power of the fragment of the black ancestor axe, it would be very easy to suppress it.

After that, he bid farewell to the world tunnel, and the south wind also left the time tunnel and reappeared in the evil swamp.

After arriving at the area of evil chaos, Nanfeng felt the time of evil chaos swamp for the first time to see if it was ten thousand years.

A feeling, found only after a few days.

"A few days..." Nanfeng is surprised!

"Ten thousand years have passed inside, but only a few days have passed outside. The invisible way of time in the time tunnel has really reached a limit!" After the surprise, Nanfeng was also filled with emotion.

"And I also feel that ten thousand times of invisible time is not the limit of time tunnel!"

"Maybe, in a word, the time in the time tunnel is beyond the time way of heaven and earth!" Said the fire order of the devil.

"But always those demonic geniuses have gained ten thousand years of cultivation, but I still hope the situation is at this moment." Nanfeng said, "otherwise, it will be ten thousand years now, and the world will change. This is not what I want!"

"In that case, I may miss a lot of things and have a lot of regrets. This is not what my martial arts want."

"Don't say that. It's over. We've got what we want. Next, do you want to leave the evil swamp directly?" Asked the fire order.

"Don't worry, first let me understand the power in this fragment of Tianzu axe, and thoroughly suppress that fragment of heizu axe!" Said Nanfeng. "I don't want this fragment of heizu axe to break my seal because of the induction of other fragments of heizu axe, or the induction of heizu blood."