Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2663

Hear the south wind's inquiry, ice female silence down, she is doing the last thought.

However, in the end, she chose the air transport in the time tunnel, because she also thought that if Nanfeng had a lot of such air transport, even if she got three-quarters of the air transport from Nanfeng, Nanfeng would recover well.

Maybe this will affect the martial arts of Nanfeng, but the result is too small for her.

If it is not dangerous to the south wind to a great extent, she might as well choose the air transport in the time tunnel to enhance herself.

"Yes!" With a slightly unwilling tone, bingnv nods in response to Nanfeng.

"Well, 15 years, I use 15 shares of this kind of luck as compensation!" Nanfeng laughs.

"Every 30 years, two shares!" But bingnv said directly, "if you don't agree, you can take out three-quarters of your Qi now!"

After all, bingnu is not an ordinary person. She has great confidence that Nanfeng will agree with her request, because Nanfeng, a genius like her, is absolutely willing to pay some price to ensure the perfection of her martial arts.

"This woman is really difficult, but she really caught my heart!" Hear ice female's request, South breeze in the heart helpless a.

It's true that Nanfeng is willing to pay 30 shares of Qi to keep his martial arts integrity.

"I'll give you thirty shares of luck." Nanfeng replied, "however, you need to do me a favor, that is to find an opportunity to let you enter the present evil fire clan!"

"It seems that you really have a certain relationship with the xueteng snake clan and the evil fire clan." Bingnv said.

"So, does bingnv agree?" Asked Nanfeng.

"Naturally, if I can use you to deal with xueteng snake, why don't I?" Bingnv said with a smile, "I will find you the chance to enter the evil fire sect as soon as possible."

"Thank you very much!"

After thanking, Nanfeng takes out 30 breath to bingnv.

After that, he naturally returned to the evil gate.

Bingzhong, of course, continues to follow the south wind. This time, Bingzhong has another goal, which is to see where the south wind gets the air transport in the time tunnel.

Fifteen years later, the evil fire god king did not make any progress, because if he did not get rid of the evil spirit in his heart, he could not make progress even if he set foot on the new martial arts.

When the goddess of heaven, she left the region of evil and chaos first, and wanted to have a perception of heaven and earth, because the road to break through the realm of God and king is very near.

Fengyi has finally made his own name. Now he has joined another half step God King Power in the area of evil chaos, which will be a great help for Nanfeng.

"The kingdom of God, you have indeed arrived. Congratulations See south wind, evil fire God King excited way.

When Nanfeng arrived at the divine Kingdom, it showed that he was further away from getting rid of the demons.

"I've asked bingnv to find a chance for me to enter the present evil fire sect. At that time, I will try my best to contact Baiji!" Said Nanfeng.

"Try to get rid of your demons as soon as possible!"

"Thank you very much!" Said the king of evil fire.

"Between you and me, you don't have to be so polite. Nanfeng laughs.

"By the way, Bingzhong, who followed me, was sent by bingnu to watch me. You should pay attention to him, but don't let him have any doubt that you are the God of evil fire.

"Don't worry, he won't see it." The king of evil fire nodded.

After that, Nanfeng is going to see the blood devil bead of heaven and earth.

But at this time, another feeling in his body made him very excited, and he suddenly felt the breath of his other soul separation.

Currently, Nanfeng has three separate souls, namely, hunhuo soul and zulei soul.

The other one is the soul separation he left on the continent.

Now, he felt the breath of this soul separation.

"Here they are, at last, in the realm of God!" The south wind is excited.

When the soul is separated into the divine realm, it means that the people he misses have reached the divine realm.

"It seems that as soon as you leave, the people in the kingdom of heaven and earth will start to go to the continent and the world of the great emperor." The fire order of the demon ancestor said, "do you want to go back to the kingdom of heaven now?"

"Although I can't wait to see those people, my parents, my wife and my children, I can't go back now. As soon as I return, the strong members of the dark family will immediately look at the kingdom of heaven and time again!" The South breeze suppresses the heart that can't wait to go back to think, heavily say.

"And now, I have to follow a Bing Zhong behind me!"

"It seems that we can only put off one more time." Said the fire order of the devil.

"Yes, I can only delay it a little longer. I dare not make any gamble on such a thing. If those big forces really find the way to the continent, I will be the eternal sinner on the continent." Said Nanfeng.

"Your soul should not go to the kingdom of heaven and time." Said the fire order of the devil."Before I left, I had told my soul to separate himself to the outside of the divine realm and let him come directly to the evil and chaotic region." Said Nanfeng.

"That's good!"

… Later, Nanfeng did nothing but wait for the arrival of the soul separation.

Nanfeng can't get out of the evil area, because the ice girl will know for the first time. Out of the region of evil chaos, the oath between him and bingnv doesn't count. At that time, bingnv's choice might be to kill him.

Such waiting is really long and anxious.

Fortunately, as soon as he arrived at the divine realm, the realm of his soul separation improved rapidly, because he was already in the realm of the divine king. He just waited for about ten days before the soul separation arrived.

Of course, he let the soul into his own world directly.

Immediately, Nanfeng also learned all the news.

Time and space and others spent more than ten years, finally found the world of the great emperor, continent and land, and took away the creatures who wanted to go to the divine realm from the continent and the world of the great emperor.

Of course, Nanfeng's relatives and friends are the most important.

They're all fine, too.

It's just that the godfather, Zhang Jiayuan and his group of geniuses left the kingdom of God as soon as they arrived. When they arrived at the kingdom of God, they naturally had to let go.

There are many creatures brought back from the continent and the world of the great emperor, so they are temporarily in the small world of time and space, and need to step out of the small world in batches, so as not to attract other people's attention.

Among them, Nanfeng is most concerned about the nature of Nanhao.

Bai Youlian and Nan Hao are still frozen, and the ancient steles on the continent are guarding them.

"Now I am in the realm of God King. I don't know if I can wake Hao'er up." Nanfeng said sadly.

"With the protection of the ancient steles of Zhoulu, they are not in trouble for the time being. I think you'd better wait until you can really stand on your feet in this holy land before you return to Zhoulu." Said the fire order of the devil. "I understand!" Nanfeng nodded, "can only first in the grievance of them."