Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2656

Now Nanfeng, at the same level of strength, can make him fear, that is, the creatures with chaotic ancestral blood, the genius with three spirits and evil spirit, or the talent who leaps over the level and challenges like him.

But to tell the truth, he never thought that there would be a genius who could challenge in the divine realm like him in this era.

Now, standing in front of him is not only a genius who can challenge in the divine realm, but also a genius who has three demons of heaven and earth. How can Nanfeng not be dignified.

This ninth ancestor is really another black ancestor.

"There's no rival on land for Ke Zhou!" Mozu Huoling said, "let go of the war completely. If you win the ninth ancestor, you will have a chance to win heizu in the future."

"You're not the only one to challenge. You're not the only one to break the rules of heaven and earth in the divine realm!" Magic rolling in, the ninth ancestor of the sound of drinking.

"It's true that now you are ahead of me in the challenge of leapfrogging, the more three realms, but what's the difference? No one will remember the losers, the dead

"You really amaze me! With your help, no one will remember the loser South wind's response.

"The melting pot of heaven and earth -- the dragon of the melting pot!" In the spirit of war, the south wind directly enters into the state of the mixed fire spirit, and a strong mixed fire magic power breaks out. The melting pot like mixed fire heaven emerges and confronts the heizu heaven. The flame burns and turns into the shadow of the dragon, biting at the heizu flag.

At that moment, the black flag surged, the fire dragon occupied, and the whole space turned upside down.

"Kill The sound of endless killing roared out in the storm.

So intense, the two men's attack is deadlocked together.

"Resist?" The ninth ancestor is a little unbelievable, because in the confrontation three years ago, he could clearly feel that the power of the south wind was not as good as his.

"In three years, I can do too much!" The south wind responded.

In the past three years, Nanfeng has really focused all his attention on collecting Qi. However, don't forget that Nanfeng is a man who can do many things with one heart. He is also improving his strength.

What's more, his understanding of martial arts and chaos under the fusion of forces greatly improved his fighting power.

Hearing Nanfeng's words, the ninth ancestor didn't want to believe it in his heart. He said angrily, "is this guy practicing when he is collecting those Qi luck?"

But no matter what, the ninth ancestor understood that if he wanted to defeat Nanfeng, he had to break out more extreme strength.

Boom boom! In his anger, heizu's magic became more turbulent. At first sight, there was a huge shadow in the sky. The power and charm of the huge shadow were stronger than any of the huge shadows that Nanfeng had seen before. In essence, it was a huge shadow.

There is no doubt that this is the shadow of heizu, and the ninth ancestor has completely stimulated the blood of heizu in the body.

A stronger supernatural breath also emerged, which was the supernatural power of heizu Yijue.

Under such blessing, Nanfeng's heaven and earth melting pot is a little unbearable. The melting pot's heaven and the fire mixing dragon are slowly collapsing.

"You have the will of heizu, I also have the will of Tianzu!" With the roar of the south wind, the long lost ancestral blood burst out in an instant, and the power of determination was also crazy.

At the same time, the south wind is no longer hidden. The chaotic golden body is called, and all kinds of forces flow on it. Carried by the chaotic physical body power, it pours into the fire mixed dragon.

In an instant, the dragon of mixed fire turns into the dragon of power with chaotic breath.

Roar! With a roar, the flag of heizu was torn.

The south wind took advantage of the situation to attack again.

He entered into the primitive self pole, and his fighting spirit instantly fused, directly entered into the three heads and six arms, and evolved into the hands of heaven and earth.

It's really a feeling of shaking all the people.

"A descendant of Tianzu who has been inherited by Tianzu must be killed. Otherwise, when he grows up, he will block the control of heizu, just like the original Tianzu." Looking at the strength of the south wind, the intelligence in the fragments of the black ancestor axe said heavily.

At this moment, you can feel the fear of the south wind from its tone, and the fear of the south wind here.

"The hand of heaven and earth!" A loud drink, big hands fall.

The south wind, which really enters the realm of the God King, is the hand of heaven and earth. The power of the world is even more powerful.

The invisible power of belief is still in the hands of the universe.

To control the real power of the world, the power of belief in Nanfeng always involuntarily rushes into any kind of magic power that Nanfeng erupts.

Boom! The whole sky is shrouded by the hands of heaven and earth.

All the power and breath of the ninth ancestor were destroyed by the universe.

But the destruction was just a moment.

At the next moment, the hand of heaven and earth in Nanfeng's world directly splits a crack, and a dark blooming light cuts off the hand of heaven and earth in Nanfeng's world.

Under the counter shock of strength, the south wind retreated heavily.

"It's not so easy to be defeated! Heizu's descendant -- the ninth ancestor There was a heavy sound in Nanfeng's heart.If you look carefully, the light is not a light, but a sword in the evolution. Surrounded by the power of heizu, the sword becomes invincible.

With the light blooming again, three mysterious shadows of heaven and earth appeared on the blade.

"Sure enough! It's really a genius with three magical powers of heaven and earth! " Seeing the three demonic shadows on the blade, Nanfeng could not help feeling again.

"The hand of heaven and earth? How dare you call yourself heaven and earth His figure emerged after the shadow of the sword, and the ninth ancestor disdained to sneer.

Of course, he didn't dare to underestimate the south wind.

At this moment, Nanfeng really saw the three demons of heaven and earth behind the ninth ancestor, each of which was the top and most powerful.

"Maybe it's childish in your eyes, but it's just childish like that, crushing the heizu blood magical power that you don't have the power of heaven and earth magic Qi," Nanfeng sneered.

But a black light has fallen.

Falling in the shadow of three invisible Qi. There is no doubt that at this moment, the ninth ancestor combined all the power in the three evil Qi of heaven and earth with heizu's blood.

This cut is very powerful!

Nanfeng did not dare to carry the slightest, and the spirit of the gods and Demons emerged behind him.

However, the south wind did not break out the magic power inside.

Although the ninth ancestor and other demonic geniuses already knew that he could be transformed into a demonic creature, they did not know how. Therefore, hiding magic would help him to become a card against the demons in the future.

"A look? Only one air? It seems that Ben has overestimated you a little bit! " Seeing the south wind was just an air, the ninth ancestor was really surprised and disdained. Because in his heart, Nanfeng, like him, is a genius with three air of heaven and earth.