Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2655

The tone of time tunnel will also has a trace of curiosity, and continues to say, "the winner can not only get all the luck of the loser, but also get what you want most here."

"Release the good fortune you've got!"

No matter which one is successful, the will of time tunnel is expected, because no matter which one, in the future, may become a person who transcends the way of heaven. At that time, they will break the rules of the present world, so that his will of time tunnel will have a chance to become a new way of heaven.

But the next moment, the time tunnel will be a little dull, because he felt that the number of Qi transportation of Nanfeng and the ninth ancestor was the same.

Nanfeng and the ninth ancestor also stagnated. However, the two people are just dull for a moment, then they confront each other directly. Once again, they feel a deep threat to each other.

After that, their eyes are also looking at the time tunnel will, which is how to judge.

"I have to say that you two are the two most gifted talents in my world. In this way, you can even draw!" Time tunnel, will said with emotion.

"Next, even if you all pass, as for who can take what you want, it depends on your own strength and luck."

"Where is that thing, sir?" The ninth ancestor asked eagerly.

"I will lift the seal of that thing, but the seal of that thing itself is none of my business." Time tunnel will say.

Buzz! With the fall of the will words in the time tunnel, the heizu blood in Nanfeng feels the resonance again.

"The fragments of heizu axe must be obtained, because as long as you get this piece, heizu, or heizu's descendants, can't have a complete heizu axe. This is definitely a great threat to the gods and myself!" Nanfeng said firmly in his heart.

"Thank you, master!" Feel the resonance, the ninth ancestor respectfully, immediately follow the resonance. As for Nanfeng, he knew that he would follow, so when he saw what he wanted, it was not too late to kill.

Seeing that Nanfeng and the ninth ancestor had fallen into another core space, the time tunnel would murmur to itself, "the talents of these two people are incomparable. I hope one of them can break the present world!"

For the existence of time tunnel will, their only goal is to expect the creatures under the way of heaven to break this piece of heaven and earth. They seize the opportunity to become a new way of heaven.

Across the core of several time tunnels, Nanfeng and the ninth time stopped. In a space, they saw a huge black fog. In the black fog, there was a piece of pure black ancestor power. There was no doubt that it was a piece of black ancestor axe.

You can feel the seal power on this fragment of heizu axe, which is exactly the seal power of Tianzu blood.

"The power of Zuyi's decision, it seems that this seal was originally left by Tianzu, but it seems to have been very thin." Nanfeng thought.

"Here you are at last!" Seeing the ninth ancestor, the sound came from the fragment of the black ancestor axe.

"I've kept you waiting for a long time!" The ninth ancestor said respectfully.

"There is intelligence in this fragment of heizu axe. It's a bit difficult to do!" Nanfeng's heart sank. Because there is intelligence, there is always power.

If the power contained in this fragment of heizu axe is too strong, it will be difficult for him to survive today!

"Be ready to run away at any time!" At this time, the fire order of Mozu was also a reminder.

"How can there be humans?" Immediately, the black ancestor axe fragment also noticed the south wind, kill an idea.

When he sensed the south wind, his killing intention gushed out, "he was still a descendant of Tianzu, and the blood of Tianzu in his body was not low at all!"

"Master, he got all the martial arts inheritance of Tianzu. This time, he also entered this time tunnel, so he will appear here." The ninth ancestor said.

"Because of the time tunnel, I have no chance to kill him, but that's it."

"Then kill him first!" Said the wisdom in the fragments of heizu axe.

If you listen carefully to the intelligent tone in the fragments of heizu axe, you can tell that he is very worried about the south wind here.

"Now, your life, it's over!" Immediately, the ninth ancestor turned and said coldly to Nanfeng.

"I have said that my life is not in your hands, but maybe your life is in my hands." The south wind responded coldly.

Boom! In an instant, the momentum of the two people collided fiercely, and the momentum also directly turned into two tornado storms. At that moment, the two people also moved and collided with each other fiercely.

Magic and aura are intertwined madly, and the two directly break out the first magic power.

"The flag of heizu -- the memorial ceremony of the flag!"

The dark magic of heizu was surging, and turned into a dark magic heaven, which sent out the real and irresistible power of the devil king. Under the rolling magic, a shadow of the dark flag appeared.

At this moment, Nanfeng didn't know where he was, just felt in the boundless dark abyss.Under the shadow of the flag, the power of death's memorial falls, and it is severely suppressed towards the south wind.

At this time, Nanfeng couldn't see the ninth ancestor, but he could feel the power of his blood. It was really rich, which was no less than heizu.

What the south wind faces seems to be another black ancestor.

Looking at this magical power and feeling the real power of the ninth ancestor, Nanfeng looks extremely shocked. However, he did not shock the ninth ancestor's blood, but shocked the ninth ancestor's realm.

At this moment, Nanfeng really felt that the realm of the ninth ancestor was not the God King in the middle of one Yuan Dynasty, but the God King in the early of two Yuan Dynasty.

"The God King in the early period of duality?" Nanfeng really can't believe it.

But he felt again and again that the realm of the ninth ancestor was really the God King in the early binary period.

In other words, the ninth act is also the challenge of crossing the ancestral level.

At first, Nanfeng didn't find the slightest thing about his confrontation, because Nanfeng really didn't think that besides him, there were other warriors who could cross the divine realm.

He just went to feel the power of the ninth ancestor.

Moreover, at that time, the ninth ancestor also deliberately hid himself.

"This guy! It's also a challenge of leapfrogging. It's also a challenge of leapfrogging two realms! " Magic fire and weak water shocked, tone, but also full of disbelief!

"I can't be wrong. Under his complete release of power, his realm will no longer be hidden. Moreover, you all have really felt it. My original self pole has been felt several times. He is the realm of the God King in the early binary period, but he has the power of the God King in the middle unitary period!" There was a heavy south wind. At this moment, the south wind is really very dignified.