Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2657

"You will soon know that my air is far more than your three demons can match!" The south wind responded coldly. In the face of the ninth ancestor, Nanfeng didn't want to fall behind even in his words. Even from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to fall behind in any way.

Because this is his old enemy, the invisible pride in his body does not allow him to fall behind in any aspect.

The power of the spirit of the gods and Demons emerged from behind. At the center of the south wind's eyebrows, the iron blood sword also appeared. It also grew rapidly in the light and combined with the power to cut directly.

Bang Dang! The fierce sound of gold and iron, the power of evil spirit and air interweave in an instant, impact everything like surging tide, Nanfeng and the ninth ancestor float in it.

But at the next moment, their bodies seem to weigh ten million pounds. Calm down, the knives in their hands are resonating, releasing their fighting spirit, and their strength limit is constantly improving.

However, in the process of ascension, the ninth ancestor's look was very bad, because as Nanfeng said, one of Nanfeng's looks was comparable to his three demons.

In that battle, he also felt how pure, powerful and rich the air power contained in the south wind spirit.

At one time, he thought that there was no spirit or magic spirit in heaven and earth that could surpass him in essence, but now, he really saw the spirit that could surpass him in essence.

Of course, if the ninth ancestor knew that Nanfeng was the spirit of gods and demons, he would be relieved.

Shua Shua!

When their momentum and strength reached their limit, they moved at the same time. The speed can only be described as incomparable. In a moment, the shadow of their bodies filled the whole space.

The shadow of the sword is also colliding with each other, and all kinds of magical powers are colliding with each other in the light of the sword.

This crazy collision lasted for half a month.

Half a month later, the two talents separated in a fight of Dao Dao. At that time, they were all in a state of confusion and vanity. After half a month of fierce and crazy fighting, they all had some consumption.

"It's really difficult. It's really hard to defeat this guy. He has three demons of heaven and earth. He can challenge in two realms!" The body urges the reincarnation of life and death, the south wind says solemnly in the heart.

"Otherwise, how can you be called a descendant of heizu?" Said the fire order of the devil.

"If even the ancestor of a heizu descendant is invincible, what will he use to fight against that heizu in the future?" Nanfeng is also very unwilling to say.

Today, he is a bit shriveled on the ninth ancestor.

This made him realize that the three challenges of crossing the border can't be his strength limit. Of course, it's not that he can continue to cross the border. It's just that the strength of this limit is not enough. He still needs to break out and explore his strength limit in any way.

"Don't feel frustrated. After all, the more three you are, the more two he is!" Said the fire order of the devil.

"That's no excuse!" Said Nanfeng.

In the dignified and unwilling look, some determination began to appear. Nanfeng had decided what other breakthroughs to make in this battle.

He was not willing to let the ninth ancestor get this piece of black axe, let alone lose in the hands of the ninth ancestor.

Nanfeng is not reconciled, neither is the ninth generation.

Since practicing martial arts, he has never been defeated by the same strength. This time, he will not allow it.

Moreover, how can he not mind that the south wind is one level higher than his ability to challenge.

But two people understand that it is very difficult to defeat each other. Their power gap is really between the slightest, which can be ignored.

They understand the need for a breakthrough in the limit.

Fighting is the best way to break through the limit.

So after a little recovery, they fight together again, all kinds of artifact, all kinds of supernatural powers collide, all kinds of physical tough guys.

There is only one purpose, to find a breakthrough in the limit.

This war is another whole month.

When it comes to exhaustion, neither of them is willing to retreat first, because the party who retreats first may lose his invisible courage and may not be able to seek the breakthrough they want.

"Dark blood sacrifice!" If you want to fight again, you must have strength, so the ninth ancestor completely urged his recovery power.

Under the surging of heizu's blood, a dark mark was formed in his eyebrow blood mark. There were some invisible cracks in the dark mark. Deep in the cracks, there were pieces of invisible dark world.

In the south wind under the primitive self pole, we can clearly feel that the dark world is pregnant with countless new demons.

The vitality of newborn is always the purest and most primitive of any race.

The ninth ancestor is absorbing the vitality of those new born demons.

Of course, he didn't absorb every newborn thoroughly. He just absorbed them properly to ensure that they would not affect the birth and growth of those newborns to a great extent.

Innumerable newborns, absorb a little in each body, that is endless.Pure, the original vitality of the devil has been transformed, and the ninth ancestor is rapidly recovering.

"Today, no matter what price you pay, even if you spend less money, you will die!" The ninth generation growled.

"Well! If you have the ultimate recovery power, I don't have it? " Nanfeng responded with a sneer.

The next moment, the world of life and death emerges, the spirit of life and death urges, under the feet of the south wind, the wheel of life and death emerges, a few breaths, the south wind directly returns to the peak.

"Another kind of spirit!" The ninth ancestor was unwilling to say it in his heart.

Then, the two sides continued to fight frantically.

The only way to win this battle is to constantly consume the opponent, or break through the limit a little in the battle.

One month, two months a year!

For a whole year, they were in a crazy, fierce battle.

After a year's fierce fighting, even if they recover their powers, they are really powerless.

Both of them are in a state of madness, and their will is a little fuzzy.

"No! No way The ninth ancestor roared wildly, and the black ancestor of the body of the God King became crazy.

Some flames burned from his body, and the ninth ancestor began to burn blood essence.

Under the immortal bone and chaos gold, the power of Nanfeng also soared again, his body of God King was also becoming bigger and bigger, and his blood essence was also burning.

At this moment, who has a little slack, who will be defeated.

And at this time, Nanfeng's crazy eyes appeared a lot of Qingming and excitement.

The ninth ancestor did not feel or see this scene.

Boom! With the momentum swept again, the two sides collided again, but this time soon, a figure was blown away in the waves and fell into the deep space. If you look carefully, it's the ninth ancestor.