Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2654

"I don't know, but in my opinion, it's transcendence, but I can't say complete transcendence. After all, the way of heaven is the way of heaven. The real controller of this piece of heaven and earth, a living creature under the way of heaven, it's too difficult to transcend the way of heaven, even if the ancestor of heaven is the one who created heaven and earth." Said the fire order of the devil.

"You have to understand that there is a huge gap between certain transcendence and complete transcendence at that level."

"But it's too far away. You should defeat the ninth ancestor of heizu before you."

"I understand. I'm just curious. I'll ask at will." Said Nanfeng.

At the next moment, Nanfeng also thoroughly enters into the realization of the spirit in Qi Yun. He needs to realize first and wake up the spirit.

It takes time. If the perception is enough to instantly feel what kind of power is contained in this qi movement, then the speed will be very fast. If there is no such instant perception, it may continue to delay.

However, Nanfeng is Nanfeng after all. He has primitive self-determination and cultivates many kinds of power. So for a moment, he directly feels that the power in this qi movement is the power of fire.

"Fire is power." South wind in the heart slightly a sound.

He didn't hesitate, and his mind went directly into the qi movement, following the power of the fire system he felt.

All of a sudden, his whole mind was invisible. There, he saw the figure of a fire. On the figure of the fire, he directly felt the domineering spirit.

"This is a kind of domineering spirit, domineering character!" Nanfeng also made a direct judgment in his heart.

"Kneel down!" As soon as Nanfeng guessed, the figure of yinghun's fire yelled, and the invincible and domineering momentum ran over Nanfeng's shadow.

And it's not just momentum, it's the road of fire.

In the momentum, it contains the invisible road of fire. Through the invisible, it also directly enters the south wind's martial road.

"It's really a domineering soul. Let me kneel down directly. Unfortunately, I will be more domineering than that!" With a cold south wind, the power of martial arts is released independently.

He did not release all the power of martial arts, but released the way of mixed fire.

Since it is the way of fire, he will use the way of fire to respond and suppress it, and it will be a complete suppression. The hegemony of his south wind will be fully reflected in his strength.

Boom! Invisible, the fierce collision is the collision of two kinds of fire.

The moment after the collision, the figure of the heroic spirit fire was shocked heavily, and there was a feeling that it was going to be broken. At this moment, the shadow of the south wind's mind was suffused with a breath, directly enveloping the figure of the heroic spirit fire.

This result undoubtedly proved that Nanfeng won the victory in the collision between Wudao and Wudao just now.

After covering the body and shadow of the hero's soul fire, Nanfeng began to understand the road of hegemonic fire. When he understood it, the spirit of hegemonic fire on the altar belonged to him.

This process seems simple, easy, the south wind is just a collision on the suppression of the domineering soul of the road of fire.

But only when you are in it can you understand how dangerous it is.

Because that collision was the collision of life and death. The martial arts of the two people was just in a moment. If the fire way of the soul was higher than that of the south wind, then it was the collapse of the spirit, the destruction of the spirit, and then the soul and the whole body that waited for the south wind.

It took half a day for Nanfeng to understand the power of fire in the soul, and he also got this luck.

He didn't dare to waste any time. He stepped on another altar of time and continued to feel it.

It can be seen that the ninth ancestor has also arrived at the second time altar to obtain the first Qi Yun. It took no more time than Nanfeng.

"Worthy of being the most gifted genius among heizu's descendants!" The south wind is also full of emotion.

"As expected, he is the most gifted descendant of Tianzu. His comprehension and sensibility are as good as benshao!" The ninth ancestor also felt the south wind in his heart.

"But that's good. I haven't met such an opponent for a long time. It's just time for you to stimulate my infinite fighting spirit!"

Both of them just sigh in their hearts and have no dialogue, but their eyes and some senses are always paying attention to each other. The competition between them is one of the biggest competitions in their lives.

With the passage of time, the luck between the two people is increasing, and the martial arts they understand are also increasing. Virtually, their strength is improving.

It's very important for you to understand martial arts in divine realm. The accumulation of power is not necessarily, or even impossible to make great progress in your understanding of martial arts. However, the increase of the understanding of martial arts will certainly increase the strength of martial arts.

In every movement of Qi, the way of martial arts is perfect. After all, it is the time tunnel that is condensed according to the characteristics of every top genius.

Therefore, from which we constantly understand that Nanfeng's own way is rapid progress.

Because he broke through the divine king and got the body of the divine king, and the power of Qi on the body of the divine king had chaotic characteristics, so with this understanding, Nanfeng seemed to touch the chaotic Qi. The real gas of chaos.In such a sense, he constantly integrated all his power into the original self polarity of heaven and earth, and followed the feeling of chaos.

"Chaos! This is the first time that the power within me really tends to the power of chaotic Qi. " Nanfeng said, "maybe I don't need to go through the life and death in my intuition, I can condense the power of chaos that really belongs to me."

"I'm afraid it has something to do with the cultivation of your chaotic body. After all, the cultivation of chaotic body power has made you fully understand what the chaotic force is like." Said the fire order of the devil.

"I really can't imagine what kind of situation you will reach when you have the power of the real chaotic Qi, and add the chaotic golden body and the unprecedented Qi of heaven, earth, gods and demons!"

"I'm also looking forward to whether I can cultivate and refine the real chaotic Qi as soon as possible!" South wind is also expected to say.

… Three years later, the whole time altar in this core space was almost changed by Nanfeng and the ninth ancestor, and all the Qi luck was almost collected by them.

They once again confront each other in mid air, waiting for the emergence of time tunnel will to decide who wins and who loses between them.

"Let you live for another three years, cheap you!" Looking at the south wind, the ninth ancestor said coldly.

"It's not you who let me live, but I want to live!" Nanfeng responded without showing weakness.

Between the two people's words, an invisible breath of time emerges, which is the time tunnel will. "Three years has come. What's the outcome between you?"