Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2644

Roar! With a roar, the tiger came to kill in the biting. Its fangs and claws are its most powerful weapons, which are enough to kill Nanfeng. Becoming ordinary people as like as two peas is not a state of repression and strength, and the suppression of the realm and strength, the strong body of the south wind is still there, but it becomes ordinary people, that is, everything is ordinary. What's more, the strength of his body is nothing, just like ordinary creatures. Any ordinary weapon can make

a great threat.

Therefore, when the fierce tiger comes and its claws are torn, Nanfeng must avoid it first. He needs to find the weak points of the fierce tiger to attack, that is, his abdomen and neck.

Fighting, south wind and tiger figure intense intertwined together, blood splashing.

Nanfeng didn't lose his memory, so he could almost use many evasive moves and offensive moves, which made him attack the tiger well in the fight

you can see that there are many collapses in the belly and neck of the tiger.

But on his body, only appears some embarrassed.

"The test is too simple." Nanfeng thought. The test is simple, Nanfeng is excited, so that he can quickly enter the center of the deep, get the opportunity to find resonance reasons.

But there was also some disappointment, because he wanted to break through his understanding of time with the help of this test.

However, sometimes everything is so coincidental. As soon as Nanfeng thought about it, he immediately found something, that is, the tiger's abdomen and neck collapsed without any influence.

Moreover, if the collapse is serious enough, the tiger can recover quickly.

When he found this scene, Nanfeng's face immediately became dignified, but in the dignified, he also looked forward to it, because the extreme challenge he wanted appeared, and only under such a limit, could he really understand it.

"You're interesting." It was the same in his heart.

Because of this recovery, the fierce tiger is just like the birth of wisdom. The more the battle is, the more brave the tiger is. In this way, the trauma of Nanfeng is also increasing and the weight is increasing.

Under the constant evasion and attack, Nanfeng's face is really gloomy. As an ordinary man, it's absolutely not a good thing for him to drag down with such a fierce tiger.

"I hope my comprehension and cultivation ability still exist!" Nanfeng said in his heart.

Tiger here has such a means of recovery, it can not be said to be a simple tiger, then want to beat, there is only one way to gain strength. Otherwise, he can't do it with only his meat fists.

Nanfeng focused on the tiger's ability to recover, and he found that it was using the power of time to recover. Although he is an ordinary man, he is still familiar with time. He can feel that when the tiger recovers, the power of time permeates the place where it recovers.

What's more, it must be the power of time, because he chose the test of time, and now, there is no other warrior in this place.

Then, Nanfeng kept attacking the same place under the tiger's abdomen. He wanted to know how the tiger used time to recover and whether it was time to jump.

Biro said that it's a serious injury now, but before a few breaths, it's not that a time jump will make the wound jump before a few breaths, and it will be intact.

Or as his time goes by, the rapid passage of time is obviously a short time, but actually has a long time to recover. Even if the recovery ability is slow, it is terrible.

Continue to feel, Nanfeng should use this feeling to cultivate the power of time.

His memory of the power of time is still there.

He needs to race against the clock, because he can't afford to drag in front of the tiger.

After feeling it, he understood that it was the passage of time, not the leap of time, and the passage of time was just what he wanted, because the breakthrough he wanted to make now was the passage of time.

In this way, he will have a longer training time than any other living creature.

Above martial arts, talent is naturally important, but cultivation time is also important. Needless to say, the limit of strength absolutely needs time to accumulate, and many times, understanding also needs time to accumulate.

Under the understanding, Nanfeng's ordinary body began to spread a trace of time power.

Fortunately, as an ordinary man, his cultivation ability has not been lost.

After a certain amount of time strength in the body, Nanfeng found that the tiger's wound recovery, the passage of time, is much higher than his own, it is an invisible passage of time.

In terms of the power of time, what is invisible time is the multiple of the increase and decrease of time, which is more than 100 times.

The increase or decrease of time more than 100 times is against the law of heaven and earth to a certain extent. After all, heaven and earth have rules, and time should flow normally, no matter where it is.

It is necessary to make continuous breakthroughs in the understanding of time in order to reach the intangible passage from the ordinary passage of time.

Invisible time goes by. This kind of state is also what Nanfeng has been dreaming of, because when it comes to invisible time, many people practice for a year, but he can practice for at least a hundred years.

Moreover, as long as the invisible time elapses, he will also reach the invisible time counter current and let time be slowed down a hundred times or even more. This will definitely give the enemy a huge surprise in battle."The time channel contained in the time tunnel is really good. The invisible time channel has been presented to me." Nanfeng is excited.

At the next moment, Nanfeng's heart is more willing to fight, and his desire for power makes him desperate to reach the intangible realm of time.

Regardless of the tiger's attack, he just evaded subconsciously, which can be regarded as a new start to cultivate the original self pole. He focused all his attention on the tiger's wound recovery, from which he wanted to understand the invisible Tao of time.

Blood flying horizontal, flesh and blood fragmentation, this is the next south wind constantly miserable.

But in this way, his reward is that he has a deeper and deeper understanding of time and is closer and closer to the situation of the invisible time Tao.

At this moment, he and the tiger are in a race of time.

If he can understand the invisible way of time and cultivate a certain amount of time power before the tiger completely hit him, then he will win the test, otherwise, he will only become the food in the belly of the tiger.

Of course, to be the food of the tiger's belly is to be some nutrients of this time tunnel.

I don't know how long more, the bloodstain on Nanfeng's body has made him a bloody man. He was born in the body, but also had a dense white bone.

Tiger has become a blood man, but it's all stained with the blood of Nanfeng.

With the persistence of extreme perseverance, Nanfeng finally had a lot of insight into the invisible Tao of time before he expended his last strength, and he also re cultivated a lot of primitive self extreme power and time power. "This test, enough" suddenly, Nanfeng's eyes, which were dyed red with blood, became firm and gave a heavy voice.