Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2645

Boom! With Nanfeng's firm words, a force of time sprang up from Nanfeng. Although it was only a very weak force of time, it indicated that Nanfeng was no longer an ordinary man, and he returned to the ranks of martial arts.

Back in the ranks of the warrior, he has the real qualification to defeat the tiger.

Once again, he and the tiger collided, this time, his goal is still under the tiger's abdomen. But this time, his fist has been surrounded by the power of time.

As the tiger's claws cut blood marks on Nanfeng's body, Nanfeng's fist also bombarded the tiger's abdomen once again. With full strength, the tiger's abdomen collapsed instantly.

But in the instant after the collapse, the collapse, the invisible force of the passage of time directly appeared, began to quickly help tiger recovery.

"This time, it's impossible." There was a heavy south wind.

Between the words, the time power of Nanfeng's fist directly resists the invisible passage of time. The time power of Nanfeng is not the invisible passage of time, but the invisible counter current of time.

Perhaps just barely understood, and just cultivated a little bit of time power, the power of countercurrent is not enough, but you should know that the time power of tiger is not very strong, otherwise the south wind will be over.

So, in the end, Nanfeng largely eliminated the invisible passage of time on the tiger, and his fist penetrated into the tiger's abdomen for the first time at this moment.

"Kill With a roar, Nanfeng's fists turned into claws, tearing the interior of the tiger's abdomen.

At this moment, he can not have any trace of retreat, because this is his only chance, continuous fighting, blood flow, his ordinary body, has really reached the limit.

The fierce south tiger's blood is all the time when it is torn by the pure wind.

Soon the tiger turned into nothing.

With perseverance, he succeeded.

Ordinary sitting on the ground, south wind panting.

However, after a few breaths, he sat up to practice. The pure time power of tiger can't be wasted. Moreover, these pure time can also help him recover quickly to a certain extent.

In the process of absorbing the power of time, Nanfeng found that her understanding of the power of time was increasing.

"It seems to be a gift from the time tunnel." Nanfeng said in his heart.

About half a month later, the south wind almost completely recovered, although still close to ordinary people, but at this time the south wind, spirit is completely different.

Of course, because he is still close to ordinary people, he needs food to maintain his physical fitness.

The inner world, the storage space of artifact level, has long lost contact with him. He can only find it in the boundless world of white fog time.

Fortunately, he found a lot of flowers and plants. The energy contained in these flowers and plants is a good supplement to his physical fitness.

"This test, let me redo for a while ordinary people, from ordinary people to martial arts practitioners, must be taken seriously, look at the real, so, maybe there will be a different feeling." Nanfeng thought.

After that, Nanfeng was constantly attacked by fierce beasts. Every time, the strength of fierce beasts increased a lot, and after every battle, his strength of re cultivation also improved.

What makes him more excited is that his understanding of time is increasing rapidly.

It's not only the power of time, but also the other power of his body. He also re cultivated, re understood and became more perfect.

In this way, he found many defects in his martial arts.

"Defects. Is there so many defects in my own martial arts?" Finding those defects, Nanfeng said a little incredulously, because all along, he thought his martial arts were very complete.

"Time tunnel, thank you for giving me a chance to practice again!" Nanfeng couldn't help thanking the time tunnel.

However, worries are rising again. Because he has intuition, he will stay in this time tunnel for many years. I'm afraid that only when his realm and strength reach a certain level will the test be over.

It's not necessarily his previous state, but it's definitely not low.

"I hope all of you in the evil gate and the time and place are well!" Nanfeng can only pray like this.

Because now, he's a Jedi who can't get out of this time tunnel.

After the sentimental worry, Nanfeng's thoughts returned to the process of re cultivation. After all, it's better to use all her strength to pass the test as soon as possible.

A hundred years passed. Nanfeng kept fighting with those beasts in the time tunnel. He was trained to the emperor's realm again, and all his powers were synchronized. Of course, the understanding of time was relatively deeper.

It doesn't take more than 50 years for a God King to practice again when it comes to the imperial realm. However, with this new cultivation, Nanfeng has found too many defects in the past, which is completely worth it, even hundreds of years."This time, my martial arts are more perfect after all!" Nanfeng said confidently.

At this time, if Nanfeng returns to the previous half of the divine realm, his time Tao will reach the state of invisible time Tao perfectly.

Therefore, in this time tunnel, the south wind harvest is perfect.

"Perhaps, this new cultivation is the chance in this time tunnel!" Nanfeng guessed.

Since ancient times, there have been a few creatures who dare to try again, but I'm afraid they don't.

It's Nanfeng. In ordinary times, even if he finds that his martial arts are flawed, he just makes up for it. He can't re cultivate it.

It's just because they don't dare to re cultivate, so the defects in their own martial arts will always exist. Maybe they can't feel them, but they have already affected martial arts.

"The martial arts after re cultivation may be the last perfect martial arts of any living creature." Nanfeng said, "if I have a chance to practice again, I can't refuse it."

"The peak of martial arts can only be climbed by perfection, and perfection is built by eliminating defects."

"Then keep on practicing and looking for defects!"

He firmly said that Nanfeng paid more attention to this re cultivation test.

He also believes that this is the chance in this time tunnel.

Roar! Suddenly, he heard the roar of beasts in the distance. In addition, he also felt the smell of evil Qi.

There is no doubt that the genius of the demon ancestor lies in the fierce battle he meets. "I've been here for a hundred years, and I finally met a demon genius for the first time. I don't know what level this demon genius has reached in his new cultivation?" Nanfeng thought in his heart that he had already seen it.