Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2643

"Did it fall?" The young man of heizu murmured.

"Young master, we guess so, because no matter what, they don't dare to disobey him, and there's only one reason why they don't respond to the news." Said the genius of the infant ancestor.

"But what danger can we meet? In the time tunnel, there is no danger except for the unknown outside of the central space. " Another genius wondered.

"Is there a danger we don't know?" A lot of demon geniuses are puzzled.

"Can't it be him?" At this time, the genius who devoured the ancestral demon began to wonder.

Hearing the doubt of the genius, all eyes looked directly at him. One of the geniuses said, "you're not talking about the white haired warrior you met in the tunnel, are you?"

"Oh? Have you all met? " At this time, a lot of genius is attached to drink.

"But it's impossible. The white haired demon is just a half step God." Another demon genius denied.

"The white haired demons? Into here? " Asked the young man of heizu.

"Yes, young master, on the way to find the central space, many of us met a warrior of the white haired demon clan. He said that he accidentally fell here and asked us to take him out." Said the genius who devoured the ancestor.

"However, he is really only a half step God King, so we don't pay much attention to him."

"Those who didn't respond didn't respond, but who can know where the white haired demon youth you mentioned is now?" The young people of heizu's descendants attached great importance to Nanfeng and asked repeatedly.

"Childe, this is not clear, but childe don't care too much, just a white haired demon, no threat." Said the genius who devoured the ancestor.

"There are two ways to enter the time tunnel. One is to have enough talent and let the time tunnel accept it. The other is to let the time tunnel cover itself. This kind of person will generally get a big chance in the time tunnel." Said the youth of heizu.

Looking at the genius of the time ancestor, the young man continued, "your ancestor of the time ancestor was just an ordinary demon clan, shrouded by the time tunnel, and came out to establish the time ancestor clan."

Hearing this, these demon geniuses were silent for a while.

"Next, when passing the test, if anyone sees the white haired demon, kill him!" The youth of heizu ordered.

"I see, young master!" The geniuses nodded.

"It's a little bad. You've been noticed." Said the fire order of the devil.

"I can't help it. The young man suspected that I was enveloped by the time tunnel." Nanfeng said, "besides, even if his purpose is not the chance here, it is definitely not allowed to fall into the hands of other warriors."

The next moment, under the leadership of heizu's descendants, those demonic geniuses step into the fog of time and go deep into the central space.

After those demonic geniuses enter for a period of time, the south wind also enters directly.

Boom! At the moment of entering, Nanfeng directly felt a strong impact. In a moment, he felt the earth shaking, the change of time, and the power in his body was changing.

In the blink of an eye, Nanfeng had no power at all and became an ordinary person.

Without power, Nanfeng is no longer a demon.

Ordinary people, at this moment, except that he is vaguely connected with Tianzu axe, everything else, the world, the space, the fire order and the spirit of weak water, can't be connected.

"Ordinary people!" Nanfeng looks surprised and says heavily.

To tell you the truth, the test he is most afraid of is such a test, which will turn him into an ordinary person. In this way, if he meets a little danger beyond his limit, he will surely die.

But as soon as my eyes turned, Nanfeng was a little excited.

Because since he has become an ordinary person, then other demons will become ordinary people. In this way, if we meet again, the danger will be much less.

Of course, it's OK to meet one or two people. If you meet three or four people, he's also extremely dangerous, because two fists can't beat four hands, and three ordinary people can definitely kill one ordinary person.

Nanfeng walks forward cautiously.

The power of time, the fog, there is nothing else.

"Become ordinary people, then what is the specific test?" Nanfeng thought.

However, before he took a few steps, a ray of light appeared in front of him, and a stream of information fell into his sea of knowledge - there are thousands of ways between heaven and earth, and the test can be any one of them.

With this information, the light turned into countless light spots. Although ordinary people, but also have a little perception, can feel, every light point, is a kind of martial arts.

"What does that mean?" South wind does not understand to ask a way.

It is needless to say that it is the will of the time tunnel that transmits the information to him. Naturally, the world of heaven and earth like the time tunnel also has its will.

"You need to choose one of the thousands of ways. Next, the test you have to go through is the one you choose." The invisible voice responded."I can feel that you cultivate many kinds of strength, but I advise you not to try to choose many kinds of Tao, because now you are just an ordinary person, and your limit is only to pass the test of one kind of Tao."

The will of this time tunnel is not so cold, reminds Nanfeng to say.

"Then I choose the time!" Nanfeng said directly.

In this time tunnel, it may be the most difficult to choose the time channel, but once it is successful, the harvest will be the most abundant. Moreover, Nanfeng deliberately chooses the time course, because he wants to enhance his time passage.

"You're very confident!" There was a slight sound of will, and then it disappeared.

After disappearing, the countless light spots just leave a little, you can feel that the power in that point is the power of time.

This point, also directly into the south wind eyebrow. This should be a sign, indicating that the test after the south wind will be the test of time.

Of course, if there are other people involved, it is not necessary.

The south wind continues to move forward, but it has not taken a few steps. In the white fog of time evolution, a figure emerges and a white tiger emerges.

The tiger is very real. Fortunately, the tiger, like him, is also ordinary. It is not a cultivated animal. If you look at the tiger's eyes, you should not have intelligence.

Tiger see the south wind, just pure south wind as food.

"To kill the tiger, or to get rid of it." Nanfeng thought. However, it is impossible to get rid of the estimation, because ordinary him can't get rid of the fierce tiger. "It seems that I haven't fought like this for a long time, so let's take this opportunity." Absolutely to fight, Nanfeng heart is also fighting, although now he has no real fighting.