Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2629

The next moment, the blood devil bead with the blood devil bag directly into their own blood devil world, in the blood devil world, he directly and the blood devil bag fusion together.

At the same time, Nanfeng felt an invisible force in his heart. This invisible force, with his negative force, impacted his other half's heart.

Nanfeng also felt closer to the blood devil's sac.

"Heaven and earth blood devil bead began to use some means." Nanfeng said slightly.

At once, Nanfeng also urged his own means, that is, to let his two souls incarnate into the invisible, enter his half of the bright heart, and let the two souls guard this half of the bright heart.

"Blood devil bead, let's fight!" Nanfeng said in his heart.

Killing and evil spirit are constantly released in the south wind, and the resonance between the south wind and the region is also established. The way to start from scratch is basically from the perception of heaven and earth.

Moreover, the blood devil's sac also comes from the blood devil's bead's perception of heaven and earth, so if you want to find a way to deal with the blood devil's sac, you should start from the perception of heaven and earth, and start from the establishment of contact with heaven and earth.

"How long are you going to feel like this?" Asked the fire order.

"It doesn't take long, as long as there is a little connection to establish. The real perception needs to go deep into the depth of this evil swamp." Said Nanfeng.

"But you don't seem to feel it for the time being." Said the fire order of the devil.

"Why?" Said Nanfeng.

Immediately, the look of the south wind also changed. At this moment, he felt the familiar breath.

Soon, five figures appear in front of Nanfeng, which is Bingxuan and the four people he brought.

However, Bingxuan five people shocked.

At that moment, the five people were thinking: is this the south wind? Isn't this the demon cultivation and killing of bloody creatures?

"Bingxuan, you are really catching up!" There was a vicious smile in the corner of his mouth, and a faint sound from Nanfeng. Between the words, Nanfeng made no secret of the killing and magic released in his body, and the evil power derived from the two forces.

"You... Are you Nanfeng?" Ice Xuan heavily says.

Invisible, ice Xuan eyes also flash fear, this is involuntary fear, this moment of south wind overturned his imagination, how can he think of south wind is a devil.

At this moment, in Bingxuan's heart, Nanfeng is the devil.

It's true that I don't know the bottom card of Nanfeng. Now anyone who sees Nanfeng will definitely think that Nanfeng is a demon, and a killing and bloody demon.

"Bingxuan, you have a bad memory." Nanfeng sneered and looked at the other four. He was prepared to say that it was the older of the four. He felt the threat from the young man.

Under the negative release, Nanfeng's eyes are demonized and look at the young man. Immediately, a black blood snake with two wings was reflected in the deep of the south wind's eyes, and it was still vaguely surrounded by fog.

"Teng snake like creatures, in this region of evil chaos, it seems that the creatures with Teng snake blood are the blood Teng snake family." Nanfeng said to himself.

In addition, Bingxuan's Xuebing clan is really related to xueteng snake clan, and Nanfeng also confirms that these four people are the xueteng snake clan under mengteng.

"Of the blood leaping snake clan?" There was a slight south wind.

"Can you see that?" The young man murmured.

Boom! It was at this moment that Nanfeng started to fight. He was very fast and went directly to Bingxuan. At this moment, Nanfeng urged the world to move. Under the negative situation, Nanfeng was more decisive.

At the real level of heaven and earth, Bingxuan can't dodge at all, and when he reacts, Nanfeng's Xumi magic pillar, which he doesn't know when, has been smashed heavily.

At that moment, Bingxuan has been all shrouded in fear, he is just in fear of subconscious cohesion magic defense.

Of course, he also yelled, "master Yelu, help me!"

Ice Xuan mouth of the night law elder, that is, the older youth, that is, the strongest of the four.

However, seeing the Xumi magic pillar in the south wind, the four people just dodged and didn't go to Guan Bingxuan at all.

Or deliberately ignore it, because at least the master of night law has the strength to resist the south wind for Bingxuan, and can barely catch up with it.

After all, relative to the south wind, he is very close to Bingxuan.

In such a short distance, in fact, the instant walk of the south wind is not so fast.

Boom! Under the pillar of Xumi, Bingxuan can't resist it. As soon as the strong storm breaks out, Bingxuan's whole body and his strength go to nothingness.

Bear! At that moment, on Xumi's magic pillar, the magic fire also burns, and everything in Bingxuan turns into nothingness under the magic fire.

Although the fighting power of Nanfeng and Bingxuan is still the God King at the beginning of the first Yuan Dynasty, the gap between them is bigger than that at this time of the Helian family.

Therefore, the south wind this instant, thorough outbreak, directly cut ice Xuan, very normal.

As for the four people don't save Bingxuan, Nanfeng feels just right. After all, it's better to deal with four people than to deal with five people at the same time.Walking out of the magic fire, holding Xumi magic pillar, Nanfeng looked at the older young man and said, "if I guess right, your name is magic night law, with a night word, it should be the dark snake organization of the blood Teng snake clan."

There is an organization in the dark - the dark snake!

The dark snake organization is equivalent to a bloody killer organization of the xueteng snake clan. Many shady things of the xueteng snake clan are handled by the dark snake.

Among the dark snakes, all of them are talented warriors in the xueteng snake clan, and any one of them is absolutely the most ruthless in this area.

No matter what the name used to be, the xueteng snake people who enter the dark Snake must change their name again, with one night character as the standard.

"Is that the instant walk you just used?" The magic night law doesn't pay attention to how Nanfeng became a demon. It doesn't pay attention to what Nanfeng said. It just asks about Nanfeng's instant steps of heaven and earth.

At this moment, in the eyes of the devil's night law, there is only an instant step between heaven and earth.

Ruthless people are often more greedy.

"Yes, what can you do?" South wind disdains to say.

"Yes, you are going to die a little painful, because I will use the most perfect means to search your memory, and the most perfect will be the most painful." The evil night law laughs a way.

Evil night law is full of ferocious laughter, he seems to have seen the south wind was tortured by him to what extent.

"I'd like to try that." The south wind also smiles ferociously.

Immediately, the south wind moved again, and he looked straight at one of them. He wanted to break them one by one. "Well! Do you think it's possible to break them one by one? " The evil night law sees the trend of the south wind and says coldly. Under the smell of blood, the magic night law four people started at the same time, and the four people gathered together.