Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2630

However, Nanfeng didn't pay attention to the four people's Union. At this moment, his goal, the goal of Xumi magic pillar in his hand, was only the one he had just locked in.

In doing so, to succeed, he must resist four attacks.

Under the instant step of heaven and earth, his speed reached an extreme, which caught four people off guard.

For a moment, it seemed that the south wind was passing through the magic power of the four. However, the real situation, the four powers or bombardment to the south wind.

However, Nanfeng was hardly hurt, because at that moment, Nanfeng summoned chaos gold body, but chaos gold body was not so prominent.

What's more, the chaotic gold body released by evil Qi and killing can be regarded as the demonized chaotic gold body, but it is not obvious in the physical body.

Boom! However, the next moment, the magic of the chaos of gold fully highlighted.

With the power of killing mixed with the evil spirit, the chaotic golden body becomes bigger in a moment, and the power of the chaotic flesh body is integrated with the killing power of the evil spirit.

Chaotic gold body can naturally be demonized, because the fusion of chaos also needs magic Qi, and the power of chaos includes magic Qi.

Chaos gold body becomes bigger, invisible and powerful physical power instantly shoots, splits three strands, toward the three people outside his attack target, his Xumi magic pillar also becomes bigger in an instant, like a pillar supporting heaven.

With a loud drink, the Xumi magic pillar fell.

At this moment, the warrior was almost the same as the previous Bingxuan, and was all shrouded in fear.

There will not be any one of them. There will not be any trace to think that Nanfeng can attack one of them regardless of their four magic powers.

It can even be said that this person is not as good as Bingxuan, because when the south wind Xumi magic pillar falls, this person has no joint defense.

Flesh and blood flying between the horizontal, the soul of the person will also be broken.

Kill a person, Nanfeng did not stop any progress, continue to attack, and along the world instant burst of that spare force, let his speed faster.


The remaining three did not have any time to care about the death of the man, nor did they have any time to shock the chaos of the golden body and gather powerful powers again in the killing.

But what about this? Nanfeng's target is just one of them, or he ignores their magic power.

At this moment, in the chaotic gold body demonized by the south wind, there is a skeleton shape, which is the undead bone.

The chaotic gold body, which gathers undead bones, has stronger defense against nature.

The three powers did not cause any real damage to Nanfeng.

Another move.

"You can't, come with Bingxuan, that is to die, but also for my martial arts to send a grindstone, stepping stone." After killing two people, Nanfeng stopped his attack.

At this time, the magic night law and the rest of the warrior, look can not be described in words, they look at the south wind's demonized body, immortal, heart has invisible fear, and at a loss.

"What kind of devil are you?" The evil night law roars.

"Maybe when you die, you'll know what I am." South wind sneers.

Terror! At this moment, the remaining two people only saw the terror in Nanfeng and felt it. At this moment, the devil night law and the living one were afraid and regretted.

At once, Nanfeng said with disdain, "at first, I felt some threats on you, but now it seems that you are just like that under my power."

Roar! With the disdain of the south wind, the evil night law and the other people all roar madly, their blood type dark forces become manic, and their ontological forms emerge.

In an instant, they turned into noumenon and took off.

Blood snake, take off in the blood fog.

"Die, dead snake!" Two giant Teng snakes instantly surrounded each other and roared.

Then, countless blood colored snake virtual shadow swept up, in the winding between, toward the south wind shrouded.

"Meaningless struggle!" There was a cold south wind.

Looking at the countless burning marks of the South snake, he was enveloped by the wind.

You know, Nanfeng got the magic fire grave. He controlled all 108 kinds of magic fire. With the order of magic fire in his hand, his cultivation of magic fire really surpassed that of divine fire.

Another magic power also broke out at this moment.

Three magic flowers gather on the top of the head, which is the secret magic power - three flowers gather on the top.

The devouring world and the ancestral world also emerge behind the south wind.

Under the impact of strong air waves, the supernatural powers collide, the world is submerged, the engulfed world and the ancestral demon world merge, occupying the whole air. The evil spirit is sweeping the bloody killing, once again resonating with the evil power of the evil swamp.

Finally, a figure fell, and it was the magic night law.

at this time, he was dying, and the essence of life was eaten up.

There is no doubt that in the final collision, Nanfeng deliberately saved his life, otherwise, the current magic night law is just gone.Power and world convergence, the south wind slowly from the mid air landing, looking at the magic night law, cold voice asked, "do you know why I leave you a life?"

At this moment, the magic night law looks at the south wind, just like looking at terror, the most terrible thing in the world.

Releasing the killing and magic of the south wind can really make people fear and despair.

At this time, the fire of the demon ancestor once again sighed in his heart, "if this little guy's heart is really eroded by evil, he can really become the most terrifying demon in history!"

In the terrible mood, the magic night law looks at the south wind and shakes his head.

"You are also the dark snake of the blood leaping snake family. You have good talent and are also the God King. You should know some secret things. Tell me, did your clan leader kill the master at the beginning?" Nanfeng looks at the magic night law and says.

At this moment, all Nanfeng's eyes are fixed on the magic night law. His double God eyes are demonized, and under the demonization, it is his double curse.

Boom! At that moment, the magic night law was no longer the magic night law, but a puppet of Nanfeng.

Using the curse to control the magic night law, such a dying warrior, can be directly and completely controlled.

"Did your patriarch kill his master?" Nanfeng asked again.

"What kind of master to kill?" The evil night law says unconsciously.

"Your patriarch's master, the evil fire god king, was killed by your patriarch?" Asked Nanfeng.

"I just heard my grandfather say that the patriarch once killed the evil fire god king." Murmured the devil's night law.

Hearing this, Nanfeng was certain who had framed the evil fire god king.

The next moment, the south wind demonizes God's eyes and releases magic fire. The magic night law turns directly into ashes. The south wind in the negative, there is no mercy, there is no value of the magic night law, naturally only killed. "Mengteng, it's time for you to meet the master you were going to kill in a short time." The south wind murmured.