Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2628

Ice Xuan's fear is not to the south wind, but to the evil swamp.

How many years has the evil chaos swamp existed? How many warriors have gone deep into it? But there are too few warriors who can get the way of killing and evil from that deep place. Compared with those who enter, there are not a drop in the bucket.

"Ice Xuan, ice female adult should have said to you, don't let you pester south wind again?" Feeling Bingxuan's intention to kill Nanfeng, Bingzhong said with a questioning tone.

"Don't use that woman to crush me. You listen to him. I'm not under her command." Bingxuan responds coldly.

"Bingnv is bound to become the only strongest person of the blood ice clan in the future. Those of you who disobey bingnv will regret it in the future, especially when you collude with the blood devil snake clan." Bingzhong said.

At this time, Bingzhong's killing intention is also against Bingxuan.

For Bingzhong, bingnu is not only his belief, but also the perfect goddess in his heart. Any warrior who disobeys bingnu is his enemy.

"Collusion? You are ridiculous Bingxuan was very funny and said, "who wins and who loses is still unknown. Besides, in this martial arts world, women are women, and only men will stand at the top."

Hearing Bingxuan's words, Bingzhong really wants to do it, but he still holds back, because he can feel the four people behind Bingxuan, which is not simple.

"Hum!" With a cold hum, Bingxuan is ready to go deep into the evil swamp to chase the south wind.

Now, Bingxuan has no interest in Bingzhong. There is only one south wind in his heart. If he doesn't kill south wind, he will never stop.

"Young master Bingxuan, we don't want to enter the evil swamp. We don't have the ability to say that we can get out of it." However, the four people who follow Bingxuan are unwilling to say.

"Four, don't worry. We're just chasing for a long distance." Bingxuan said, "if we don't catch up when we get to the dangerous place, we'll give up."

"It's OK." Said the four.

The next moment, five people also go deep into the evil swamp.

Looking at the four warriors who followed Bingxuan, Bingzhong murmured, "those four should belong to xueteng snake family. I don't know if Nanfeng can deal with them?"

However, this Bingzhong also continued to say something, because bingnu's order did not say to let him help Nanfeng, just said to follow Nanfeng. How can he not understand the meaning of Bing Nu? She asked him to watch the south wind. Since she was watching, she only watched.

He won't take care of Nanfeng's life or death.

Besides, to be honest, Bingzhong doesn't want Nanfeng to live, because he is also jealous of Nanfeng.

The ground of the evil swamp is full of dark swamp mud, and it emits evil, bloody smell, and in many places it emits stench. Sometimes the south wind must urge all kinds of poisons to resist.

And every swamp soil has the power of attraction, which seems to absorb everything into the soil.

Naturally, the deeper the attraction, the stronger it will be.

And this evil swamp is the same as other swamps. The attraction of many places will increase rapidly. Once you enter by mistake, you will be absorbed infinitely. If you don't have enough strength, you will die.

"Evil, killing. I hope I can find a way to solve the blood devil's bag in this evil swamp." Walking slowly on the mud of the swamp, the south wind feels the killing, evil power, and says slightly.

"It's hard!" The fire of the demon ancestor said with emotion.

"No matter how difficult it is, we should come. Even if we can't succeed, we should weaken the influence of the blood devil's sac on me to a certain extent." Said Nanfeng.

"Besides, I also want to improve my strength when I come to the evil chaos swamp. The life and death in the evil chaos swamp is more suitable for me."

"What are you going to do?" Asked the weak water.

"Release!" There was a heavy south wind.

"Release what?" Asked the fire order.

"Nature is to release the evil, the killing power, and the power of the devil in me." Nanfeng said, "and for a long time, the evil power in my body has not appeared."

"Complete release?" The magic ancestor fire makes curious way.

"Of course not. I've never thought about being evil, but I've never thought about being just." Said Nanfeng.

"Listen to you, there is a way to solve the problem of blood devil's sac." Hear south wind's words, the evil ancestor fire make thoughtfully say.

"Oh? What can I do? "

"But you can't, that is to let your heart no longer evil, you get the mind, if you want, you can largely get rid of all the negative in your body." Said the fire order of the devil.

"The essence of the blood devil's bag is evil, killing and demons. Without these, it will not exist naturally."

"That's a pity." Said Nanfeng.

Nanfeng will never give up the killing, evil and the power of the devil in his body. If he gives up, he will not be able to go on in this martial arts world.

Because, he will continue to be kind to the enemy.

No killing, no evil, no ruthlessness, how he will fight with the demons, heizu descendants and heizu in the future."Release it. It seems that I haven't seen you release all the negative forces in your body for a long time. Now that you have the fighting power of the God King, it's time to upgrade the negative martial arts in your body again." Said the fire order of the devil.

As the words fell, the south wind sat down and gathered.

At this moment, he began to restrain his inner power of justice and kindness.

Of course, it is not complete convergence, let alone abandonment.

If you can see Nanfeng's heart, you can see that half of the elder martial brother in Nanfeng's heart is bright. Even in his body, there is no justice or benevolence in his flesh and blood.

Sitting in the pan, a head of white hair of Nanfeng starts to fly. When it starts to fly fiercely, Nanfeng's whole body is covered by the smell of darkness.

At that moment, Nanfeng's eyes seemed to have become evil.

Devouring the world, the power of zumo world is full of Nanfeng's whole body.

Boom boom! For a moment, Nanfeng directly resonated with the evil swamp. At this moment, he felt that the evil swamp was very suitable for him.

"Worthy of blood devil bead, that guy wants you. When you release the magic power in your body and kill power, you really feel like the strongest devil in the world." The fire order of the demon ancestor said with a smile.

Just at this time, the blood devil bead in the world far away from the evil gate directly released a strong light, and the shadow of the blood devil bead immediately appeared and said, "how did that boy release the evil and killing power in his body?"

At this moment, the blood devil bead is naturally excited.

He immediately took the bleeding bag and began to feel it.

With the feeling, the shadow of the blood devil bead was a little uncomfortable, disdained and said, "it was not completely released, and the dark killing only occupied half of his heart." Language peak a turn, blood devil bead is to say again, "however, at last was to give me some opportunities, let me can have to do for."