Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2627

"But it may not be good for this ice girl to participate. After all, she will not really stand on our side, even if there is an oath." Said the weak water.

"As far as I know, namotang of xueteng snake once proposed to bingnu, but he was rejected. Since then, the relationship between bingnu and namotang has become an enemy relationship." Said Nanfeng.

"Moreover, that magic Teng and blood ice clan another faction have contact, the purpose is to deal with ice woman naturally."

"So, if she gets involved, as long as I'm against that magic Teng, she will definitely be on our side."

"But it's not sure who betrayed the evil fire god." Said the weak water.

"It's really not sure, but the king of evil fire guessed that it was magic Teng, because at that time, the king of evil fire paid more attention to the cultivation of Bai Ji, and magic Teng was always worried about it." Said Nanfeng.

"Moreover, with their characters, the evil fire god king also said that it was magic Teng who would do such a thing."

"It seems that in your heart, you have already recognized that mengteng betrayed the evil fire god king." Said the fire order of the devil.

"It's OK to make such a determination first. After all, I won't provoke them now." Nanfeng said with a smile.

For the next month or so, there was no more words between Nanfeng and bingnu. They just released Qi, absorbed Qi and practiced their own skills.

More than a month later, Nanfeng said goodbye and left the artifact palace.

At this time, there were only two people outside the artifact palace. One was the young woman, the other was a young man whom Nanfeng didn't know.

"Master!" Come to the body, south wind respectfully.

"This is Bingzhong. Bingnv has ordered her. She will tell Bingzhong if she has anything to do." Seeing the south wind coming out, the young woman said to the south wind curiously.

Let Nanfeng directly ask Bingzhong, the meaning of this is very obvious, that is from this moment on, this Bingzhong is to follow Nanfeng, otherwise how to directly ask.

At this moment, the young woman is very curious, because this is bingnu's order, saying that Bingzhong will follow Nanfeng all the time.

At this time, Bing Zhong was also very confused. How did they arrange such a thing for him?

However, despite the doubts, the young woman and Bing Zhong dare not ask, because Bing Nu has already given orders. To do so is to disobey her orders. Otherwise, as a person under her command, disobeying orders is a capital crime.

Nanfeng also doubts. Does this woman want to spy on him.

"Maybe it has something to do with you seeing her out!" "But if she wants to watch, just watch. Can't you deal with Bing Zhong

"Brother Nanfeng, I've heard your name like thunder. Since the ice lady has given orders, please take care of it in the future." Bingzhong stepped forward and said respectfully to Nanfeng.

"I dare not." South wind responded.

"Master, if you have any help, please contact brother Zhong and tell me." Immediately, Nanfeng also said to the young woman that he really owed her a favor.

"I won't be polite to ask you for help." The young woman said with a smile.

"The south wind must be something unexpected happened with our ice lady. Otherwise, ice lady would not be like this. It's interesting." The young woman said to herself.

After that, Nanfeng and Bingzhong were sent away from the blood ice world to the city.

"Brother Nanfeng, where are you going next? Is your evil family In the city, Bing Zhong asked.

"It's not the swamp Nanfeng laughs.

"Evil chaos swamp? Are you kidding? " Bingzhong grinned, with a lot of fear in his tone.

"Yes, I'm going there to find the way of killing and evil." Nanfeng said, "if brother Bingzhong doesn't want to go, he doesn't have to. Bingnu shouldn't blame you there."

The evil chaos swamp is the evil experience land of the evil chaos region. The evil chaos region exists because of the evil chaos swamp. It can be said that the evil chaos region is derived from the evil chaos swamp.

Like the undead bone forest, the largest evil swamp in the divine realm is one of the most dangerous areas in the divine realm. The evil swamps in other places are separated from the largest evil swamp.

Unlike the undead bone forest, the evil swamp will not disappear, but will always appear.

"Bingnv ordered me to follow brother Nanfeng, but when I get to the evil swamp, I won't go deep into it, because I'm really afraid of it." Bingzhong said.

"I would also like to advise brother Nanfeng that it's better to wait for our strength to be stronger, because the improvement of our strength will be more or less associated with the improvement of our will and perseverance."

"That way, the danger in the evil swamp will be reduced."

"Moreover, brother Nanfeng, although you have the fighting power of the God King, you are really just a superior God in terms of realm."

"Brother Zhong's kindness is in my heart, but I have to go to the evil swamp." Said Nanfeng.

Nanfeng must constantly go through life and death, grow rapidly, and solve the problem of blood devil's sac as soon as possible. He is always confident that he can solve the problem of blood devil's sac.Hearing Nanfeng's decisive words, Bingzhong no longer persuades him, but says, "then please ask brother Nanfeng to go with me through the teleportation array, otherwise it will take a lot of time from our blood ice clan to the evil swamp."

"Thank you so much." Nanfeng laughs.

Then, through the transmission array of Xuebing clan, Nanfeng and Bingzhong arrived at the periphery of the evil chaos swamp.

The evil swamp, in the center of the whole evil swamp area, is through the evil swamp to release the evil force, and the evil Qi evolves.

Therefore, every moment, this area of evil and chaos is expanding.

"Brother Nanfeng, next, I'll wait for you near the transmission array. Be careful yourself." Bingzhong said, "by the way, gather a jade Medal of your life for me."

"Ha ha, it seems that brother Bingzhong thinks I can't get out of this evil swamp." Hearing Bingzhong's words, Nanfeng said with a smile.

"I naturally hope brother Nanfeng is alive, but it's too unlikely that he can come out of it, so I hope brother Nanfeng doesn't mind." Bingzhong said.

"I understand!" South wind nods.

Later, Nanfeng gathered a jade Medal of life for Bingzhong, and went deep into it alone. Of course, it can't be said to go deep alone. After all, there are fire orders and weak water spirit.

Shortly after the south wind penetrated, several figures appeared in the transmission array of Xuebing clan, and Bingxuan was the leader.

"Bingzhong, south wind?" Upon arrival, Bingxuan is angry.

"Bingxuan, you are in a hurry." Bingzhong said with a faint smile, "but what you asked is not nonsense. Nanfeng comes here through the transmission array. Besides going deep into the evil swamp, where else can he go?" "Really deep!" Ice Xuan heavily a, vision looked at that by black fog shrouded evil chaos swamp, the eyes are full of fear.