Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2626

"That's the solution." Hear ice female let oneself say condition, South breeze tiny smile.

Nanfeng was really reluctant to use the curse, so he was very willing to negotiate with bingnv. Since the ice girl has compromised, it means that she is really afraid of the consequences that the south wind may control her.

As long as you are afraid, any conditions are easy to discuss.

"I didn't expect that one day, I ice girl would negotiate terms with a weak man like you." The ice girl gave a cold voice.

"The weak?" Nanfeng had no choice but to smile, but he didn't say anything about it any more.

Then, Nanfeng said his condition, "listen to me, my condition, you need to solve the problem of Bingxuan of Xuebing clan. Of course, you just need to avoid the strong of Xuebing clan."

"In addition, naturally, there should be no embarrassment for me, my forces, people who have relations with me, and what I have to do. In a word, you can't hinder me in everything that has something to do with me."

"Yes!" The ice girl said coldly.

The conditions of the south wind are not excessive.

In fact, Nanfeng also thought about it. If she asked too much, the ice girl would probably not agree. At that time, he would have to urge the curse of heaven, which was not the result he wanted.

Today, it's enough not to let the ice girl embarrass herself and solve the problem of Bingxuan for herself.

"Thank you very much." South breeze laughs a way, "so ice female adult's condition?"

"Erase part of your memory, and I need your luck." The ice girl said coldly.

As for which part of the memory to eliminate, Nanfeng's natural way, but Nanfeng directly refused, said in a non-negotiable tone, "it's impossible to eliminate the memory, I can't let my martial arts appear any trace of imperfection."

Hearing Nanfeng's words, the shadow of bingnv's will darkened.

When Nanfeng saw her, she really couldn't stand it.

"Let's take a step back. It's unrealistic for you to let me erase my memory. I promise that I will never make an issue of it on you. I will treat it as if it never happened." Said Nanfeng.

Hearing this, bingnv's look eased down and agreed.

After all, she also knew that it was unrealistic for Nanfeng to erase his memory. Nanfeng, such a genius, would never allow his martial arts to be affected to a certain extent by the loss of some memory.

"But I need more of your luck." Bingnu is also a further requirement in the aspect of Qi transportation.

"Be specific." Said the south wind in a deep voice.

"Before I become king of God, every year, you need to provide me with a part of Qi, not less than one fifth of yourself." The ice girl said coldly.

"Woman, do you think my south wind is the cause of Qi luck?" Nanfeng refused to say, "Qi Yun, I will provide it for you, but not more than one twentieth every year."

Nanfeng's internal Qi Movement grows. Nanfeng knows that it's not a big problem to lose one twentieth every year. If it exceeds one twentieth, it will definitely affect his own path of martial arts.

No matter how kind-hearted he is, he will not use his own martial arts as a chip.

Hearing Nanfeng's words, bingnu hesitated for a while, and finally compromised, because in fact, at the bottom of her heart, she could get one twentieth of Nanfeng's luck every year, which was beyond her expectation.

"Let's take the oath of martial arts." Finally, Nanfeng said, this ice girl, he can only believe it under the martial arts oath.

After each of them made the martial arts vows, they both withdrew their control over the other half.

After the return of the will, bingnv did not look at Nanfeng again, but returned to her own space of Qi.

Because at the thought of Nanfeng seeing herself out, bingnv can't help but kill Nanfeng, so she is still blind.

Nanfeng didn't say anything. He sat down and continued to release Qi. After the release, he should leave here and go to find a solution to the outbreak of the blood devil's sac.

After that, those in a coma also woke up one after another. They all felt puzzled. How could they be in a coma.

However, after finding nothing, I didn't think about it.

About two months later, the other warriors left one after another. There were only Nanfeng and bingnu left in the whole artifact palace. Because they released one fifth of the Qi, it took more than a month for Nanfeng.

"Bingnv, how about asking you something?" Nanfeng said.

Bingnu didn't respond.

But Nanfeng continued, "bingnv, what I want to inquire about is related to my safety, so you need to answer, because it's within the scope of our agreement."

"Nanfeng, remember, you'd better not leave the evil and chaotic area. If you leave, I bingnu will make you live and die!" Ice female responded, but first is such kill meaning to say.

"That's the last word." Nanfeng said with a smile.

When he decides to leave this evil and chaotic region, it will be trampled by him."Bai Ji, the leader of the evil fire sect, and you are also known as the two most beautiful women in the evil chaos area. You must know her very well. I want to ask, do you think she will be a teacher killer?" Asked Nanfeng.

Hear south wind such inquiry, ice goddess color is very curious.

Nanfeng mentions murderer, which arouses bingnv's curiosity. In the region of evil chaos, when these two words are mentioned, those who have a chance to get to know them will think of two great figures: Bai Ji, the leader of the evil fire sect, and Mo Teng, the current head of the blood leaping snake clan.

"Why do you ask this?" Asked bingnu.

"I don't have to tell you this. It has something to do with my security in this chaotic area, so I hope you can answer truthfully. If you break the oath because of this, it has nothing to do with me." Said Nanfeng.

Hearing this, ice goddess was very upset.

However, she still replied, "although Bai Ji is as cold as me, her heart will never be as decisive as I am. In my opinion, she can't kill a teacher."

"But that demon Teng, known as the most ruthless person in this evil region, is what I think."

"Thank you for telling me!" Said Nanfeng.

"Are you related to those two? Or do you have anything to do with their original masters? " Asked bingnu.

"I don't think it's necessary to tell you. After all, there is no such item in the agreement between you and me." Nanfeng laughs.

Hear south wind this words, ice female didn't say anything more, but this matter ice female already curious.

"I don't think the ice girl will end up in this matter." Said the fire order of the devil.

"That's what I want." Nanfeng responded, "I want this bingnu to participate in this matter. In this way, with an agreement, bingnu must be on my side." "You fellow!" Hear south wind's words, the evil ancestor fire make smile way.