Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2574

At this time, the goddess of heaven is just a fog.

At this moment, they found that they knew much less than the south wind. They had never heard of the blood devil beads in heaven and earth. Of course, if Nanfeng didn't get the fire order from the devil, Nanfeng didn't know the blood magic bead of heaven and earth.

Now, the fire order of the demon ancestor is still on the evil fire god king.

"Ha ha, yes, you are not an ignorant person. How can an ignorant person know the blood devil beads of heaven and earth?" Hear the words of south wind, blood devil bead laughed.

"I don't think the blood devil king knows that you are the blood devil bead of heaven and earth. If he knows, he won't use you to suppress the wisdom of a God King." Said Nanfeng.

"That's because I don't want him to know." Heaven and earth blood devil bead said.

After that, the heaven and earth blood devil bead also concealed, said his matter one time.

Heaven and earth blood magic beads, born from the demon Kingdom, are the objects of heaven and earth demons. However, compared with other heaven and earth demons, heaven and earth blood magic beads have some special features, that is, they can recognize the life of the demon Kingdom and the life of the demon kingdom.

The first master of heaven and earth's blood devil bead is the ancestor of the demons who devour the ancestors, and the ancestor of devouring the ancestors and the ancestor of Shura fell in the first battle, so the second master of heaven and earth's blood devil bead became the ancestor of Shura.

And the Shura ancestors, I don't know whether they fell or what happened under the trauma of devouring the ancestors. In a word, they disappeared, and the blood devil beads of heaven and earth were left in the Shura clan.

However, heaven and earth blood devil beads and Shura ancestors have long agreed that he needs to choose his own master.

But unfortunately, except for the father of Shura, he could not take a fancy to anyone in Shura family.

After that, the blood devil beads of heaven and earth gathered strength, sealed by themselves, disappeared into the void and wandered in the whole divine realm.

Three times ago, he was obtained by the blood devil in wandering.

Heaven and earth blood devil bead naturally know, but he said nothing, do nothing, let things develop, he wants to rely on fate.

When the blood devil ancestors got the heaven and earth blood devil beads, they didn't pay much attention to the heaven and earth blood devil beads themselves. Instead, they paid attention to the self sealing power of the heaven and earth blood devil beads.

The ancestor of blood devil is always understanding the power. In addition, the ancestor of blood devil has the intention of integrating evil Qi in order to evolve blood, so he succeeded.

Because of the understanding of the power of blood demons in heaven and earth, the ancestor of blood demons became extremely murderous, which caused the events three times ago.

Finally, the ancestor of the blood devil was killed by the strong of the Dragon elephant family, and the dark blood devil family was destroyed.

Of course, from now on, it has not been destroyed.

Before meeting with the strong members of the Dragon elephant family, the ancestor of the blood devil really left behind for the rise of the dark blood devil family. He cultivated resources, blood power, his God vein that has evolved into a God King, and the blood devil beads of heaven and earth.

After the resurrection of the blood devil God King, he found the back hand and the blood devil bead of heaven and earth.

However, like the blood devil ancestors, he did not know what the heaven and earth blood devil beads were, but he could simply absorb some power from the heaven and earth blood devil beads.

Of course, they also think that they really control the heaven and earth.

Before the battlefield of death, in order to let the dark god completely kill Nanfeng, the blood devil king took out the heaven and earth blood devil beads, suppressed the Tianlan God King with the heaven and earth blood devil beads, and also urged the heaven and earth blood devil beads to make the Tianlan God King change, and the strength increased greatly.

And then, that's it.

Seeing the south wind, the reason why the heaven and earth blood devil beads appear is that he feels that there are both bloody killing and supreme evil Qi in the body of the south wind, which is really in line with the master of the heaven and earth blood devil beads.

Let nature take its course, heaven and earth blood devil bead found him to want to recognize the master.

"You want to recognize me as the Lord?" Hearing everything, Nanfeng laughed.

"It's not that I think, but that you are really suitable. Don't you want to release the killing and magic in your own body? In this world and on the road of fighting, only the strong will last forever, and the strong will be achieved from killing and magic." Heaven and earth blood devil bead said.

"Only if you are crazy and evil, can you achieve the supreme road."

"It's a pity that you recognized me. I won't give up the bloody magic, but I can't release it like crazy." Nanfeng said softly.

"Choose another master!"

At this time, Nanfeng naturally wants to control the world, but he knows that he is powerless, and so is the chaos mother.

He didn't want the blood devil bead to get angry and implicate himself, so he could only refuse politely.

"Devil, what's wrong with killers? They can make everyone in heaven and earth fear you and fear you." Hear South breeze refuse, the world blood devil bead is very unwilling, say again.

Nanfeng has the strongest blood, and at the same time has the strongest evil spirit of the creatures, endless era to appear a miracle, heaven and earth blood devil bead nature will not easily let Nanfeng.

"I will let the creatures in heaven and earth revere me in my own way, and truly revere me, not based on the strength." Said Nanfeng.

"So don't waste your time on me."

"Of course, you can force me, I think you force me, I should be powerless to resist."When Nanfeng finally said this, he wanted to see if the blood devil bead would forcibly occupy him. He had to make preparations.

"Bullshit, how can I kill for heaven and earth and the demons of heaven and earth? Besides, the slayer, the devil, is not the strongest. That's not what I want." Hear the words of south wind, blood devil bead says.

"Thank you very much." Thank you, Nanfeng.

"Boy, you really don't want to? You know, the slayer, the devil's way is the fastest growing way of all martial arts. " The blood devil bead continued to say, "at that time, if the old fellow of Shura had listened to me, he would have controlled the whole heaven and earth long ago, more than disappeared."

"At that time, you could enslave any kind of woman or strong man."

"No!" South wind answers.

Nanfeng suddenly found that although the blood devil pearl yearned for killers and demons, he acted as if he was aboveboard.

If he really wants to force himself to control himself, he will not abandon these words with himself and tell himself what he wants to know.

"Damn it Hear South breeze refuse, blood devil bead really a little angry, direct scold a.

"Nanfeng, are you more tactful?" At this time, Shi Ling said.

Tianshi goddess and Han Lao are also looking at each other. They are really afraid of the blood devil bead's anger. From the blood devil bead's autobiography, they can also know that the strength of the blood devil bead is absolutely beyond their imagination.

"Three, such a thing, in front of such a creature, must be decisive." Nanfeng responded, "this is a direct indication of my attitude and respect for it."

"I hope he won't annoy us!" Said the goddess of heaven.

At this time, Nanfeng can only wait for the decision of blood devil bead. In front of the blood devil bead to enter the world to escape, it is probably a fantasy.