Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2573

"Thank you, master qingzhui." Immediately, Nanfeng also said thanks to qingzhui.

Some god kings want to do something. Nanfeng naturally perceives it. The biggest reason why they don't have it is because of qingzhui God King.

"I didn't do anything!" Qingzhui God King said with a smile.

"If you stand here, you've done a lot." Nanfeng laughs.

Later, the king of qingzhui also left. Qingzhui God King also mentioned helping Nanfeng suppress Tianlan God King, but Nanfeng refused, because chaos mother queen was enough.

Moreover, the empress of chaos has passed through nanfenggou, saying that the suppression of Tianlan God King is in the next moment.

"Let's go and meet the changed God King of Tianlan!" After qingzhui God King and others left, Nanfeng said to Han Laosan.

Then, a group of four people stepped away, and soon saw the chaotic empress in a desolate valley. At this time, there was a mass of chaos devouring in front of the chaotic empress, which was the suppression of Tianlan God King.

The God King of Tianlan looks dull. He doesn't know what he looks like when he is suppressed. As expected, he is like a fighting machine.

"Master!" See Nanfeng four people come, chaos mother communication Nanfeng said.

The empress of chaos nodded slightly. Nanfeng looked at Tianlan God King and said, "Tianlan God King, long time no see."

However, the God King of Tianlan didn't pay attention to the south wind and was still in a dull state.

And at this time, Nanfeng couldn't feel any trace of fighting power on Tianlan God King.

"It seems that he has indeed become a fighting machine. Perhaps he has no intelligence, or he has been suppressed by the seal." Han said, "it's his son, the dark god, who controls him. As soon as the dark god dies, he will naturally look like this."

"Empress mother, did the God King of Tianlan lose the intention of fighting in such an instant, and then he was suppressed by you?" Immediately, the south wind asked the empress.

"Yes, master!" Communication and response after chaos.

"It seems that the dark god son really lost his original human nature and chose to control his father." Nanfeng said heavily, "such a person deserves to die."

"I'm afraid that the heart of the dark god son has been distorted for a long time. If we let him grow up, I'm afraid the degree of harm is no less than that of the original blood devil." Han said.

"But fortunately, you have killed Nanfeng completely."

"How does God LAN deal with this day?" Shi Ling asked.

"I can't kill him. This is what I promised to Tianlan Mingyu. Anyway, I'll leave Tianlan God King alive. Besides, to tell you the truth, I don't hate him any more for Tianlan God King's experience." Said Nanfeng.

Then, the south wind moved the primitive self pole and began to explore the God King of Tianlan.

Under the perception of the original self pole, Nanfeng found that there was a bloody bead in the deep of the sea of knowledge of Tianlan God King.

And it is this bloody God bead that suppresses all the thoughts of Tianlan God son, and it is this bloody God bead that provides power for Tianlan God King.

"What is it?" Nanfeng was very curious and said.

All of them shook their heads. "Boy, you have a strong power to devour blood in your body. It's just that many times, you are suppressing that power, and there seems to be magic, powerful magic. If you really release it, you will definitely become the number one blood devil in the world." Just when the south wind was confused, there was a sound

in the blood bead.

Hearing this, the south wind's face was shocked in an instant.

These words clearly show that Nanfeng exists in his body and devours the world, and that Nanfeng cultivates evil Qi.

"What are you?" Immediately, the South breeze understands this blood bead is not simple, heavy voice asks a way.

Just by feeling, you can feel his cultivation of evil Qi. Will such a divine thing be simple? You know, even the most powerful emperor can never feel it.

Han Laosan was also shocked.

"What do you think, boy?" The voice in the blood bead rings again.

At this time, the south wind urges the primitive self pole to feel the blood bead. Instead of blocking it, the blood bead guides the south wind's perceptive power.

Soon, Nanfeng felt another force in the blood bead, which was the purest evil Qi.

Even the purity of the evil Qi is no less than the magic power of heizu.

And at this moment, he also felt the bloody power in the blood bead. It was definitely the most powerful bloody killing in the world, which was not much weaker than the cultivation killing.

"What a powerful power of blood devil!" Nanfeng couldn't help feeling. At this moment, Nanfeng understood why the blood bead could feel the bloody killing in his body and his hidden evil spirit.

"Blood bead, what are you?" Nanfeng asked again.

"Boy, if you want to know who I am, first let me see the bloody power and evil power in your body. I'm only interested in these two powers." Said the voice in the blood.

Hearing this, Nanfeng just hesitated for a moment, then opened his body.Intuition tells Nanfeng that the blood bead doesn't seem to have any malice.

Besides, the blood bead has confirmed the blood and evil Qi in his body.

Immediately, a stream of thoughts burst out of the blood bead, straight into Nanfeng's body, and soon came out.

"Ha ha, that's true!" After the confirmation, the voice inside the blood bead began to laugh and cry with joy.

"It's really a strong blood heart and perfect magic Qi. I said that my perception of blood and magic Qi is absolutely correct." Blood bead is so excited to say.

"Now, who are you? What are the gods of heaven and earth? " At once, the south wind asked heavily.

"Boy, do you know the heaven and earth blood devil beads?" Said the voice in the blood.

"Heaven and earth blood devil bead!" The south wind murmured and thought.

The next moment, the south wind deeply shocked.

Heaven and earth blood magic bead. He heard the fire order of the demon ancestor say that this is another heaven and earth magic thing in the demon kingdom. It is the magic bead that controls the bloodiest and the strongest magic power of heaven and earth.

"You're a blood devil!" Nanfeng said in shock.

"Oh? Do you know the heaven and earth blood devil bead Hearing this tone, the voice inside the blood bead was surprised.

"I know that the magic beads born from blood and the demons of heaven and earth will turn over a bloody event wherever they go." Said Nanfeng.

"Shouldn't you be in the demon kingdom?"

"You really know me. Tell me, how do you know? A small warrior like you should not know me." At this moment, it's the turn of blood devil bead to be curious.

"Tell me first, and I'll tell you. Besides, I feel that you are the most fundamental reason for the bloody storm of the dark blood demons in the Dragon elephant three times ago." Said Nanfeng.

"I can't believe that." Blood devil bead is more curious. "Blood devil, don't confuse me with the ignorant." Nanfeng laughs.