Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2575

At this moment, Nanfeng four people and chaos mother are really in a desperate situation. As long as the blood devil bead in this world has the intention to kill, they will disappear in the next moment.

Blood devil bead such things of heaven and earth kill together, that is to kill, will definitely kill them in the most bloody way.

Fortunately, Nanfeng was a little lucky. In the end, heaven and earth's blood devil beads didn't mean to kill. Instead, they talked about the conditions with Nanfeng, which surprised the four of them.

"Boy, let's sign an equal contract between you and me. To some extent, you and I coexist for ten thousand years. During this period, if you can convince me, I really believe that you are the master." Said the blood devil.

"In the meantime, I will do everything I can to get you on the path I want you to take."

"If we all fail in the end, the equality contract will be lifted."

"Heaven and earth's blood devil beads, heaven and earth's gods and things, will they talk about such conditions with a superior warrior like me?" In surprise, Nanfeng is more puzzled said.

"Because, you are most likely to force me directly with your strength. No matter how aboveboard the heaven and earth's blood devil pearl is, it is also the supreme devil."

Such inquiry, Nanfeng naturally worried about heaven and earth blood magic bead instant anger, but he to such conditions, more don't believe.

"Boy, do you think I'm willing to make a deal with you?" Hearing Nanfeng's inquiry, the heaven and earth's blood devil bead said faintly, "if I didn't promise that the old guy didn't take the initiative in the divine realm, I would go to find the master so naturally?"

"I will only be the master myself."

Hearing this, Nanfeng immediately understood that it was the original Shura ancestor who had an agreement with the blood devil beads in this world.

"But it has nothing to do with the terms between me and you, your decision." Heaven and earth blood devil bead said.

"South wind, what shall we do?" At this time, the goddess of heaven asked.

"I can only choose what he said, and to tell you the truth, that's what I'm looking forward to. If heaven and earth's blood magic beads can be used for me, it's really like a tiger adding wings." At this moment, Nanfeng said excitedly.

"I'm still thinking about how to control the heaven and earth's blood devil beads. He's giving me a chance now."

"He is confident that he will change me in ten thousand years, and I am more confident that I can really control him."

"It seems that in the future, he will regret the decision he made today." Han said.

"At that time, I was not to blame." South breeze heart evil smile says.

At this moment, Nanfeng was really excited. This time, he not only got the coffin of the dead, but also killed the dark god son. Unexpectedly, he met the heaven and earth's blood devil bead.

"Blood devil bead, I promise you the conditions. You and I will sign an equal contract. Within ten thousand years, no one can go back and take the oath of heaven as a witness." I have a decision in my heart, Nanfeng said directly.

The things in heaven and earth are most afraid of the way of heaven. Only the oath made in response to the way of heaven can make them fear from the bottom of their hearts.

"What a witness to the oath of heaven." Hearing Nanfeng's words, the blood devil said, "it seems that you are more confident than me and will completely subdue me in ten thousand years."

"Without self-confidence, I would not agree." Said Nanfeng.

"My heaven and earth's blood devil pearl is actually looked down upon by a human class." Blood devil bead faint smile, "boy, you know, although my first two masters are my masters, they are equal."

However, this is what the blood devil wants.

"I am me, and your first two masters are your first two masters." Said Nanfeng.

"Good, good. This kind of self-confidence is more conducive to you becoming the supreme slayer and the devil." The blood devil bead laughs a way.

The next moment, Nanfeng and Tiandi blood devil bead swear by the way of heaven, and they sign an equal contract.

"Boy, soon, you will understand how happy it is for the devil to be a supreme Slayer." After the equality contract was signed, the heaven and earth blood devil pearl could not wait for Nanfeng to surrender and said aloud.

"It depends on your ability." Nanfeng laughs.

"What's the God King of Tianlan, right? If you are willing to promise to completely release one percent of your blood and magic, I will let him become your servant completely." Immediately, heaven and earth blood devil bead threw bait to south wind.

"If you let an emperor become my servant, I will directly consider completely releasing one tenth of the killing in my body, and let some of my thoughts be controlled by you." Nanfeng laughs.

"Boy, you are cruel!" The blood devil bead coldly a, then directly from the sky LAN God King's knowledge sea come out, to the south wind's knowledge sea.

"Next, I'll be in your sea of knowledge. I won't give up." Said the blood devil.

"Why, I'm looking forward to how you can make me change my way of martial arts." Nanfeng laughs.

"It couldn't be better." Heaven and earth blood devil bead said.

Heaven and earth's blood devil beads leave the sea of consciousness of the God King of Tianlan, and the God King's idea is naturally released.

But at this moment, the God King of Tianlan also screamed and rolled up in the cage of the chaotic mother, and between the screams, the body of the God King of Tianlan was shrinking, and the realm was also falling."What's the matter?" The south wind began to wonder.

"He is just a very ordinary God King. Because of my strength, he will become a God King in the middle of the three elements in a short period of time. If I leave, he will naturally suffer a strong reaction, not only his body will shrink, but also his realm will regress." Said the blood devil.

"My strength is not so easy to get unless I want to."

"I'll give it to you if you like." Immediately, the blood devil bead is temptation again, south wind says, "this day LAN God King's previous strength, you should know, as long as you are willing, your progress speed will be faster than him."

"Moreover, he will never suffer the same kind of backfire."

"Hey, wait for me to think about it!" Nanfeng laughs.

Two hours later, the God King of Tianlan stopped screaming and rolling. At this moment, the tall body of the God King of Tianlan was reduced by one time. His skin was old, his hair was gray, and everything was aging.

And his realm is not as good as before, and he has just broken through the realm of the God King.

And I can feel that the realm of the God King is also strong in the outside and has infinite aging. I'm afraid that even half of the God King can't fight.

"Blood devil bead, you're really cruel." Said Nanfeng.

"Cruel? I'm kind if I don't want his life. " Blood devil bead said, "as a warrior, you should know that if you don't want to get others' power, you must pay a price, no matter how small or big the price is."

"Why didn't the blood devil ancestor and the blood devil God King pay the price?" Nanfeng said suddenly.

"The ancestor of the blood devil has fallen, let's not say. The price of the king of the blood devil just hasn't arrived. After all, he absorbed my power step by step." Said the blood devil. "I'll see." Hearing this, Nanfeng looked forward to it.