Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2572

If you think about it, plus the power of the dark god at this time, the warriors around you also begin to understand what is the final evolution.

Those who are surrounded by martial arts are even more afraid.

"When the road turns around, the dark god comes out of the situation of death. At this time, his blood of dark blood is the most perfect blood of God King to his degree. His strength will be greatly improved. Don't you know the south wind?" Many of the warriors began to talk in secret.

"I'm afraid it can't be killed." Some of them are very worried.

These warriors didn't mean that they admired Nanfeng's strength and wanted Nanfeng to win, but that they saw the more cruel side of the dark god son and really saw how terrible the dark blood demons were.

It's better to live under the rule of Nanfeng than under the rule of the dark blood demons.

"It seems that this time, my south wind has indeed become the stepping stone of your dark god son." Looking at the dark god son, south wind light response.

"But it's just a stepping stone to your blood evolution. Next, it's going to overturn you."

"It's nothing."

What about the evolution of blood? Will he see the south wind in his eyes.

"It's arrogant. Is everything with air as arrogant as you?" The dark god son coldly said, "in order to repay you for helping our God son complete the final evolution of blood, next, our God son will personally pull out your air and destroy your fighting spirit."

In the ferocity, the dark god attacked again.

The blood gas whirled wildly under the blood of his God King and turned into a real dark blood painting. The dark blood painting was like a battle suit and a strong constitution attached to the dark god son.

At this moment, the power of Qi and physical body of the dark god son are enhanced infinitely.

With a flash of vision, an unknown magic power appeared, and his dark blood fist went to the south wind at the same time.

Chaos gold body and undead bone appear, south wind condenses the strongest defense.

At this moment, Nanfeng is just resisting. Every time he resists, Nanfeng's body is retreating heavily, and some scars are left on chaos gold body and undead bone.

"Did the south wind give up resistance?" Seeing this scene, many warriors asked again.

"I don't know. In a word, he doesn't seem to want to resist, and the power of the dark god son has been greatly improved."

"If it goes on like this, no matter how strong the defense of chaos gold body and undead bone is, it will not be able to resist for a long time."

Many warriors are worried about the south wind.

"What Nanfeng is doing, I don't think his strength is limited to the previous level." At this time, Han said in doubt. Mr. Han knows about the south wind. He doesn't think that the south wind can only be used for defense.

"Maybe, it's the last stroke, or maybe, he just wants to see the limit of the power of the dark god." Shi Ling said.

… "Chaos gold body, undead bone, are you going to shrink in it forever?" The dark god roared.

Nanfeng's defense really made the dark God angry and envious.

But the dark god didn't stop attacking, because his attack had worked. The south wind could resist him dozens of times. Could it resist his hundreds of attacks?

But with the anger of the dark god, the south wind responded.

"Dark god son, don't fight back, just because I want to try your blood evolution, where is the limit of power." Nanfeng light mouth, "but now it seems, just like that, your limit is that."

"The final evolution of your blood can only be a joke in my eyes."

With these words, Nanfeng's defensive power has turned to attack.

In the burning of war, he went straight into the state of three heads and six arms.

Air, perfect with three head and six arm magic breath fusion.

"This is the legendary three heads and six arms!" Everyone was surprised again. They were envious.

Roar! The dark god was even more angry when he was stimulated by the words of the south wind. Of course, he was also angry because the south wind burst out the supernatural powers of heaven and earth.

The son of darkness yelled in his heart, "why? Why is it that the best one is from the south wind? The son of God is the destiny of the dragon and elephant region

In this anger, the son of the dark God turned into the blood of the dark and merged into the blood painting of the dark.

Dark blood painting swept up, like the blood column general, mercilessly toward the south wind.

Under the three heads and six arms, Nanfeng once again gathered the strongest fighting power, turned into a long gun, and directly integrated itself into the spear.

The blood light and the battle light converge, and the two become the strongest force to touch again.

Feeling the momentum, I thought it would be a fierce confrontation, but everything ended too fast.

In the light of the war, the long gun of power directly runs through the dark blood painting, destroying it in a way of destroying the withered and decadent. The power is scattered, the flesh and blood are flying, and the breath of the soul is scattered.

This is not only through the dark blood painting, but also directly through the dark god.

With the lesson of the evolution of blood, where will Nanfeng retain a trace of power? Except for the magic Qi, the dark Qi, and several other kinds of spirit powers, all his powers are gathered in this long gun.This moment of a scene, so that the entire silence around, as if to stop time.

The long gun landed and turned into the south wind. With the convergence of momentum, the south wind said faintly, "see, your blood has finally evolved. In my eyes, it's a joke, the dark god son, and this is just your limit."

"Can let my south wind become a stepping stone, not yet!"

The tone is overbearing, but at this moment, Nanfeng's heart is relaxed, because he is the first demon in the realm of God, the biggest enemy, and finally he has been killed by himself.

The south wind also broke the silence.

All eyes looking at the figure, is only admiration, deep admiration.

At this moment, he could not help saying, "the final evolution of the blood of the dark god son is really a joke in his eyes."

"To what extent is his limit?" Some martial arts people feel this way.

"Although he has only one air, he can challenge beyond the level. Maybe only the strongest three air talents can try out his limit."

"See, he didn't fight back before. He just wanted to try the power limit after the evolution of the blood of the dark god." Shi Ling said with a smile to Han Lao and Tian Shi goddess.

Han is very helpless shaking his head, he found himself thinking too much.

"This guy, he's worrying about nothing!" Heaven, said the goddess.

"All of you, if you should go back, go back. Soon, the exit of the battlefield of death will be opened, and it's time to leave." Convergence of strength, south wind said to those around.

Hearing the words of the south wind, all the warriors around left one after another. They really want to see what will happen to Tianlan God King in the end, but actually they know that they will be killed by the chaotic empress.