Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2566

As soon as they come out of the coffin of the dead, Nanfeng directly feels the murderous air of death silence in the space, and sees that all the warriors around are in the coffin, and the silent ones in the distance.

Nanfeng's eyes looked again, and a group of people were sitting in the sky.

Two of them, Nanfeng, are very familiar. They are Tianlan God King and dark god son.

"I've been waiting here. Just in time, I've been looking for it." Nanfeng sneers in his heart. Now he has no reason to avoid the dark god.

"Nanfeng, Tianlan God King and dark god son have been waiting here for half a year." Seeing the south wind coming out, the goddess of heaven in the soul world immediately said in a worried tone.

"He came just in time!" Nanfeng responded.

"There is something wrong with Tianlan God King." Han said.

This is the worry of the three gods.

Hearing this, Nanfeng's eyes immediately looked at the God King of Tianlan. In an instant, Nanfeng saw that there was something wrong with the God King of Tianlan.

There is no blood of the dark blood demon family in Tianlan God King's body, and in the conversation with Tianlan Mingyu, Nanfeng learns that Tianlan God King is not on the side of the blood demon God King.

Therefore, the God King of Tianlan will not give up his own blood to major in the power of blood devil. And Tianlan God King's several moves also proved that he did not cultivate the power of blood devil.

But now, the momentum of Tianlan God King, there is no trace of divine earth, divine water breath, there is only the same blood devil power as the blood devil God King, the dark blood devil family warrior.

And there is another point, that is, the eyes of the God King of Tianlan are a little bit wooden. At this moment, the God King of Tianlan gives Nanfeng a feeling of fighting machine.

In primitive times, Nanfeng can only feel the strength of Tianlan God King, but can't feel the realm of Tianlan God King.

Now the south wind is absolutely qualified to feel the realm of the early and middle divine kings.

For example, qingzhui God King, he can clearly feel that other God kings are the same.

"It seems that Tianlan God King is their so-called preparation, and it is because Tianlan God King does not really submit to the blood devil God King that he will be prepared for the chaotic mother queen." Nanfeng thought.

But Nanfeng doesn't care. Now he doesn't need the help of chaos mother, and he is confident that he can beat the dark god son.

Feeling the appearance of the south wind, the dark god stood up directly from the sitting, all his eyes were looking at the south wind, and the south wind's eyes also went with it. In a flash, solid light power burst out in the mid air.

"Nanfeng, it's like the beginning of our hostility. It's our first meeting in a real sense." The dark god son is very confident, arrogant, light mouth.

"It seems to be." Said Nanfeng.

"That's a pity. I don't know who will save you this time." The dark god son says, the tone has already changed from the light to kill the meaning to be lingran.

"Nanfeng, if I need qingzhui's help, I'll tell you at any time!" At this time, qingzhui said to Nanfeng.

King qingzhui saw with his own eyes the adverse weather of the south wind. I believe that on the side of the south wind, the tree owner will not object. Moreover, Lin Lin qinghun, the next owner of the family, has repeatedly said that he will stand on the side of the south wind.

"Master qingzhui, thank you very much. If it was in the past, I might need your help, but now, the dark god is no longer in my eyes." Nanfeng gratefully responded.

"It seems that during the half year in the coffin of the dead, you really got a great chance." Hear the words of south wind, green Zhui God King says with emotion.

As a God King, even if the south wind moved the primitive self pole, he could still feel the realm of the south wind at such a close distance.

"However, you should be careful, King Tianlan!"

"Don't worry, master. There is chaos mother and empress. Tianlan God is not afraid. The strength of chaos mother and Empress is clear. Their preparation is based on the strength of chaos mother and empress before she enters the battlefield of death." Said Nanfeng.

... Nanfeng's intention of killing also spread. He said to the dark god in a cold voice, "this time, no one will save me, but you need to consider whether someone will save you."

"Ha ha ~" the dark god laughed.

And the more you laugh, the crazier you get.

Finally, the dark god roared, "Nanfeng, today our God will still have new and old hatred on you, starting from the moment you took our God's mine phosphorus snake."

"And the woman who robbed the son of God!" Said here, the dark god son is really crazy.

There is too much hatred between Nanfeng and him. But to say which one makes the dark God angry most is undoubtedly the thing that the south wind brings fire to Yerong.

That incident not only delayed him to break through the divine kingdom to a certain extent, but also trampled on his dignity. A man's dignity is more truly reflected in a woman.

"Now, huoyerong is my woman." Nanfeng responded directly with a sneer. But this sound, let the dark god son kill the intention infinite, to the south wind kill the intention as if to become his life demons.

"Oh, by the way, I don't start to annoy you when I rob you, but when I kill your weakest servant.""Good! Good The son of darkness hissed.

But the madness of the dark god didn't make him lose his mind. He turned all his madness and anger into his power.

At this moment, the dark god is really like a volcano with explosive power.

With the intention of killing, the God King of Tianlan took the lead and rushed directly to the empress of chaos with a roar like a wild animal.

For a moment, the God King of Tianlan and the empress of chaos fought fiercely together, but they didn't fall at all.

Tianlan God King is like a blood beast out of the blood, only know how to kill.

"I have the same power as the empress of chaos. The God King of Tianlan has made progress so fast!" Seeing the power of Tianlan God King at this time, Nanfeng said.

Of course, it's not just the south wind, it's all the people here.

Of course, everyone knows that Tianlan God King has such power, not from normal cultivation.

"This guy, what's going through!" The South breeze in the heart also conjectures to say.

"Dark blood demon clan, there are many blood elixirs that let the warrior break out in a short time. I'm afraid that the God King of Tianlan swallowed that elixir." The king of qingzhui sends the sound of the south wind.

"I'm afraid so." South wind responded.

Remember to fight that blood medicine, that blood medicine swallowed a kind of blood pill.

It was only after more than ten rounds of fighting that the God King of Tianlan deliberately led the mother and Empress of chaos to leave here, which was obviously inspired by the dark god son.

Nanfeng then made a plan to let the empress of chaos follow Tianlan God King to leave here.

In this way, the eyes of the dark god son were excited. "Hum!" South wind is in the heart of a cold smile.