Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2567

"Master qingzhui, do you want to step in?" The next moment, the dark god son's eyes looked at the king of qingzhui. He was afraid that the king of qingzhui was standing on the side of the south wind.

Because at this moment, there is no God King on his side.

At this time, the wind family did not appear here, I do not know why.

"Not really." Green Zhui God King light smile way. Of course, if Nanfeng really spoke, qingzhui God King would not hesitate, because he has decided to stand on the side of Nanfeng. A God King will not easily change after he really decides something.

"That's good!" The dark god son said with a little relief.

"Dark god son, you don't have to worry too much. Today, you and I will fight, only between you and me, personally cutting you. I've been thinking about this scene for a long time." Looking at the dark god son, the south wind says coldly.

"Beheading the son of God? Your confidence? " Dark god son is disdainful to say very much.

When the words fall, the dark god steps out, and a barrier emerges in front of him. It is like a net. It is hard to suppress toward the south wind. There is no power of Qi, just pure power.

This is the self-confidence of the dark god son. This kind of pure crushing can make him feel better. In this region of dragon and elephant, there is no creature who hates Nanfeng as much as he does.

However, he is really casual, and it is really impossible to think that the strength of Nanfeng can match him now, even though Nanfeng is extremely confident.

Boom! In the shock, the barrier of the dark god son cracked, and a shadow burst out from below, with unparalleled momentum. It became a storm world and swept fiercely.

In the shock, the dark god son also quickly retreated, this scene, he really can't imagine. How dare they believe that Nanfeng now has the power of the half step God King? According to the speed of Nanfeng's progress in the past, it will take at least several decades, or even hundreds of years. The half step God King is in contact with the God King, but it is not so easy to break through.

"Half step God King, before entering the giant coffin of the dead, that is the medium-term fighting power of the upper God!" When Ling three people are shocked, because they know more about the strength of the south wind.

"Look at his breath, there is no trace of vanity, which shows that he is a perfect breakthrough. In half a year, how did he do it? What kind of opportunity did he get in the coffin of the dead." Han said so.

"We really need to get used to his perversion." When Ling is again.

"Sure enough, he has the fighting power of the half step God King. He has grown up thoroughly. I'm afraid that the blood devil God King will soon become his stepping stone." After confirming the fighting power of Nanfeng, qingzhui said in his heart.

"Even if the Dragon elephant family, I'm afraid they can only watch him grow up."

Qingzhui also firmly believed that there was nothing wrong with standing on the south wind side.

The forest family only wants to develop themselves well, but this is the world of martial arts. If you don't provoke others, people will provoke you. There is no so-called neutral, blood devil king, Nanfeng, dragon elephant family. The forest family must choose one side.

"How could it be?" Eyes don't know when to turn into blood, dark god son ferocious said.

"Dark god son, take out all your strength, otherwise, your full of anger, can only turn into nothingness." Looking at the dark god son, South breeze light smile way.

"And if I don't have the strength, I will stand here to fight with you?"

Roar! Hearing the words of the south wind, the dark god roared.

A painting of divine land and water directly emerges from his brow. The divine land turns into a hundred thousand mountains, carrying endless force of repression. The divine water surges and impacts everywhere, and will destroy everything.

"This kind of thorough outbreak is a bit unusual!" See the dark god son so burst out, south wind frown to talk to oneself.

Because under the explosion of the limit of the dark god, great changes have taken place in his body, and the south wind with primitive self pole can clearly feel it.

The dark god is not exploding his power. He is abandoning his own blood, the Tianlan blood of the divine earth and water, and all the power under the blood power.

"How can he give up all his blood and power? Is it because he wants to completely change to the blood of the dark blood devil?" South breeze in the heart conjectures to say.

Nanfeng guessed it well. At this moment, the dark god son wanted to completely abandon the Tianlan blood in his body, because the Tianlan blood limited his power. He thought that only by abandoning the Tianlan blood, the dark blood demon blood in his body could be more pure.

A living creature has a kind of martial arts, some people think that blood is good, some people think that a kind of blood is the supreme way.

This outburst of abandonment is similar to the explosion of self destruction, so the dark god will not waste his power and will naturally land it on the people he hates the most.

"Abandon your father's blood and turn your father into a fighting machine. People like you are no different from the demons." Hands seal, magic power from behind, south wind cold said.

"The weak, will think about that boring family, today, no matter what situation you grow up to, your flesh and blood will become a part of the blood of the son of God, the blood devil." Said the son of darkness coldly."Devour the blood The blood light is released in the center of Nanfeng's two hands, and turns into a storm of infinite blood. In the storm, the blood soul insects bite.

All of a sudden, all the power of Tianlan, earth and water turned into nothingness.

"Your so-called abandonment is nothing." After destroying all the abandoned power of the son of darkness, Nanfeng said coldly.

The next moment, devour the fire, mixed fire spirit body urge, south wind really shot.

Infinite divine fire power surging, directly into the melting pot of heaven and earth, toward the dark god son shrouded and down.

In the two collisions, Nanfeng almost completely felt the power of the dark god son, and half stepped to the peak of the God King.

Bear! The power of the melting pot of heaven and earth under the half step God King's fighting power is really infinite hot, and the burning state seems to be able to change this piece of heaven and earth.

"The power of the half step God King is really cool. It feels like breaking free from the shackles of heaven and earth." Under the burst of flames, Nanfeng said with emotion.

But just for a moment, the melting pot of heaven and earth was blasted by the light of the blood devil, and the dark god son walked out slowly from the scattered flames.

And this moment, or this is the real son of darkness.

All the body turned into blood black. Under the breath of blood, there was only the bloody power of the blood devil, and there was no power of divine retreat and divine water.

At this moment, the dark god son can be said to have nothing to do with Tianlan.

"It's really a cold heart. I completely gave up my father's blood." Nanfeng murmured. "Use your blood to prove the transformation of the son of God." His eyes are like a river of blood, said the dark god.