Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2565

"Because, to a certain extent, I have the same spirit as master Ming coffin." Said the shadow of the great coffin.

"What? "The same spirit?" The south wind was startled at once.

If it is the same life spirit, that is to say, the same life spirit can not appear in the same time and space, otherwise it will cause huge time and space cause and effect, and be imposed on the body by the huge time and space cause and effect, which will not only harm itself, but also infinite creatures.

This is also a rule of heaven and earth. The way of heaven does not allow the same spirit to appear in the same time and space.

Any living creature can step into the long river of time, go to the previous era, or later era, but never to the era of their own existence, the world of time.

"To a certain extent, it's the same life spirit. How do you say that?" After the surprise, Nanfeng asked curiously.

"Master, endless death world, death family, death emperor, you should have heard of it!" Said the spirit of the great coffin.

"Nature, the battlefield of death and the coffin of the dead all come from the endless world of death." Said Nanfeng.

"Does the master know that the emperor of death and the family of death are not gods or demons, but underworld creatures!" Said the spirit of the great coffin.

"In the underworld!" There was a heavy south wind. However, Nanfeng's look was not so surprised, because previously, he speculated that the death emperor and the death family had a great relationship with the underworld.

"You are indeed a man of the underworld!" At the same time, Nanfeng said the same.

"It seems that you have guessed for a long time, master!" Hearing this, the spirit of the giant coffin was very surprised and said.

"Yes, it has long been speculated that death originally came from Ming Qi. I know and have heard rumors that the emperor of death is neither a living creature in the divine realm nor a living creature of the demon clan." Said Nanfeng.

"In this way, the emperor of death can only be a living creature in the underworld."

"The emperor of death, the family of death under him, are all creatures of the underworld, and this is the reason why the family of death has been secluded for countless years, and the emperor of death has not been seen much." Said the spirit of the great coffin.

"So how did the emperor of death come here?" Nanfeng continued.

Nanfeng wants to know everything about the underworld.

"Master, I don't know about that, because from my memory, I have been in the realm of God. I know everything about the elder emperor of death. Except himself, I'm afraid only the elder coffin knows." Said the spirit of the great coffin.

"So." Nanfeng said, looking more puzzled.

But after the explanation of the spirit of the giant coffin, Nanfeng understood everything.

The underworld coffin is actually a supreme artifact of heaven and earth that follows the emperor of death from the underworld. The previous figure is the spirit of the coffin.

But I don't know when, because of some reasons, the coffin of the dead split, but it didn't break. Instead, it split into nine exactly the same ones, namely the giant coffin of the dead.

In the world of endless death, there are nine coffins of the dead, which are made from the coffins of the dead.

The nine great coffins of the dead also gave birth to their own wisdom, but the wisdom comes from the spirit of the coffin. They are interlinked with the spirit of the coffin, and the spirit of the coffin can control them.

Together, they can control the spirit of the coffin to a certain extent.

Therefore, they and the spirit of the coffin can be said to be the same life spirit.

"I see!" South wind nods.

Endless world, there are all kinds of strange things. It's not without the separation of heaven and earth level artifact.

"Then, if you think I am the Lord, will you still be controlled by the spirit of the coffin?" Then Nanfeng asked a question of his own concern.

"Master, I don't know about that, but since master Ming coffin knows that I know you are the master, he won't interfere in my affairs any more. I'm sure of that." Said the spirit of the great coffin.

Hearing this, Nanfeng was relieved. He didn't want to be controlled by others.

And the coffin was really a man who kept his word.

"Master Ming coffin should be able to appear here at any time and contact you at any time?" Nanfeng continued to ask, if he can, when his strength reaches a certain level, he must contact the emperor of death through the coffin.

"Yes, but it depends on whether master Ming coffin accepts the news or not." Said the spirit of the great coffin.

"As long as they can, there are always things they are interested in." Nanfeng said confidently.

"Master, you are very mysterious!" Hearing the words of the south wind, the spirit of the giant coffin said with a smile.

"What? Do you think I'm not mysterious? " Nanfeng laughs.

"It's mysterious enough, because no living creature in the divine realm can control the chain of heaven and hell, and no living creature has ever had nine kinds of spirit bodies at the same time, and it's the coexistence of spirit body and spirit body." Said the spirit of the great coffin.

The spirit of the giant coffin was naturally curious about Nanfeng, but he didn't show it.

"Ha ha, after you follow me for a while, you will be more curious about me." Nanfeng laughs.

Then, Nanfeng arrived at the place where qingzhui was."If it wasn't for chaos, I would have thought you had fallen into it." See the south wind, green Zhui God King immediately excited up said.

Several other people are excited, because looking at Nanfeng's confident look, they know that Nanfeng has succeeded.

"It's been a long time, but fortunately it was successful." Nanfeng said with a smile, "I have kept you waiting for a long time."

"Finally, I can leave the coffin of the dead." Hear South breeze oneself also admit, green Zhui God King several people are excited to say.

As for the other ten people, qingzhui God King and others did not ask, because they can guess that the ten people may have fallen. No matter how they fell, whether they were killed by Nanfeng or for other reasons, it has nothing to do with them. The important thing is that they are going to get out of here.

Their original choice is not wrong, not to compete with the south wind.

"You guys, take these death chips." At this time, Nanfeng took out some death chips to qingzhui God King and others.

He has already controlled the south wind of the Necromancer's huge coffin. Naturally, the death chip in the Necromancer's huge coffin is under his control. At this time, it is natural to give some to these people, because no matter what, at the beginning, these people withdrew from the fight, especially the king qingzhui. In Nanfeng's view, this is respect for him.

Fortunately, Wang Zhui and others were even more excited about their death.

After that, Nanfeng and qingzhui left the coffin.

But at this time, he was not in a hurry to collect the coffin. He didn't want to let more people know that he had got the coffin.

As for the qingzhui God King, Nanfeng believes that as long as they are smart enough, they will not reveal the world, because they only know about Nanfeng.

Once leaked, Nanfeng will easily find out who it is.