Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2554

However, Nanfeng didn't think much about it. In an instant, Nanfeng let the flesh and blood separate into the world with the chaotic mother, just let the two insects explode. As for the poisonous God King, there is really no way to keep him.

Because there is no collision between the devouring sacrifice and the refining, it is not too traumatic to cancel the chaotic empress after the devouring sacrifice and refining.

"Although the poisonous and poisonous God King has escaped, his two great gods and insects have fallen. We have not gained anything." Said the goddess of heaven.

"It's true, and I guess that the fall of the two insects will make the poisonous God King suffer a heavy blow, and his strength will be greatly weakened." Han said, "we can see this from the fact that the poisonous God King can completely control the two insects."

"The God King of Gu and Du can completely control them. In addition, they are from the God King of Gu and Du, which shows that their lives and strength are connected with the God King of Gu and Du."

"The God King of Gu and Du has been badly damaged. He has absolutely done nothing in the future. The God kingdom of Gu and Du has withdrawn from the fight with us, and this period of time is enough for you to grow up." Shi Ling also said.

"Next, there is only one goal, the dark god son and the God King of Tianlan." Nodding slightly, the south wind said heavily.

Then, Nanfeng four people began to search for the dark god son and others, and chaos mother and queen first entered the world of life and death to recover.

In the search, Nanfeng also began to deal with the dead army.

As the hidden shadow of the old guessed, Nanfeng could not let the dead souls in the battlefield of death have any chance to go out, which is Nanfeng's inner responsibility.

Of course, in the process of solving the dead, Nanfeng did it secretly. He didn't want to let people know that he had a heaven prison chain. It is natural to rely on the queen of chaos when meeting the king of God level dead spirits, and the death power contained in the king of God level dead spirits can accelerate the recovery of the queen of chaos through the transformation of the south wind.

The dark god son and Tianlan God King must have been eroded by the corrosive power of heizu in the God King level dead spirit, so it will take some time to find them.

In this case, a few months later, the dead in the battlefield of death were almost cleared up.

Although those who survived didn't know who they were, many of them guessed Nanfeng.

Of course, guessing is just guessing!

Before, Nanfeng's help was changed. They didn't know that. Moreover, Nanfeng had already made the forest family vow not to expose the chain of heaven prison.

"Where are the dark gods hiding?" On a hill grave, south wind said impatiently.

"It's estimated that it's underground. They can't appear on their own if they're not sure about the elimination of the dead." Han said, "but it should be fast now. After all, we have almost eliminated the dead."

However, at this time, the great changes attracted the attention of all the living warriors in the battlefield of death, that is, the tombs that gave birth to the dead started to move away from the surface, just like the independent worlds began to move, and converged in the same direction.

When the number of graves converged was large enough, the graves began to merge.

This movement and fusion lasted for half a month. Finally, when all the tombs converged and merged, a huge coffin of the grave was formed. Within a few hours, the coffin of the grave became larger and occupied nearly one tenth of the death battlefield area.

On the coffin of the grave, strong death power is constantly released.

Everything will be calm when the coffin of the tomb enters the earth.

There are many cracks in the coffin of the tomb. Feel these cracks, you can know that through these cracks, you can enter the huge coffin.

"What is such a huge grave coffin? If there is space compression in it, I'm afraid it's bigger than the space of the battlefield of death!" All around the martial arts people sigh heavily.

Nanfeng four naturally arrived, but they didn't show up in the world.

"What is this?" Four people in the world, you look at him, he looks at you, are also puzzled. Although we have learned a lot about the battlefield of death before entering the battlefield of death, we will never fully understand it.

For this, Han also shook his head.

"If I guess correctly, it's the coffin of the dead!" At this time, the king of the forest family saw what it was and said heavily.

Tone is also with shock, continue to speak, "unexpected, this time in the battlefield of death, not only the dead, but also the dead giant coffin."

"Master, what is the dead giant coffin?" Some of the warriors asked.

"In the endless world of death, there are many invisible giant coffins of death. The reason why they are invisible is that the giant coffins of the dead are often divided into tombs of the dead, and occasionally merge and appear." Explained the king of the forest family.

"The dead are born from the coffins of the dead, and then grow up in the graves of the dead."

"What, the necromancer was born from the Necromancer's coffin, so in this Necromancer's coffin..." Hearing this, many of the warriors were immediately frightened. They didn't want to meet too many dead souls again."Don't worry, everyone. If there are still dead souls, they also appear from the dead souls' graves. Now that the dead souls' graves have become the dead souls' coffins, it means that there are no dead souls in them, at least there are no growing dead souls!" Feeling the fear of the warriors around, the king of the forest family quickly explained.

When you hear this, you can rest assured.

The process of fighting with the dead is to let them realize what is called real fear.

"Master, in this case, are we safe?" Asked some of the warriors.

"Yes, but the coffin of the dead appears. Don't you want to go in and look for some opportunities?" The king of the forest family suddenly said so.

Immediately, the warriors around don't understand. It's too late for them to avoid the coffin. How dare they enter and look for opportunities? Besides, is there any chance in it?

"Everyone, it seems that you are scared by the dead." The God King of the forest family said with a smile, "the dead are really terrible, but the huge coffin of the dead is not so terrible. On the contrary, it contains a lot of death chips, which contain the purest death power of heaven and earth."

"Those forces of death, maybe we can't refine them, but they can definitely absorb the dead Qi in our body."

"In this way, our aging will be infinitely delayed, and we will have a longer peak time. As long as we don't fall, we will have more peak time to break through the next realm."

Hearing this, the eyes of all the warriors around were startled and greedy.

Yes, if God had not fallen, there would have been no saying that Shouyuan would have been exhausted, but he had to face the problem of aging and the problem of insufficient peak, just like Han Lao.

Aging may be far away, but when it comes, it won't be far away.