Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2553

"It's true that if you are more powerful, I'm afraid Nanfeng won't be able to win you today, but it's a pity after all. Since you have lost, you must accept that your road of martial arts has come to an end." Nanfeng responded.

To Gu Ying, Nanfeng still has some appreciation in his heart, and it's a pity, but who let them be in the opposite.

He thought about using incantations to control the evil hawk, but he still thought about it. Using incantations to control creatures, even enemies, is not what Nanfeng wanted, because Nanfeng thought it was an evil way.

Moreover, using incantations to control living beings violates the principle of heaven, and will definitely lead to cause and effect.

Huoyerong, it was an accident.

And Fengyi, Nanfeng really doesn't want to let a genius with air fall like that. Even if he wants cause and effect, he will recognize it.

Gu Ying has not yet reached the point where Nanfeng deserves to bear the burden of cause and effect.

"do you want to be decent or let me do it? Of course, you can also choose to blow yourself up and try to see if you can bring me to the end." Then, Nanfeng also let Gu Ying choose his own way of death, which is a kind of respect for him.

"I want to make a great wish. If the soul of Gu Ying can be reincarnated, the people in the afterlife will find you Nanfeng for revenge after all!" Eyes ferocious, Gu Ying roared.

Gu Ying is not willing, not willing to end his road of martial arts, but he has no choice but to put all his reluctance on the vow.

Under his curse like ambition, Gu Ying finally chose to commit suicide, which is his most respectable and self respecting way to fall. Gu Ying naturally wants to die with the south wind, but he can't do it at all. He explodes himself. His power is really the explosion of the limit, but he can't break through the chaos of the south wind.

In the battle, he has realized.

Power infuses into one's own soul and spirit, and turns into a flame of power to burn oneself.

For respect, Nanfeng buries the body of the poison hawk under the ground instead of leaving it to be devoured by the chaos queen.

"Gu Ying is also a genius." When she came, the goddess of heaven also said with regret. For many years, she has been competing with Gu Ying. In terms of strength, it's a bit of a pity.

"It's cruel to be a king and defeat the enemy. In this cruel situation, I can only choose to be a king!" Nanfeng also said with emotion.

Then, the four entered the world and went deep underground to watch the battle between the queen of chaos and the God King of poison.

At this moment, the empress of chaos and the king of Gu and Du have no idea how deep they have gone into the underground invisible space. It took two hours for Nanfeng to feel the aftereffects of the fighting forces of both sides.

If we go deeper, we will see the shadow of the war between the two sides.

The mother of chaos changes a lot under the phagocytosis. She has both attack and defense. She has Nanfeng's flesh and blood to absorb the poison of darkness and heartbreak to a certain extent. The mother of chaos's war one and three are just more brave in the war.

And through fighting, strength is still improving.

The spirit and flesh power that engulfed the five God kings were not thoroughly refined by the empress of chaos. There was still a lot of power left in her body. This battle just became an opportunity for him to hone.

During the Vietnam War, the more the king of poisonous insects felt the strengthening of the queen of chaos.

The king of Gu and Du looked more and more flustered.

Because he can't improve now.

"Chaos empress really can't suppress and kill this poisonous God King in an instant, but it can definitely kill him slowly!" In the world, looking at the fighting, Nanfeng said.

"Then if the poisonous God King is going to run away?" Han said.

"Maybe you can run!" Although unwilling, Nanfeng has to face the reality.

Although the God King of Gu and Du has been eroded by the corrosive power of heizu, he has just been eroded. In addition, he has just broken through, and his blood is at its peak. His combat power will be weakened, but not much.

Besides, there are poisonous insects and poisonous insects with the same strength around him.

After being flustered and determined that his power was a little worse than that of chaos mother, the poisonous God King also chose to flee directly.

But his escape will not be easy, because the queen of chaos once again offered the sacrifice of swallowing.

Needless to say, the empress of chaos knows that if the king of Gu and Du escaped this time, there would be no chance to kill him in the battlefield of death.

With preparedness, the God of poisonous insects will hide deeper. Even if there is no world like the south wind, it is almost impossible to find it.

This time, the mother of chaos broke out. You can see that the body of the mother of chaos, which was originally blood red, became white all at once. This is the integration of her many essence and blood forces into the sacrifice of phagocytosis.

"Mother, hard work!" There was a heavy sound in Nanfeng's heart.

From the moment he followed, chaos mother gave him too much help, and perhaps from that moment, chaos mother became an indispensable helper around him.

To tell you the truth, I'm afraid the empress of chaos can keep up with Nanfeng, and the empress of chaos still surpasses Nanfeng.

"Mother, I will let you have your own true wisdom!" The south wind is firm in the heart.It's absolutely another time to break the limit of the rules of heaven and earth for a living creature like the mother of chaos to have real intelligence.

Looking at the scarlet and incomparable devouring sacrifice, the king of poisonous insects could not help but look frightened.

As a God King in the middle of the three Yuan Dynasty, the perception of the God King of Gu and Du is absolutely not bad. After the appearance of this phagocytic sacrifice, he felt the terror in the phagocytosis for the first time.

This time, it is the power of chaos.

"There is absolutely no problem for this animal to break out four or five times, and I can't resist three times even if I have two insects in my body." The king of poisonous insects said in his heart.

"Even if after three times, this animal can't recover, how can I die with one animal?"

At this moment, the look of the two insects around the poisonous God King had changed, a little dull. There is no doubt that at this moment, they are completely controlled by the poisonous God King.

After all, they were born from the body of the poisonous God King, who gave them life. Even if they had complete intelligence, it was easy for the poisonous God King to control them.

Roar, roar! Under the control of the poisonous God King, the two insects burst out and all their strength went towards the devouring sacrifice.


The next moment, two insects exploded.

Of course, to be exact, it was controlled by the poisonous God King.

The God King of Gu and Du planned to abandon the two insects to ensure that he could escape easily.

"Give up the two God insects that you have cultivated." Seeing the force of self explosion rising, the south wind said coldly.

These two insects must have been with the God King of Gu and Du for many years. Now, if you say give up, you give up. Nanfeng really can't agree with such a cold person.