Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2555

Moreover, the God King of the forest family said that the death chip can make the warriors have more peak periods, which is what they need. The more peak periods, the more opportunities they have to break through.

"You, of course, if there are other dangers in the coffin of the dead, I don't know. In a word, chance may be accompanied by danger." Finally, the God King of the forest family added that after all, he really didn't know if there would be other dangers in it.

There was less discussion, and all the martial arts around calmed down, thinking about whether to go in or not.

"Death chip, I didn't expect such a thing!" In the world, Nanfeng said with emotion.

Nanfeng doesn't have much interest in this. After all, he can't face the problem of aging, and he can't break through a higher level because of his lack of peak state.

But the three gods are different.

Although Nanfeng has the reincarnation of life and death and the vitality of Tianzu, it is impossible for him to get rid of death unless he makes a breakthrough.

And the death chip is different, it can definitely make him back to the peak.

Shi Ling naturally wants to, because Shi Ling has self-knowledge. If he wants to break through the God King, he must accumulate endless time.

As for the goddess of time, this death chip will make her younger. No woman does not want to be younger forever.

Therefore, for the sake of the three people around, Nanfeng still needs to go into the huge coffin of death.

"This huge coffin of death, I and the empress chaos can enter it." But Nanfeng didn't plan to let the three of them enter and said.

Nanfeng's meaning, three people naturally understand, are nodding, the danger or unknown, they do not go in the best, and Nanfeng himself can enter the world in the first time, chaos mother is the king.

At this time, the God King of the forest family and the two half step God kings took the lead to enter the giant coffin of the dead through the crack.

After that, some Warriors also entered, but they were all the leaders of various forces, either the God King or the half step God King, and the weakest one was the perfect God.

Let the three enter the world of soul separation, and Nanfeng and chaotic empress also enter it.

"Knowing what happened here, the dark god son and the God King of Tianlan will certainly enter." Nanfeng thought in his heart, "dark god son, no matter what, this dead spirit giant coffin must be your tomb!"

Inside the coffin, it was dark, the space was extremely humid, and there was a lot of running water on the ground. Everything in this world contains the power of death, so here, there is only one feeling - death.

Chaos mother small, just quietly lying on the shoulder of Nanfeng, all let Nanfeng explore.

As soon as I came in, I naturally met those warriors.

However, there was no hostility to Nanfeng. They all said hello respectfully and went in other directions.

Walking forward, Nanfeng sees some small tombs. There are some lifeblood in the tombs. He can clearly feel that these lifeblood are condensed by the pure power of death.

There is no doubt that this is the embryonic form of the dead.

However, Nanfeng's attention is not on the prototype of the dead spirit, but on the crystal of the eyebrow center of the prototype of the dead spirit.

It's a crystal without any regular shape. In the center of the dead spirit's eyebrow, it is perfectly integrated with the dead spirit's rudiment, from which all the death power of the dead spirit's rudiment comes.

If you feel it a little bit, you can also feel that the crystal is constantly releasing the power of death into the body of the protozoa.

"It looks like this is the death chip." Nanfeng said slightly.

Without hesitation, he smashed the prototypes and took the chip.

Immediately, Nanfeng also tried the death chip. He urged the power to make the death in his body appear slightly, and fused the death chip into his eyebrows.

Soon, the effect appeared, and the death chip began to absorb the dead gas in his body. Although the speed was a little slow, it was actually absorbed.

"The God King of the forest family is not deceiving. Collect more!" Nanfeng said to himself.

Later, Nanfeng focused all his attention on collecting death chips, and did not pay attention to the graves where he got them.

In those tombs, the power of death reappeared and gradually gathered to form the prototype of the dead.

If you don't use the iron chain of heaven prison, you can't kill the dead. Naturally, the embryonic form of the dead is the same. Nanfeng really ignored this point.

He also ignored another point. To be exact, Nanfeng didn't know it, neither did the God King of the forest family, nor did the other warriors.

That is, those death chips actually suppress the dead to a certain extent.

How the dead are formed is that the corpses of the dead come to the giant coffin of the dead and are given death chips by the giant coffin, and are gradually formed.

But in the process of breeding, it is not a process of strength growth.

The strength of a dead spirit is determined before it is alive. For example, if this corpse was a God King before it is alive, then the formed dead spirit is also a God King. Before it is alive, it is a superior God, and the formed dead spirit is also a superior God.The gestating of death chip to the dead is a way to completely eliminate all the memories of the dead in the process of suppression. After all the memories are eliminated, the death chip will disappear and the real dead will be formed.

A real dead soul has no intelligence and no combat experience.

If the death chip is taken away in advance, it is not a real dead spirit, but a semi-finished dead spirit. The semi-finished necromancers are more terrible than the Necromancers because they possess intelligence, combat experience and power.

... continue to collect, Nanfeng saw the body, there is no doubt that it is the warrior who came in, and this body is very tragic, almost only bones, flesh and blood were eaten.

"Corpse! There are still dead souls in it The south wind said heavily.

Nanfeng was also puzzled, because outside, although the dead also chewed the corpses, they would not chew them so thoroughly. The main thing was to kill them. If they were killed, they would not chew them again.

And this body, obviously, was killed and swallowed.

Moreover, in this corpse, Nanfeng did not feel the erosion of heizu's corrosive power.

There is a trace, which is just eroded in the surrounding space.

"Isn't it the dead?" The south wind began to wonder.

Roar! At that moment, as like as two peas of shadows came to the south, three shadows and two animals were alike.

And when they saw the south wind, they looked ferocious immediately, and licked their terrible tongue and yelled, "swallow, swallow enough, we can come out of this dark death world, and we can be reborn!"

"What's the matter? How could these dead souls possess intelligence? " Hearing the roar of the dead, the south wind was deeply shocked.

Nanfeng's heart also sank directly. He immediately had a kind of intuition. I'm afraid the coffin of the dead will not be very simple.