Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2552

"There is also the power of counterattack. Is it his Gu Ying spirit?" Feeling the impact of the forces of the battle's men, Nanfeng also heard a lot. Nanfeng clearly remembered that in the battle just now, Gu Ying didn't urge his spirit power.

Boom! Another moment, Nanfeng's big hand was completely overturned, but it was not smashed. And Nanfeng took back his big hand, because he really wanted to see the power under the spirit of guying.

After the convergence, the south wind figure also quickly retreated.

Boom! Immediately, under the deep ravine, a huge shadow rushed out and covered the sky. At first glance, a pair of red and gray wings fluttered, giving people a sense of darkness. At another glance, it turned out to be a red and gray eagle.

This giant eagle is a real giant eagle, but it is different from other hawks, or birds, because it has no feathers, but only huge red gray scales, and also gives out cold awn.

"The spirit body of Gu hawk turns into a huge Gu hawk to fight!" Looking at the Gu Eagle at this time, the south wind sighed with emotion.

There is no such creature in heaven and earth, at least not now. It is not mentioned in all the ancient books that there was one before. Only the owner of the spirit body of Gu Ying can become Gu Ying.

Under the body of the magic hawk, the power of the magic Hawk is directly filled with the real power of the heaven. However, the power of the heaven is a little rare, that is, 20% of the pure power of the heaven.

It can be imagined that if it is the complete power of the sky bug, plus the unique body of the hawk, the hawk can really step into the ranks of top talents.

Roar! Under the sound of the call, the power of Gu Ying broke out completely.

A powerful shadow of the way of heaven appeared. Under the breath, it seemed that there was a god of Gu.

There is no doubt that this momentum is telling Nanfeng that Gu Ying is stronger now, not only because of Gu Ying spirit, but also because of the power of heaven under Gu Ying spirit.

"This battle is a little interesting!" Nanfeng said in his heart.

And Nanfeng also sighed in his heart, "if this guy is the real Tiangu Eagle spirit, I'm afraid I'm not his opponent at this time."

Of course, it means that under the challenge of leapfrogging, if you are in the same situation, only Tianzu and heizu can match the current south wind. If you are in the same situation, you have to add a Pluto.

At once, Nanfeng pushed his fifth level of primitive self pole to the extreme. Under the fusion of fighting spirit, he had the power of supernatural power to break out at any time. At this moment, as long as Nanfeng thought, he could push any supernatural power at any time and enter the corresponding primitive self pole state with that kind of supernatural power.

"Even if you have the fusion of fighting spirit that any warrior dreams of, today, I will defeat you!" Gu Ying roared.

Gu Ying said that he was defeated because he understood that he could not kill Nanfeng this time. First, Nanfeng's own strength, and second, the three gods of Tianshi. At this time, the three gods of Tianshi had completely suppressed another superior God of Gu poison family, and they could not let Nanfeng be killed.

Gu Ying has self-knowledge.

Gu Ying also has his own self-esteem and heart of martial arts. Since he is dead before and after, his victory over Nanfeng before his death must be the greatest glory of his road of martial arts.

"Try it!" Nanfeng said softly. Although Nanfeng speaks softly, every word contains the great fighting spirit and the original fighting spirit.

"Tiangu eagle claw!" Gu Ying is also very crisp, roaring and fighting hard.

Under the shadow of heaven, the insects emerge, absorb the power of heaven and pour it into the body of the magic eagle. Every moment, the scales of the magic Eagle are increasing.

With each point added, the power of Gu Ying soars by one point.

In the sound of the eagle, the huge talons emerge and fall from the sky, carrying the force of crushing the sky and heading for the south wind.

At the same time, all the scales on the magic hawk's body float, and gather on the eagle's claw in disorder and regularity.

At this moment, this heavenly magic eagle claw not only has powerful magic power, but also has powerful physical strength, the body of magic. It is also born from the way of heaven, which directly resonates with the chaotic golden body of Nanfeng.

"At the same level, I'm afraid I'm not the opponent of Gu Ying. My way of heaven, time, life and death can really cause heavy damage to him, but it's absolutely that he lost 800, I lost 1000, or even more." Feeling the fierce claws of the magic hawk, the goddess of heaven said in a deep voice, worried about the south wind.

"This guy is really strong. I don't know if the south wind can defeat the enemy under the fusion of war spirit?" Han Lao and Shi Ling are also worried.

In their hearts, Nanfeng is invincible. Nanfeng can not be defeated in a battle. This is a belief.

"Three heads and six arms! The strongest integration of war spirit Looking at the eagle's claw, the south wind's fighting spirit suddenly rises, just like a sky gushing out.

Shua Shua! On Nanfeng's body, he has three heads and six arms in an instant.

"Magic power - three heads and six arms!" See three heads and six arms, Gu Ying can't help roaring!

"How many magic powers can he have?" The goddess of heaven and the three of them can't help feeling again.

"It seems like a lot!" Shi Ling murmured again."After the work here, I must let this guy give me some supernatural powers of heaven and earth. Even if I can't fully understand it, it's better than ordinary supernatural powers of heaven and earth!" The goddess of heaven also continued.

Under the three heads and six arms, it seems that the south wind is about to burn, making the whole area hot, and the space seems to be illusory.

"The hand of war!" Nanfeng is still this move.

This time, however, it was no longer one hand, but three.

Because the south wind is in a state of three heads and six arms.

There is no order in which the three fighters come out at the same time.

Boom! In an instant, the three fighting hands collided with the hawk's claws that day, and the frenzied air burst in an instant, drowning all eyes.

In the madness, the two forms of Tiangu's strength and fighting spirit are fiercely impacted.

Whoever wins or loses is the moment when the power of that side is exhausted first.

Suddenly, a strong explosion appeared. It was Tiangu eagle's claw and two fighting hands that burst at the same time, and the remaining fighting hand patted directly on the top of the magic eagle's head.

At that moment, the blood spilled and the victory came out.

Boom! With the war roaring again, the huge Gu's eagle fell down hard, and directly made a human form in the blood, dying.

Gu Ying is defeated.

"It seems that you are destined to fall here today!" Convergence strength, south wind falls to Gu Ying's side, light says.

If Gu Ying wins him, he will keep his promise and release Gu Ying once, but the result is not. With three heads and six arms, his war spirit integration has reached a very strong situation, which can be regarded as increasing the limit of his leapfrog challenge.

"Well! I just hate that I can't be stronger! " Looking at the south wind, hard to stand, Gu Ying said.