Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2551

The bottom of their hearts is naturally worried about Nanfeng. However, since Nanfeng has decided to fight Gu Ying, it shows that Nanfeng has his own plan and self-confidence. After so many days with Nanfeng, nothing can disappoint them.

"The legendary chaotic gold body is used by you like a pile of broken copper for ironmaking. It's also a good idea to take it out." To fight back the south wind, Gu Ying disdains to speak.

Gu Ying is afraid that the south wind will ask the other three people to help, so he wants to stimulate the south wind and make the south wind angry.

As long as you give him a few minutes to fight against Nanfeng alone, he is sure to kill Nanfeng.

To Gu Ying's disdain, south wind just a light smile, slowly wipe off the blood of the corner of the mouth.

If Gu Ying thinks that he is going to kill Nanfeng, it's a big mistake. If he is not sure, he won't do it. Besides, he can't be expected by a Gu Ying.

Buzz! Under the chaos gold body, the south wind impels the heaven gold spirit body, and the light of the purple gold chaos body is more intense. The six gold body inscriptions around seem to regain the divine power.

"The spirit body, on you now, is just icing on the cake!" Gu Ying disdained again.

Once again, he turned into a magic eagle.

And this time, there was a lot of blood on the blade, which was caused by the blood power in his body. It can be seen that after the wings of the evil hawk are cut, there is a shadow of the giant hawk with the strongest flesh tattoo.

In the invisible call, Gu Yingyi fell down again.

This time, the south wind is no longer just to resist, but to face each other.

The six inscriptions on the body of gold are integrated into one, which is derived from the power of the heavenly gold spirit body, and swept out, touching the wings of the poisonous eagle.

Boom! In the storm, the inscriptions on the golden body of oneness are only in a stalemate for a moment, and then they are repulsed again. They are going to shock back to Nanfeng in an instant, so as to deal a heavy blow to Nanfeng.

And the situation is changing in a moment.

The south wind under chaos gold suddenly burns. When you look carefully, it's not the flame, but all the fighting spirit in his body. The fighting spirit is like fire, boiling fiercely.

If you have been by Nanfeng's side all the time, you will find that Nanfeng's sense of war is much stronger than his previous one, and it seems to be in an invisible state.

At this moment, the south wind really entered the primitive self pole.

The primitive self pole under the three headed six armed, but the south wind did not urge the three headed six armed.

The fifth level of the original self pole is the original magic power - three heads and six arms. Unlike the first four levels of the original self pole, it is a state at first, and then we can understand the original self pole from it.

This shows that there is no distinction between each state of the original self pole and the corresponding supernatural power.

Under the three heads and six arms, Nanfeng felt at the beginning that his fighting spirit was no longer the same as before. His fighting spirit was in an excited state, an excited state of fighting.

War spirit, independent, tends to truly integrate into the body of Nanfeng.

The magic power of three heads and six arms is the most fighting one among all the magic powers of heaven and earth, born for war.

Just because of this, under the original self pole of this magic power, the fighting spirit in Nanfeng is like that in the blood of the warring clan, and can truly integrate with the warrior himself.

If there is such a trend, the south wind will try.

After several closures and many battles, he succeeded in integrating his fighting spirit with himself.

Under the primitive self pole of the fifth layer, the south wind is equivalent to having the blood of the ancient warlords.

"Fusion!" Under the intense burning of war, the south wind roared.

Boom boom! Under the strong momentum, Nanfeng's fighting spirit is perfectly integrated with his own body. For a moment, Nanfeng's whole body is in the state of extreme fighting excitement. This state greatly enhances Nanfeng's strength in any aspect.

Including the limits of his power.

At this time, the mark of Tianjin spirit body in Nanfeng's eyebrow is covered by an invisible mark in the excitement of war.

"This Is this a fusion of fighting spirit? " See this scene, Han old three people say heavily.

"That's right. It's the fusion of fighting spirit, the excited state of fighting and the extreme artistic conception of fighting. Only under the real fusion of fighting spirit can we have it." Shi Ling said.

"War spirit fusion? How did he do it? Isn't it true that only the group of warriors of the ancient warlords can achieve the true integration of war spirit? "

"No, in the long history, there are some of the most extreme top talents who have also achieved the integration of fighting spirit. Each of them is the kind of crazy fighting people." Han said.

"Obviously, the southerly wind is absolutely!"

"Fight With the sound of the south wind, the whole river seems to be submerged by the word "war", and all the rivers seem to turn into invisible fighting water.

Under the impact of the war, Gu Ying's cutting of Gu Ying's wings is a bit stagnant.

The shadow of the giant eagle after the cutting of Gu Ying's wing is directly scattered under the impact of war.

Boom! In the spirit of war, the anti earthquake force on the inscription on the gold body no longer exists, but reappears in the hands of Nanfeng and cuts directly at the wings of the poisonous eagle.

This time, the inscriptions on the gold body were not shaken away.At the moment of the stalemate, a crack appeared on the blade of the hawk's wing, and it spread rapidly. The red gray scales of the hawk fell off quickly, and the original image of the hawk emerged.

"What's it like to be trampled on the ground after you disdain the enemy?" At this moment, Nanfeng is the response to Gu Ying's previous disdain for him.

The gold body inscriptions of the unity were waved again, and directly blew on the chest of Gu Ying.

The next moment, Gu Ying just like a shell down, let the river directly appear under the ground huge gully.

"Go The south wind didn't stop. The inscriptions on the gold body in his hand became larger and stirred up, which directly spread the rivers around him. This place became an open place.

Looking back at the ravine, the original fighting spirit increased again, and condensed into the shadow of a big hand in the center of the south wind's eyebrows.

I can clearly feel that the power of this big hand is stronger than that of the south wind world.

"The hand of war!" The south wind roars, and the shadow of the big hand grabs it.

In the center of the shadow of the big hand, it is the appearance of three heads and six arms.

The fifth primitive self pole of the south wind really exists for the south wind to fight.

"It's a terrible power. In essence, this power feels invincible. Is this the power after the true integration of war spirit?" Shi Ling said heavily.

"No wonder that the ancient warlords can stand on the top of the divine realm only by the fusion of their fighting spirit, and even more can shake those powerful bodies of heaven and earth with their fighting spirit."

The shadow of the big hand falls, and the whole area can be described as a world shaking scene.

There is a feeling that the power of the God King is not so powerful.

It's really tough.

In such a sense of war, Nanfeng is very confident, but the next moment, his confident look exclaimed, because he already felt that the hand of war was about to be overturned by a force.

There is no doubt that Gu Ying can fight back.