Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2550

The king of poisonous insects has no energy to manage these two people, and the king of poisonous insects probably doesn't care much about their lives. It's a good chance to kill them.

Two people, an old man and a young man, the old man is the perfect state of the superior God, and the young man is the late state of the superior God. These two people, they naturally understand their situation, so when they look at each other, their eyes are full of determination.

"Gu Ying, you almost became the son of Gu Du God. I didn't expect that you would come to this stage today!" Looking at the young man, the goddess of heaven spoke lightly, with some regret in her tone.

"Heavenly goddess, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. I don't need your pity for Gu Ying." Hearing the words of Tianshi goddess, Gu Ying said coldly, "besides, you Tianshi goddess just took a little luck and found a powerful man."

It is impossible to hide the relationship between the goddess of heaven and the south wind. It has been exposed inadvertently.

Hearing this, the goddess of heaven was not angry and said with a slow smile, "Gu Ying, you're right. That's the difference between you and me. I'm a woman. Isn't it normal to find a strong man?"

"If you smile, I'm afraid any woman will find you powerful."

In this case, the goddess of heaven will not be irritated by Gu Ying's counterattack.

It's a little wordless to hear that the goddess of heaven ridicules herself in this way. The corner of Gu Ying's mouth twitches a few times, because what the goddess of heaven says is the truth.

In this martial arts world, in this martial arts world dominated by men, it's normal for a strong woman to find a man to support her, while a man, even if he is not very strong, will be looked down upon if he finds a woman to support him.

Gu Ying is another genius of Gu Du kingdom. Although he is not the parent-child of Gu Du God, he has incomparable talent. He was once valued by Gu Du God and almost became a Gu Du God.

But at that time, the poisonous God was born.

Gu Ying is called Gu Ying because he has the spirit of Gu Ying and specializes in Gu Ying.

"Gu Ying, I've heard that you are a genius in the dragon and elephant region." Looking at Gu Ying, Nanfeng sighed, "it's a pity that your Gu family chose me as the enemy."

"Nanfeng, if you have seed, you will fight with me at this time!" Looking at the south wind, Gu Ying said coldly.

Today's death, I'm afraid, is doomed. Even if the poisonous God King can defeat chaos mother, I don't know when. It would be great for him if he could pull the south wind on his deathbed.

And it can also delay time.

"Poison hawk, if you were me, would you waste your time fighting with me?" South wind sneers.

But Nanfeng is Nanfeng, the words immediately changed, "but since you said so, how can I Nanfeng be despised by you? Let's fight with you. If you win, I may not let you go."

"If I win, you will die!" This is how Gu Ying responds.

"Ha ha ~" Nanfeng sneered.

At once, the south wind signaled the heavenly goddess three to deal with the old man, and the evil hawk was handed over to him.

"Let me have a look at your guying spirit. It's said that it can turn into a guying all the time." Strength began to rise from the body, Nanfeng said with a sneer.

"It depends on whether you have that strength!" Gu Ying hissed.

I saw his arms shocked, and under the breath of strength directly emerged a piece of red gray scales, which gave Nanfeng a sense of physical invincibility.

"Good pure power of Gu, and directly transformed the power of Gu into physical power, and formed a solid state!" Seeing this, Nanfeng exclaimed.

The power of poisonous insects tends to be invisible, which erodes the mind of the opponent and makes the living beings fall into the state of death or being controlled.

Attack like soul power.

But it's very difficult for the Gu hawk to transform the power of Gu into a solid physical state. And being very difficult also means that successful transformation will become very strong.

Buzz, buzz! The roar sounded, and it was the red gray scales on Gu Ying's arms that were spreading all over his body in the blink of an eye of the south wind, just like a powerful body.

At that moment, Gu Ying attacked, crossed his arms in front of him, leaped to the high altitude, and then suppressed by the south wind. The tattoos of his body made the river flow around him.

"I haven't touched this kind of physical power, so I'll try it with you." Watching the hawk fall down, Nanfeng grinned and said that he was bathed in the golden light.

Bang Dang! At the next moment, it's just the sound of gold and iron, and the intense sparks burst out in an instant, and then hit the surrounding rivers. The light of purple gold and the light of red ash interweave, highlighting the collision between the chaotic body and the body of Gu.

Step on! Heavy footsteps sounded, and it was the south wind that retreated.

Because the power of guying is stronger than that of Nanfeng, Nanfeng does have the fighting power of the upper God in the later stage, but there is still some distance from the peak level, and this guying is the peak level of the upper God in the later stage.In the retreat, the south wind looks dignified.

Gu Ying also has a more murderous look. He steps on the river and kills again to the south wind.

Make sure you are stronger than Nanfeng. How can Gu Ying give Nanfeng a chance to breathe.

"Gu Ying Yi chop!"

In the roar of Gu Ying, the red and gray scales on his body continue to grow wildly, completely drowning himself, and suddenly become a wing.

That wing contains the purest poisonous power, which is derived from the body.

On the wings, the cold light of killing will shine, just like a cut.

"Chop!" Suddenly, the hawk wings fell down.

Nanfeng looks more dignified, in this cut, he felt a little irresistible force.

The light of purple gold in my eyes is shining, and the south wind directly calls out the chaotic golden body. The six golden body inscriptions are used as a defense, just to resist the falling chop.

Zizizi! In the fierce sparks burst out again, the south wind was blown away again.

And under the protection of chaos gold body, he also suffered some trauma this time.

The power of Gu Ying's all burst out is stronger than that of the later warrior of the upper God. Gu Ying is a genius who once wanted to be a son of God.

"The south wind is a little bad! That Gu Ying's strength is not weak. " Han Lao worried.

"Gu Ying is a genius at the same time as me. Naturally, his strength will not be weak. He has been in the upper God's later stage for a long time." Said the goddess of heaven.

"The south wind, just breaking through the upper divine realm, and then leaping the challenge, there is a little gap!"

"However, the south wind doesn't seem to want to retreat." Shi Ling said.

"He definitely has his cards!" The goddess of heaven said confidently to Nanfeng.

In the process of mutual communication, the three also speed up the joint efforts to suppress the old man of the poison family. When they get serious, it's just a matter of breathing.