Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2539

Under such a cut, the gap between the new first son and the south wind appeared. In the middle of the battle, we can clearly see that the thunder power submerged and defeated the bloody power in an instant.

The new first son's body was cut in half in that instant.

"So strong!" Shi lingchong said, "it's like using a stone to collide with water of the same weight. Water has no resistance at all. It will break up directly. It's a kind of power in essence."

"The power of his air has taken on a real embryonic form, but he still has no real air feeling!" When feeling, the goddess of heaven was still wondering, "it seems that he can only ask himself."

After the body of the new first son was cut off by the thunder blade, the power of the nine sky god thunder evolved into a cage, enveloping the soul and spirit of the new first son, and destroying him in the light of thunder.

New first son and Nanfeng this battle, doomed to failure, unless he has far beyond the realm of Nanfeng.

"Sure enough, it's extraordinary At this moment, Nanfeng was excited and said to himself, "the power of the air is not less than the determination of our ancestors' blood, nor less than the original self pole. No wonder Fengyi and zhurongyang can bring oppression and threat to me under the same strength."

"You can imagine the geniuses who finally have three spirits, how strong they are!"

The south wind can't wait to fight with a genius with three spirits.

This also strengthened the power of Nanfeng's cultivation.

He also believes that with his own blood and talent, he will have three spirits.

Then, Nanfeng's eyes turned to Han Lao. With the new vitality, Han Lao's fighting experience and strength accumulation finally reached the acme, suppressing the two killers all the time.

"Nanfeng, do you have air?" Shi Ling and Tian Shi goddess come to him and ask curiously.

"Yes!" To two people, South breeze doesn't need to conceal, nods to say.

"Yes, I haven't seen you use the power of air, and I always feel that the power of air seems to be the kind that just appeared, giving people a rudimentary state." Shi Ling is curious.

"Master Ling, you're right. I'm just a rudiment now." Nanfeng said, "because I have air, but I haven't been born yet. It's just that I gave birth to air and power in my body in this closing."

Hearing Nanfeng's words, Shiling and Tianshi are a little confused, so.

Seeing that they were a little puzzled, Nanfeng explained, "like other gifted people who have air, I naturally have air, but it's different from their way of expression."

At this moment, Nanfeng told a lie, because it was his ancestral vein that accompanied the air.

"Other geniuses, their air from the moment they were born, and mine is not, need to reach a certain level, a certain understanding of the time will appear."

"The previous closure was an opportunity for the appearance of air, so at that time, the power of air appeared in my body."

After hearing this, Shi Ling and Tian Shi are a little silly. They really don't understand that the air will appear later.

However, this silly eye is also a few quarters of an hour, because there are too many things on Nanfeng to subvert their three outlooks, and if there are too many things, it's no surprise.

"Pervert!" Finally, the heavenly goddess said so.

"Ha ha, if I'm not such a pervert, how can I get the favor of your beauty!" Nanfeng laughs.

At that time, the goddess was suddenly ashamed.

… "Although Mr. Han can suppress those two people, it's really difficult to kill them. After all, Mr. Han is not a pervert like you." Looking at Han Lao's fight, Shi Ling said.

"Master Ling, please do it. We can't stay here too long." Said Nanfeng.

Now, it's time for Mr. Han to finish the fight. It's time to finish.

"I understand!" Nodding slightly, Shi Ling stepped out and directly joined the battle.

In another space area, the battle between the queen of chaos and the first Slayer is in the final stage.

The whole midair is covered by chaos devouring power, just like a brand new world, in which the power of blood killing wants to impact out, but it's almost there.

At this moment, the first killer was embarrassed enough. There was almost no integrity in him. All the chaotic phagocytic power dormitories, as for his body, were not much better.

After looking at chaos mother coldly, the first murderer understood that he couldn't leave today, unless he could come to three God kings now, he could save him.

Under the same circumstances, there is a big gap between him and chaos mother.

And if he hadn't accumulated more than chaos mother, he would be finished with the first attack of chaos mother.

Fear of death breeds in the eyes of the first killers.

Even the powerful God King, even the bloody killer, as long as they have intelligence, they will be afraid in the face of death.

In the breeding of fear, the first killer suddenly flashed through his eyes. At that moment, all the strength in his body concentrated on his heart. At that moment, the first killer's body expanded."If I die, you can't live!" The first killer roared.

The first kill is mainly self explosion. Any creature's self explosion is absolutely his strongest release.

"The first killer, after all, you still don't understand the horror of the chaotic empress. The chaotic empress follows me by the south wind. How can she grow up just by swallowing me." See the first to kill the main self explosion, South breeze light a.

The mother of chaos has been staying in the phagocytic world, not only phagocytizing, but also understanding.

Understand the magic power of the south wind swallowing the world.

For Nanfeng, the empress of chaos is not only his thug, servant, but also his friend. She will try her best to make the empress of chaos have complete intelligence, and also make the empress of chaos understand the way of power like a real intelligent creature.

The chaos queen has done it initially.

can see that as like as two peas in the first kill, the chaos itself becomes a powerful storm. It is the power of magic power - engulfing the storm and swallowing the magic of the south wind.

And to a certain extent, the nature of the phagocytic storm of the chaos queen is stronger than that of the south wind, because it is the phagocytic storm of chaos.

The speed of engulfing the storm is faster than the self explosive power of the first killer. Before it really explodes, it engulfs all the self explosive power.

The huge storm twisted for a quarter of an hour in mid air and stopped.

After the storm turned into chaos, the breath of the first Slayer disappeared.

At this moment, I can feel the breath of the mother of chaos, which is a little burst. Obviously, after swallowing the first killer, the mother of chaos has entered a breakthrough point.

When she opened her mouth, the empress of chaos vomited out a lot of artifact, including blood sword and storage artifact, which were all from the first killer. These artifacts are much dimmer, because the queen of chaos devours all their intelligence.