Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2540

As far as Nanfeng is concerned, if the enemy's artifact is not emperor level or heaven and earth level, he has no interest, that is, it can only be used as the material of his casting.

In addition to these, there are also chaotic Tianshui. Those chaotic Tianshui are devoured by the mother of chaos, but not refined. Chaos mother like chaos Tianshui again, it is impossible to devour without the south wind.

Chaos Tianshui, south wind only took half, the remaining half let chaos mother to refining. Even half of them are not enough, which is all the savings of greedy assassins.

With the participation of Shi Ling, the last two greedy assassins were also killed.

Chaos mother also told Nanfeng that in the world of the first murderer, there were other weak greedy assassins, but they were devoured directly by him and the first murderer. In this way, in the battlefield of death, the threat of greedy assassins to him was gone.

"In this battlefield of death, there is no threat to us from greedy assassins." Let chaos mother back to devour the world closed, Nanfeng is also so feeling.

The closure of the empress of chaos is shallow. Nanfeng doesn't want to meet another enemy of the God King, so she can't wake up the empress of chaos.

"Another God King, I believe it's time for him to settle down." Shi Ling said.

"He wants to be restless. Does he still want to tempt chaos mother to betray me with some fantastic things?" Nanfeng grinned.

"Keep looking for the Dragon elephant mark!" Said the goddess of heaven.

Along the direction of their own region, the four went deep into the center. Along the way, they kept gaining the dragon and elephant marks. Naturally, they met more and more warriors. Of course, most of them fled when they saw Nanfeng. They didn't want to provoke or be provoked by the chaotic empress in Nanfeng.

Nanfeng's four met three kings and wanted to kill them.

Unfortunately, the three kings were defeated by the devouring power of the chaos queen because they were just the most common kings.

"Even if we die, you Nanfeng will soon go to hell with us. The dark god will not let you go!" The three kings curse the south wind before they fall.

This makes Shiling very strange.

"These three kings, I know that their kingdom is the weakest one in the Dragon elephant region. They have absolutely no courage to challenge us." When Ling strange said.

"And, from beginning to end, they did not submit to the dark kingdom!"

"I know the reason for Ling's doubts." Nanfeng said, "what they submit to is the dragon and elephant family. The leader behind them is the dragon and elephant family. Only the order of the dragon and elephant family can make them come to kill me without fear of life and death."

"Dragon elephant family, it's against you at last." The goddess said coldly.

"Killing me is the reason why they released the battlefield of death this time. It's not surprising. I'm just curious about how they will kill me. They can't just send these waste gods to come here!" Nanfeng thought.

At this moment, I became nervous in Nanfeng's heart. For him, the Dragon elephant family was more dangerous than the dark god son and Tianlan God King, and their preparations.

Therefore, in the dark, the south wind directly integrates the devouring world and the Wanshi world, accelerating the breakthrough of the chaos queen.

The chaos of Tianshui, he also let the two souls separate to start refining.

"There is the dark god son here and the Dragon elephant family there. Our situation is really bad!" Shi Ling sighed.

"The soldiers came to cover the water and the earth!" The south wind said coldly.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the perception range of Nanfeng four, and came directly to them.

"People of the forest family!" Feel that person, when Ling also immediately feel that person's origin, is very puzzled way, "with the forest family God King away?"

"Young master Nanfeng!" He was a middle-aged God. He landed directly in front of Nanfeng and said respectfully, "I'm entrusted by the son of God to talk to you about something."

"Your son of God, how is the spirit of forest green now?" Nodding slightly, Nanfeng first inquired about the situation of Linlin qinghun.

"Shenzi is recovering well. I believe it won't take long to recover, and shenmou will be born again." The middle-aged man replied, "thank you for your concern."

"That's good!" Said Nanfeng.

"What's the matter with you coming here?" Then Nanfeng asked.

"Tell master Nanfeng two things. The first one is that our people accidentally heard that the dark kingdom has prepared something that can control the chaotic mother queen of the master 100 percent."

"One hundred percent! It seems that they are very confident! " There was a cold south wind.

"Dark god son, once Tianlan God son, has broken through to the realm of half step God King." The middle-aged man continued.

"Have you arrived yet?" There was a heavy voice from the goddess.

Tianshi goddess and once Tianshan Shenzi are strong enemies. They first step into the realm of the divine king, and then they feel uncomfortable.

"Another thing is that the people who killed Nanfeng this time are not only the people from the side of the dark god son, but also other gods. There are about ten gods, and there are thirteen gods in all!" Said the middle-aged man."As for the people behind the thirteen gods, master Nanfeng should know."

"Thank you for telling me!" Thanks from the south wind, his face became overcast and murderous.

The Dragon elephant family is really forcing him to kill!

After informing, the middle-aged man also left. Maybe they really want to help Nanfeng, but now they are on either side, and the forest family can't afford it. They all take great risks to come to deliver the news.

"Thirteen divine kings, this is half of the divine kings in the whole dragon elephant region. Unexpectedly, half of the divine kings in the Dragon elephant region obey the Dragon elephant family." Shi Ling said heavily.

"We have killed three, and there are still ten. It must be the ten kings who will unite next time." Han said in a deep voice.

"You really look up to me!" South wind once again killed the feeling.

"What shall we do? I think they will come soon, and if the dark god son and the heavenly orchid God King also come at that time, no matter how strong the chaos mother is, we may just have nowhere to escape. " At that time, the goddess was very worried.

"Even if chaos empress mother breaks through, I'm afraid it's not the enemy of many gods and kings!" Nanfeng said, "it can only be broken one by one!"

Since you are cruel, come on.

Entering the battlefield of death, Nanfeng had been ready to fight hard.

The fall of the God King in the dragon and elephant region just cleared the way for him to dominate the dragon and elephant region.

Then, Nanfeng and Shiling separated.

He let Shiling three people and other Shijia disciples into the world of zulei's soul, and dodged.

He and chaos mother went to find those who wanted to kill him. We must kill some of them before they unite.