Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2538

"Beast See chaos mother attack to come over, the first kill Lord roars to say. He hates Nanfeng, and he also hates the empress of chaos. Those chaotic Tianshui are the lives of their greedy assassins. They were collected from the chaos by the number of strong people who fell from their greedy assassins in several times.

Now, he is engulfed by chaos mother, and his heart is dripping blood.

Originally, he was willing to kill Nanfeng first with chaotic Tianshui, but now, it can be said that he has lost his wife and lost his army. What's more, his life will be beaten in.

"Kill Blood gas burst out from the body, and the first killer released all his strength. His eyes were like a river of blood, and there was blood flowing out, which dyed his black hair into blood red.

Between the frenzy and flying, the first killer's eyebrow directly shot out a blood sword. The Blood Sword resonated with his anger and killing intention, swept out the sword Qi, and pointed directly at the chaotic empress.

It's a real blood sword, no doubt the first artifact to kill the Lord.

"First son, you killed Nanfeng!" At this moment, the first Slayer also told the three people who had almost recovered. With that, the first Slayer directly fought with the empress of chaos.

"Master, I know!" One of them said bitterly.

"First son?" Hearing the words of the first slayer, Nanfeng was very curious and puzzled.

"It should be the new first son. That first son has been killed by you. Naturally, they are looking for another first son." In the world, the celestial goddess guessed.

"It should be so!" Nanfeng responded, "it's interesting. This is the first time I'm going to chop my son again."

"With our help?" Shi Ling said with a smile.

"Naturally, the other two are the strong men in the later period of the upper God. Now I don't have the strength." Hear when Ling's words, south wind is very helpless to say.

"I thought you could fight three, but we've done it." Heaven, said the goddess.

Hearing this, Nanfeng also turned his lips.

"Let's give them to Lao Jiu. Lao Jiu wants to try how strong this body is after aging. He hasn't fought a battle of the highest level of his blood for many years." Han said.

"Well, the other two will be handed over to Han Lao." Nanfeng said, and then released Han Lao from Wanshi world. Immediately, Han released his momentum and directly enveloped the two men.

Shi Ling and Tian Shi goddess can also walk out of Wanshi world at any time and join the battle.

"New first son, right?" Immediately, Nanfeng looked at the youth and said coldly.

"Just to kill you!" New first son cold roars a way.

"Ha ha, you are just as whimsical as the first assassin. It should be said that all your assassins are whimsical." Nanfeng said with disdain.

Zulei's power broke out in an instant. The south wind directly killed the new first son. The light blade of thunder condensed and fell down with the power of cutting the sky.

A blood light burst out from the new first son somewhere. In the rapid shooting, it directly touched the thunder light blade of the south wind. The air burst, and the thunder light and blood light intertwined. The two figures cut away and left deep marks on the ground.

"Do you have the fighting power of the top God in the middle stage?" New first son murmur.

"If you don't recover completely, I can give you two more hours." Shaking his arm, Nanfeng responded.

Nanfeng also sighed in his heart, "although the rapid breakthrough makes my strength and realm a little vain, I have to say that the vein of the king level ore source is really unusual. Then, let's eliminate the vanity through constant fighting!"

Zulei's spirit body bursts out instantly. In the face of the new first son, it's enough to activate a spirit body.

In the light of the imprint, the south wind directly drives the thunder roar. Under the nine sky god thunder, the animal shadow condenses, and the power of the voice turns into a ripple, directly toward the new first son.

Nanfeng needs that kind of strong and extreme fighting, but the new first son is not qualified, so he will fight quickly. In this battlefield of death, he will always meet the enemies who let him break out the limit, and there will be no less.

Seeing the thunder roar of the south wind, the new first son's eyes are full of fear. The power of the south wind is beyond his imagination.

"Thirteen blood swords!" The first son roared, and the blood and gas burst out. Thirteen forces appeared with the appearance of his eyebrow mind and body mark, forming a storm shape, shooting at the thunder roaring in the south wind.

Under the thirteen heavy blood swords, there are countless blood swords, killing and manic, constantly pounding the thunder roar.

Under such impact, the thunder roar of the south wind broke up, and all of a sudden, it broke up directly. However, the power of the thirteen blood swords was no longer there, and they became invisible.

"It's OK. It's a bit like the first son. I said that even if the assassins are anxious to find the first son, they can't find a wine bag." In the eyes flash over fine awn, South breeze slightly takes some war spirit to say.

"What you regret is still behind you!" New first son coldly said, at this moment, his confidence greatly increased, because this time the confrontation let him feel that the south wind is just like that."Try it! Just let me try my new power Nanfeng's real sense of war rose and said coldly.

"New power?" Hearing Nanfeng's words, Tianshi goddess and Shiling are all curious.

New first son didn't listen to Nanfeng's words. He was just gathering strength. There were some faint blood flames on his body, which was the characteristic of burning his own blood essence.

Although I think that the south wind is not so strong in my heart, I still try my best.

All of a sudden, a strong blood burst into the sky. At first glance, it was the new first son who turned into a pillar of light. Like Optimus Prime, the blood burst into the sky and fell directly towards the south wind between the collapses. The momentum of friction made the invisible blood flame burning fiercely.

"Nanfeng, die for me!" The new first son's voice roared again, and his killing intention was sharp.

Buzz! At this time, the power of the nine sky god thunder of the south wind is changing. Under the original breath of God, there is a more pure breath of God.

This breath makes the south wind stronger and stronger in essence.

"Is this the breath of air?" Feel the change of the south wind, Tianshi goddess and Shiling said shocked.

"But he didn't have the air! If there is, we should have known for a long time, and he has urged the breath power of air, we should feel the existence of air in him, but not! " Shi Ling said heavily.

New first son incarnates blood light, so I don't know what he looks like at this time.

But I can imagine. "Come on!" The south wind also roared, combined with the air and the nine sky thunder, turned into a cut, and attacked again.