Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2537

"That's a big move!" Nanfeng also said with emotion that Nanfeng's look also showed some worries. As for whether it was true or false, only Nanfeng knew.

However, the three gods are really worried.

Seeing Nanfeng's worry, on the face of the first murderer, some complacent smiles finally appeared in front of Nanfeng for the first time. A God King, who has not seen a middle God for a long time, has this complacent smile. Maybe it's a little ironic.

"Fear, will continue to devour all your soul and flesh!" The first killer said to Nanfeng.

At the next moment, the first killer's attention was all focused on the empress of chaos mother. He communicated with the empress of chaos mother again, and also urged the power to make the big Wang chaos Tianshui in his hand release a stronger breath.

The first killer is very confident, because of the performance of chaos queen.

Can see, at this time of chaos mother incomparably excited, a pair of engulfed gray green a look at that chaos Tianshui, like mouth out of saliva.

"Empress chaos, betray him. This chaos Tianshui is yours. You don't want to rob it, because our king can destroy this chaos Tianshui in an instant." The first Slayer constantly communicates with the empress of chaos.

"What's more, we are greedy for the chaotic Tianshui in assassins. As long as you betray him, you will get a steady stream of chaotic Tianshui."

Naturally, there is no other chaotic Tianshui in the greedy assassin, but the purpose of the first murderer is just to let the mother of chaos betray Nanfeng in the battlefield of death. As for returning to the greedy assassin afterwards, the mother of chaos obeys them. If not, then...

finally, under the temptation of the first murderer, the mother of chaos nods excitedly and rushes directly to the first murderer Go.

"Ha ha ha ~" the first assassin laughed happily, and the other three assassins also laughed happily.

At that time, the three of them were extremely worried.

Han said with emotion, "the chaotic creatures with incomplete intelligence are really unreliable. Some things are really enough to make them betray their original masters."

"South wind, what shall we do?" Shi Ling asked heavily.

"You enter the world first!" Nanfeng said that he took several people into Wanshi world directly.

After swallowing the chaotic Tianshui, the mother of chaos seems to have more than enough. But still very obedient to stand on the side of the first killer.

"South wind! The genius of leapfrog challenge, you didn't think of this scene The other three assassins sneered and said to Nanfeng, "and this is the price you made us kill assassins. You died in the hands of the chaotic empress."

"Queen chaos, kill him!" The first Slayer gave orders to the empress.

Roar! A roar, chaos mother directly incarnate phagocytosis, that momentum, will engulf everything.

It's a little more comfortable to kill the four.

But the next moment, their complacency became unbelievable, with some strong fear. Because the swallowing of chaos mother's incarnation just shrouds them.

"How?" The first killer roared.

Boom! The power of breath swept, the first four were engulfed by the storm, the storm swept, there are fragmented flesh and bones splashed.

At this moment, Nanfeng's tense face began to smile, which was very happy. This smile also directly explained that everything before Nanfeng was pretending.

Seeing this scene, the three gods in Wanshi world were dumbfounded and murmured, "what's the matter? Did the queen of chaos not betray

"How can chaos mother betray me?" Nanfeng said to the three, "because at the beginning, but the empress of chaos recognized me as the Lord and wanted to take the initiative to sign a master servant contract with me."

"The life and death of chaos mother is in my hands! I just need one thought, chaos mother can be destroyed, so chaos mother betrays anyone, also can't betray me

"It's really a wonderful way to kill assassins, but it's a pity that it's fantastic to use it on me!"

"So it is, the relationship between you and chaos mother and queen is a servant contract!" Old Han sighed.

"It seems that the betrayal of chaos mother and your look are all false." The goddess of heaven was a little angry and said, "you don't tell us, which makes us worry for nothing."

"Hey, I tell you, how can your worried look be so lifelike, and how can you cheat the first killer." Nanfeng laughs.

"Hum!" The goddess snorted coldly in the sky.

... the next moment, Nanfeng's eyes look at the swallowing storm transformed from chaos mother.

After the chaos mother turned into the noumenon, a bloody killing light appeared. In the light, four figures emerged.

"The first Assassin's strength is really a little extraordinary. Under the sudden attack of chaos mother, she not only has nothing to do, but also protects other warriors!" Looking at the first kill Lord, South breeze light smile way.The light faded away, and the God of the first murderer and the three greedy assassins appeared completely. The first killers were not only embarrassed, but also slightly injured. The three men were constantly scratched with flesh and blood, their whole body was stained with blood, and their breath was even more vain.

Obviously, if the first killers hadn't helped them, they would have been gone.

"You recover quickly!" The first killer, Yinyi said.

Then, the first killer looked at Nanfeng and yelled, "you dare to kill him!"

"I'm sorry, that's because you're so paranoid." Nanfeng sneered, "it's also because the chaotic Tianshui in your hands is too attractive. I really don't want to give up."

Roar! Hearing Nanfeng's words, the anger of the first murderer is growing. The anger is like a volcanic eruption, and it will roar invisibly.

"South wind!" The first killer roared.

"You don't have to be so angry, because chaos mother can't betray me from beginning to end. Our relationship is not as simple as you think. We are master servant contract." Nanfeng laughs.

"How can it be? The empress of chaos is so noble that it is impossible to follow you. How can she choose to sign a master servant contract with you? " The first killer couldn't believe it.

"My power, you don't understand!" Nanfeng said with a faint smile, "maybe from the beginning, if you want to kill me, it's wishful thinking."

"Master, this guy's strength is extraordinary. He can be regarded as half stepping into the realm of the God King." At this time, chaos mother after sound communication, "so to kill him, need some time."

"I understand. We'll take the other three." Nanfeng responded. Roar! With a slight roar, the empress of chaos attacks the first killer again.