Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2528

Qin Qiao roared, like a ferocious beast, directly toward the south wind, vowing to kill the south wind. It's a pity that Shi Ling won't let him do what he wants. Moreover, because the south wind has killed the son of the God of Qin, Shi Ling has no worries about it any more and tries to break out.

"Qin Qiao, today, this is destined to be the end of you, all of you in the Qin family." With endless time power to resist Qin Qiao, Shi Ling said coldly, "such an end, from the moment you Qin family are ready to provoke our Tianshi family, it's doomed."

Boom boom! Between the words, Shi Ling's strength broke out again. Previously, he was always worried about the south wind. Now the south wind wins, so it's time for him to end the fight. Today, Qin Qiao and another Qin family God can't go.

In Shi Ling's momentum, we can also feel the long-standing hatred.

This hatred is just the hatred of the destruction of their kingdom of heaven and the ruthless pursuit of all the people in their family. The warriors of the kingdom of Qin did not kill less of their family at that time.

"Shiling, if you stop us today, we will never die with you in the future." Qin Qiao roared.

"Ha ha, don't you tell me that when my Lord God fell, your Qin family didn't burn, kill and plunder our Shi family. Now, it's time for you to pay back." Shi Ling responded with a smile.

"At that time, I made an oath when Ling, live one day, this blood feud will be a thousand times, ten thousand times to repay."

This is the Revenge of blood in the eyes.

If the hatred in Shi Ling's heart is not released, his road of martial arts will not be perfect.

Moreover, this hatred is also his commitment to the souls of the time family, just like the goddess of heaven had done to Wei Jianzong.

Hearing Shi Ling's words, Qin Qiao looked extremely ferocious and hissed coldly, "that God will cut you first."

Qin Qiao's emperor blood burst out from him completely. The power of emperor and the power of emperor's suppression spread here again, but it was not as strong as the great Qin Shenzi.

But this is also normal, Qin Qiao's blood is far less than that of the great Qin Shenzi.

"The time of the way of heaven!" When you feel the emperor's authority that day, you will drink violently. A wave of time will appear, like the pouring of the sea, and the shadow of the time sky will appear at will, which will directly impact the emperor's authority.

"Qin Qiao, you will understand the gap between you and me when I am determined to be a leader." Shi Ling also said coldly.

"The day time resents a way!"

The power of time pours down and evolves into innumerable invisible power of time. In each power of time, a figure emerges, which is the condensation of all anger and comes from the endless killing intention of Shiling.

"Time is killing me!" In that way of power, anger and the power of time converge into a chop.

This is Shi Ling's strongest power attack, and the attack will increase with anger to a certain extent.

"The way of anger under the way of heaven, it seems that the time blood of Shi family is not the pure time blood, but also can evolve into another kind of power." Seeing this scene, Nanfeng said with emotion.

Heaven is the goddess of life and death, when Ling is resentment.

"Emperor blood light!" In the breath of the emperor, Qin Qiao turned around and turned into a flash of light, which was a little hot. This magic power is a bit similar to the emperor Shuangyang of the great Qin God son.

At the next moment, the two men's magic powers collided with each other. Suddenly, the air waves swept through, and layers of manic soil scattered in an instant, leaving a real empty space under the endless soil.

At this moment, the soil seems to have wisdom in general, because of feeling the powerful power and run.

"The power of the upper God's later state is really beyond my reach." The south wind retreated quickly, sighing. Under the impact of two people's magical power, the south wind is really a little irresistible, so we must avoid it.

When the impact to the most intense moment, two figures appear, a momentum unparalleled, a bloodstained, embarrassed.

At this moment, it's obvious that the victory is over.

Nanfeng directly urges shenmou and looks at the bloody and embarrassed figure. It's Qin Qiao. For a moment, Nanfeng's worry is put down.

Qin Qiao couldn't believe it. He looked frightened and roared, "how can you? Your strength is not as good as our God!"

"It's the power of resentment, and it's also the power given to me by the spirits of the time family!" When lingshayi said, "this is the power of blood, this power makes me stronger!"

Having said that, Shi Ling attacked again. It was a really crazy attack, regardless of life and death.

Qin Qiao, it's impossible to escape.

"Master Ling may be hit hard, but Qin Qiao has no way to live." Nanfeng said to himself.

Then, Nanfeng's eyes looked at the battle between Han Lao and another Qin family God.

The state of the Qin family in the middle of the throne is the state of the peak. Although Han Lao was aging, he really suppressed him.

In the case of relatively enough blood and gas, living for a long time is an absolute advantage, and the combat experience and accumulated magical powers are absolutely rich.Looking at the two men's fighting, we can clearly find that sometimes Han Lao seems to have the ability to foretell, knowing in advance the next attack method and track of the superior God.

At this time, plus the upper God saw Qin Qiao has been unable to support, the downwind is more obvious.

"This Taoist friend, it's time to end everything. Next, you will understand the horror of an old monster who has lived for ten times and the determination of an old man!" The strength of the body suddenly increased, also become Lingli up, Han Laosu kill said.

Han Lao's determination is that he decides not to evade any more, but to grow old. He decides to fight hard, and he decides to attack the road of the God King. Otherwise, he is really like a walking corpse.

In recent years, he has been avoiding these times because of his aging. Every moment he has passed is like a walking corpse!

Then, nine figures appeared behind Han Lao.

These nine figures are not the same. Their power also gives people a sense of time gap.

Among the nine figures, the three close to him are aging figures, the three in the middle are middle-aged figures, and the three farthest are young figures.

In addition, he is the master of ten Taoism, which just represents the ten times that Han experienced.

"The water of ten generations -- the water of ten layers!"

The power of Han Lao's cultivation is the power of water. When the nine figures behind him merge into his body, ten drops of water with time interval appear, and ten drops of water descend one after another, which also evolves into ten layers of the world.

Looking at the world, it seems to see ten times. "Since you call yourself an old monster, you should die!" The superior God's eyes flashed resolute, angry, because he knew that Han Lao would kill him desperately.