Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2529

In that case, he would try his best, and he would have a chance to escape. He would have to be beaten if he wanted to escape.

This superior God directly turned into a huge spear in the color of blood yellow, just like a ray of light. The emperor's spirit and some bloody killing permeated at the same time. There is no doubt that this man's emperor's power contains powerful killing.

Boom! In the fragmentation of the soil, the two magic powers collide in an instant, and a huge mushroom cloud shoots up in an instant, as if in an instant, it is going to rush out of the earth.

But just when the two waves collided to the most intense place, everything in the whole area seemed to be at a standstill, as if there had never been a battle.

There is no doubt that this is the power of Han Laona's tenth water drop.

Everything is still and then invisible.

At this moment, the endless soil seems to turn into a mirror, breaking. When it's broken, Han's figure comes out of it. You can clearly see that Han is dying at this time, and the blood gas in his body seems to disperse all at once.

Aging is more reflected in Han Lao.

Han Lao's 10th water drop, together with his 10th power gathering, can really be invincible in a short time in the middle stage of the upper God. Of course, Mr. Han's invincibility has to pay a price. Mr. Han's dying state is the price.

The superior God of the Qin family also appeared, standing upright in the shadow of an invisible drop of water.

Nanfeng couldn't feel the vitality of this man. When Nanfeng's eyes flashed, the upper God turned into water shadow directly, together with his soul and Yuanshen.

At this moment, there was really no breath of the superior God of the Qin family.

The God of the Qin family was completely assimilated by the water.

"This battle is over!" Nanfeng said in his heart. However, Nanfeng's look is not very good, because Han Lao's situation is very bad. This war has consumed too much of his blood, at least increased his aging for two times.

Under the fierce pursuit of Shi Ling, Qin Qiao's breath is completely gone.

"I'm lucky to live up to my life!" Are embarrassed to go to the front of the south wind, two people powerless said.

"The two elders have worked hard. If we let these three people go back, the news that we got the vein of the king level mineral resources will spread quickly. At that time, the Dragon elephant family will be directly involved. They can't bear the vein of the king level mineral resources." Said Nanfeng.

"That's for sure, so let's leave as soon as possible!" Shi Ling said.

Nanfeng nodded, and then took them into the world of life and death, which directly promoted the reincarnation of life and death in the world of life and death, and helped them recover their wounds.

When Ling, the south wind does not need to be controlled. Under the reincarnation of life and death, it only takes some time to fully recover.

"Han Lao, how do you feel now?" Nanfeng is worried and asks Mr. Han.

"The problem of aging is unavoidable for any God who lives under the king of God for a long time." Hearing the south wind's inquiry, Han said with a sigh.

"Now I just want to fight as well as I did when I was young and middle-aged. To tell you the truth, I'm very excited to follow a genius like you in this last light. "

And this may be the scholar who died for his confidant, and the woman who was content with her!

"Since Mr. Han still wants to shine, I will help him to shine forever." Said Nanfeng.

Hearing Nanfeng's words, Han Lao's look was a little unnatural, because he was afraid that he might misunderstand Nanfeng's meaning. He also asked, "Nanfeng, don't comfort Laojiu. Laojiu's situation can't be solved when he reaches the peak, unless he is in the realm of the God King."

"It's a pity that in the middle stage of the upper God, I'm at the limit of my potential."

"If it's not for great luck and miracles, I can only rely on talent and treasure to maintain my fighting power."

"Han Lao, big luck, big miracle and your extreme talent, I may not bring it to you, but I'm sure I can really eliminate your aging to a certain extent." Said Nanfeng.

"To be precise, it's really delaying your aging."

"And you can have the strength to pursue your chance."

"Nanfeng, you really can!" Hearing the words of the south wind, Han Lao trembled a little and said incredulously.

"Mr. Han, do you think I'm a free talker?" Said Nanfeng.

In the world of life and death, the river of life and death flows rapidly, and the river of life and death is constantly spreading, replacing the river of death.

At this moment, the aging power of death on Han's body is constantly collapsing, transforming towards life and vitality. Just a few breaths, some black silk appears in his white hair, and the wrinkles on his old face fade away.

The blood of the red light slowly emerged.

Han Lao can also feel that many of his aging skin is also receding, leaking the flesh and blood skin of his heart.

"This... This power of life!" Han Lao can't help but be excited, all are tears and flow of say.And soon, Han also asked in a heavy voice, "south wind, such a magic power, what price do you need to pay?"

"Mr. Han, as long as I don't use this magic power in a short period of time, it won't hurt much!" The south wind laughed, "of course, such use will also consume some of my life essence, but this is not what I want to do, because I can quickly make a breakthrough to compensate for the essence of life."

"You know, the realm is not so difficult for me to break through."

"So powerful! So powerful Hearing this, Han said with emotion.

"Mr. Han, if you think this is the strongest vitality of the south wind, then you are quite wrong." Hearing Han Lao's emotion, Nan Feng said with a smile.

"What Han Lao was shocked again.

Just at this moment when Han Lao was shocked, the south wind urged his long lost vitality.

In his own world, there will be no breath of Tianzu. Even if there is a God Emperor beside Nanfeng, it will not be felt.

From death to life, the combination of life and death and reincarnation of Tianzu's vitality, the vitality of Nanfeng, has reached a certain limit. I'm afraid that this limit is inferior to the powerful God King who specializes in cultivating the vitality.

As for the essence of vitality, I'm afraid there is no one stronger than the south wind in the whole divine realm.

Under the vitality of Tianzu, the blood in Han's body is not so bad as his middle age.

"What a great vitality Feeling that a lot of aging flesh and blood in the body has been replaced by new flesh and blood, Han Lao can't help but sigh.

At this moment, for Han Lao, the south wind is really like a hot sun he saw in the endless dark abyss. South wind, to a large extent, gave him new life.