Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2527

Looking at the two rounds of emperor Shuangyang, Nanfeng seems to see two pieces of the sky. The feeling of submission and strong suppression is more intense. It seems that the earth is no longer the earth, but the endless sky.

"The more powerful magic power contained in the blood of the emperor is stronger than the protection of the emperor!" Nanfeng said with emotion.

This also shows that the blood of the emperor in the divine realm is indeed more perfect than that of the emperor on the continent. It is not only the blood of the emperor, but also most of the blood.

Of course, the blood on the continent is also good, that is, more primitive.

With the two turns of the emperor and the sun behind the son of the great Qin God, this area is full of powerful imperial power. Invisible, a strong breath of the emperor rises, carrying the power of the cage, suppressing the south wind.

Even under the earth, Nanfeng felt that the heavy earth power in his body was restrained, and this kind of restraint could not be completely eliminated by his urging power.

In short, this day Huang Shuangyang let Nanfeng feel enough threat.

"Yang Lun!" The emperor's sun swept across the layers of soil and went straight to the south wind. Where he passed, a lot of soil was transformed into the power of the emperor's sun.

On that day, when the emperor's sun turned into the wheel of Yang, it was also in front of the south wind.

The south wind didn't attack. First, it defended. With the gravity of Shushan mountain, it condensed seven heavy earth waterfalls again and turned them into barriers.

However, this time, Qichong chongtu waterfall broke up directly, and the emperor rolled over Nanfeng. As a last resort, Nanfeng moved the immortal bones.

The gray light formed a barrier on the south wind and resisted the Yang wheel.

"Undead! At last. " Seeing the undead bone in Nanfeng's body, Daqin Shenzi was shocked and jealous, and said, "this is the undead bone in legend, which can be reunited after death."

"And it's as hard as one of the strongest fighting bodies!"

The light of Nanyang rushes towards him, and the shadow of the great wheel can't resist the attack.

Shua Shua! At the same time, the shadow of bones and the power of immortality constantly appeared around Nanfeng. Nanfeng completely urged Nanfeng to counteract the emperor's suppression of his own power.

If he wants to break out the most powerful force, he can't be suppressed by any trace.

Eyes turn, at this moment, Nanfeng's eyes are full of soil, all of the earth.

Around the soil, but also with the south wind to gather the power of heavy soil surging again, resisting the assimilation and erosion of the emperor's power.

"One round won't do, then another round!" Daqin Shenzi roared.

At the moment when Daqin Shenzi put his hands together, the two suns of the emperor merged together, but after the fusion, two suns still appeared, and the blood power of the emperor poured down endlessly.

The strong light shot directly to the south wind.

This light absolutely contains the power of all the limits of the great Qin Shenzi. This light makes the earth collapse continuously, and the gullies emerge out of thin air and spread rapidly.

Soon, the strong light flooded all, there is an intuition, the south wind is directly disappeared in that light.

"Disappear! Disappear in the light of the emperor who is the son of God Daqin Shenzi also roared, in that roar, a wisp of blood gathered into the light, there is no doubt that it is the blood essence of Daqin Shenzi.

The light of Daqin Shenzi is smooth, and it seems that he really wants to suppress the south wind thoroughly.

But at a certain moment, that day, the emperor's light was filled with gray and black power, which was the gravity of Shushan mountain.

If you feel it carefully, you will find that the gravity of this mountain is slightly different from that of the previous one. There is also a strong force of heaven on the gravity of this mountain, which is perfectly integrated with the gravity of this mountain.

And this power is the power of Tianshu.

The power of Tianshu is derived from the combination of the gravity of Shushan and the power of Tiandao.

You can see that at this moment, Nanfeng completely regained the power of immortality.

Because the power of Tian Shu is no longer the pure gravity of Shu mountain, but contains the way of heaven. Maybe it is not as strong as the power of emperor Tiandao of the great Qin God son, but it will never be suppressed.

This is the reason why the south wind does not collect dead bones.

"Daqin Shenzi, try my strongest Tianshu power!" The south wind roared.

At that moment, the south wind turned into a heart.

in this heart, the power of the essence of the soil in the endless soil is gathering in a frenzy, and the shadow of the sky appears.

This is the power of Tianshu.

, at this time, the south wind is the essence of the southerly wind.

Nanfeng was acquired by the Shu family on the continent and refined the heart of Shushan. The heart of Shushan is definitely one of the most powerful gods under the gravity between heaven and earth. After Nanfeng refined, his heavy earth world contains the power of the heart of Shushan.

Although Nanfeng didn't motivate chongtu power, his cultivation of chongtu power would not fall behind.His move at this time is just the combination of his heart power of Shu mountain and his own power of Tian Shu.

He called it the heart of Tianshu.

Boom boom! In his thorough evolution of the heart of Tianshu, the light under the emperor Shuangyang of the son of the great Qin God is constantly collapsing, and the surrounding heavy soil begins to erode the evolution world under the emperor Shuangyang.

It's just a few breaths, and the light under the emperor's double sun disappears completely.

At this moment, the heart of Tianshu suppressed the son of the God of Qin.

"The son of God will not be suppressed by you!" Daqin Shenzi roared, his whole body filled with the light of the emperor, and vowed to rush out of the heart of Tianshu.

Unfortunately, the more the great Qin Shenzi broke away, the more the shadow of the mountains developed around the heart of Tianshu.

Finally, the voice of Daqin Shenzi and his breath all disappeared.

Qin Nan Zi is more grateful to the God, but he will not leave his hand.

The heart of Tianshu disappears, and Nanfeng emerges. In the scattered Tianshu power, some of the power of emperor's breath is mixed with some of flesh and blood.

Daqin Shenzi has lost his soul.

"Daqin Shenzi, no one can stand in my way!" South wind heart domineering unparalleled said.

"Son of God!"

"Son of God!"

Unable to feel the breath of Daqin Shenzi, Qin Qiao and another superior God of the Qin family roared wildly. Who could have imagined that Daqin Shenzi was defeated cleanly.

The destiny of Daqin Shenzi is different from that of other geniuses in the Qin family. Daqin Shenzi is the future of Daqin Shenguo, and Daqin Shenzi is also the strongest person in the Qin family in recent times.

The whole Qin family has high hopes for the great Qin Shenzi to lead them further, and even lead them into the real Emperor Qin family. And now...