Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2526

"His self-confidence has turned into reality, and Daqin Shenzi is no longer his opponent!" Seeing this scene, Ling felt a lot of emotion in his heart, and was more relieved to fight Qin Qiao.

At this moment, Shiling is more confident about the future of Shijia, because Nanfeng is standing in their Shijia.

When Han saw this scene, he only sighed with emotion, "it seems that Lao Jiu is right to choose his family. There are some geniuses. He is destined to rise, and five people can block the road to rise."

Qin Qiao and another superior God of the Qin family are naturally worried, and the development of things is seriously beyond their expectation. At this moment, they really believe that Qin Lun was killed by the south wind.

Daqin Shenzi's look can't be described in words. He is still in the downwind of the confrontation under the spirit body.

"You are a spirit body like earth. Your flame should have a spirit body, right?" Shadowy eyes don't know what to think, a little doubt asked.

"This is the only spiritual body I have ever had!" Nanfeng sneered. It's enough to deal with Daqin Shenzi.

This is the confidence that he and Zhu Rongyang once again broke through the limit of strength after the first World War.

Naturally, Daqin Shenzi would not believe it. Although he could not believe that Nanfeng had many spirits, it seemed that he was guessing Nanfeng's cards.

Nanfeng no longer pays attention to the God of the Qin Dynasty. The seven heavy earths converge again and merge with each other to form a heavy earth waterfall, just like a chopping of the sky.

The south wind also holds the waterfall tightly like an artifact.

Behind him, the shadow of Shu mountain reappeared, and the power of Shu mountain also surged up on the seven heavy soil waterfalls.

"Huangguang!" Seeing the more powerful moves of the south wind coming, Daqin Shenzi just burst out two words. Under a flying golden hair, he directly turned into a bunch of golden light.

This golden light gives people a kind of supreme light.

This golden light can be regarded as containing the martial arts of the great Qin Shenzi from the moment of his birth to the present. This is a kind of evolution of martial arts. The great Qin Shenzi integrated his own emperor's blood into the martial arts and turned it into this magic power.

The emperor's light is very fast. In a moment, the whole underground is full of golden shadows.

This time, the target of southerly attack disappeared.

"The power of the emperor is really good!" Nanfeng said with admiration.

Also at a certain moment, the emperor light hit on the heavy soil waterfall.

To be exact, he was resisted by the south wind. Huang Guang wanted to go around chongtu waterfall and run through the eyebrows of the south wind with his own speed.

It's a pity that Daqin Shenzi didn't think about Nanfeng's practice of heaven and earth's instant step at this moment. Under the heaven and earth's instant step, Nanfeng could capture the speed beyond his strength limit even if he didn't burst out his eyes.

Therefore, although the speed of Huangguang is fast, it evolves thousands of times, but everything is in the eyes of Nanfeng.

Boom boom! In a few seconds, Huang Guang collided with the south wind no less than a hundred times, but each time he was resisted by the heavy soil waterfall of the south wind. In the air waves, the invisible space of this soil region seemed to become two lights in the waste.

"The waterfall is sweeping over!" Another moment, the south wind strikes back.

I saw the south wind holding the heavy soil waterfall and waving it. It swept like a storm in an instant. In the process of sweeping, the south wind slightly urged the moment. In this way, the speed of the south wind made the emperor light of the son of God of Qin unable to keep up.

Boom! Just heard a roar again, that golden emperor light was shocked to fly, in the faltering into the son of Qin God.

The south wind didn't stop attacking. Chongtu waterfall was swept by the gravity of Shushan mountain, and the storm was expanding. All the strength of the surrounding soil was absorbed.

At a certain moment, Daqin Shenzi could not resist, and was absorbed into the storm under the heavy soil waterfall.

At this time, the storm began to shrink. Every time it shrinks, the stronger the storm power under the heavy earth waterfall is, and the unstoppable creatures, in the center of the storm, will naturally end up in smoke.

"It's time to end, too!" There was a cold south wind.

Daqin Shenzi's so-called blood of the emperor's protection, also absolutely can't resist his waterfall storm at this time.

At this time, if you have sharp eyes, you can see that the disappointment in Nanfeng's eyes is the disappointment in the strength of Daqin Shenzi, because Nanfeng wants to use Daqin Shenzi to hone her strength.

However, the great Qin God did not force him to the limit of the power of the earth.

The convergence of momentum in the whole area also indicates the end of the battle.

But the battle is always changing, and there are always miracles.

This is the shrinking heavy soil waterfall, the storm suddenly expanded in a moment, not controlled by the south wind. Nanfeng's eyes flashed and gave up the storm of chongtu waterfall, because at this moment, he felt a little irresistible power.

"Do you have any cards left?" With a heavy south wind, the figure retreated quickly. At this moment, the disappointment in Nanfeng's eyes disappeared, replaced by the excitement of war.

Daqin Shenzi's strength limit can be further improved, which is his earnest hope.In the face of those enemies who can fight fiercely with themselves, Nanfeng never fears that their strength limit is stronger than himself. Instead, he hopes so, because only in this way can he go through life and death in battle, and see his limit, so as to break through, make progress, and embark on a more perfect road of martial arts.

At the moment when the south wind retreated, the storm of chongtu waterfall burst. In the center of the burst, a round of golden light twinkled all around, stinging the eyes of the south wind.

Buzz! At this moment, Nanfeng felt a supreme imperial power, which seemed to contain a power that could not be compared with any other power.

Nanfeng's Tianzu blood has always been in a state of self closure, which is due to Nanfeng's original self polar force. At this moment, because of the closure, the ancestral blood of Nanfeng had to submit to this kind of imperial power,

of course, there was also an involuntary resistance.

As long as Nanfeng removes the self seal of the original self pole, I believe that the blood of Tianzu in his body will come out at the first time to gather the power of Tianzu and fight against it.

"The emperor's blood of this guy is extraordinary. Even in the real Emperor Qin family, he should have a certain position by virtue of this blood, and he uses the power of this blood to gather the power of supernatural powers, just like the power of the God King." Nanfeng said in his heart.

Just when Nanfeng thought, another round of golden light appeared on that round of golden light.

In the light of two rounds of gold, this kind of power is even more magnified. Daqin Shenzi's figure appeared in it. His eyes were directly on the south wind, and he said coldly, "today, you will fall under the emperor's double sun of this Shenzi. You are worthy of your reputation in the dragon and elephant region."