Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2475

"Master, the feeling is very successful. We all feel the position of the four deputy leaders, and we also feel where the other brothers are." The puppet said excitedly.

"Yes Hearing this, Nanfeng was excited.

He also directly stated his plan for the next step, "since you can still feel your other brothers, first suppress your other brothers. The more we have, the more powerful the battle will be! The more likely it is to succeed in suppressing a deputy leader. "

"I'm afraid not, master!" Hearing Nanfeng's words, puppet 11 was a little embarrassed and said.

"Have all your other brothers recognized the Lord again?" Hearing the words of puppet 11, Nanfeng looked a little upset and said.

"Yes, master. At present, except the leader, two of the four leaders, our other brothers have recognized the Lord again!" Puppet 11 said, "the master still needs to take in a deputy leader as soon as possible, otherwise after the four deputy leaders are all taken in, we will leave the master too!"

"The competition is really fierce. Have two of the four vice leaders been accepted?" Nanfeng looked dignified. "Stop talking nonsense, lead the way quickly and go to the sleeping place of a deputy leader!"

The next moment, Nanfeng and the 23 blue phosphorus puppets are in a mighty situation, constantly jumping into the blue fire space. After about half a day, they arrive at a very large blue fire space.

"One of the deputy leaders is sleeping inside the array in this space!" Puppet eleven said, "break the array, and the fourth deputy leader will wake up!"

Nanfeng looks deep into the space and finds a hidden array.

"It's not too late!" Nanfeng murmurs, ready to directly gather strength to smash the hidden array. The power of the hidden array is not strong. It just plays a role of hiding and welcoming the deputy leader.

Therefore, the random force of the south wind can be easily broken.

But as soon as he did, the south wind stopped.

Because at the moment, he felt the arrival of another warrior, and the breath of one of them was very familiar.

"Fengyi, meet again!" Nanfeng murmured.

The next moment, several figures appear, one of them is that Fengyi, the other is dressed in blood, the others are blue phosphorus puppets, there are eight blue phosphorus puppets.

"It seems that Ben Shao needs to clean up some miscellaneous fish if he wants to subdue the deputy chief here." Seeing the south wind, the young man in blood said with a strong sense of killing.

"But it's not bad. If you kill this man, you won't get 23 blue phosphorus puppets directly!"

Looking at the 23 blue phosphorus puppets by Nanfeng's side, the greed in the eyes of the young man in blood has already appeared.

"Brother Yi, thank you very much. If you didn't find out here, how could my second son have such luck? Brother Yi can rest assured that you will have a share of the blue phosphorus fire after you get the inheritance of the blue phosphorus underworld!" Immediately, the youth in blood also thanks Fengyi.

Fengyi is not interested in the blue phosphorus puppet when facing the mage, because Fengyi knows the limit of his soul power. The genius with air can generally know his limit clearly. Fengyi only wants to practice fengbingdao unswervingly under the air.

However, Feng Yi is interested in the blue phosphorous fire, so Feng Yi chooses to tell the second son when he accidentally discovers that there is a deputy leader here.

Afterwards, he got the blue phosphor fire from the second son.

As for why Fengyi doesn't let other people in Fengjia practice, it is because other people in Fengjia have little good practice of soul power, and Fengyi wants to get something from the greedy assassins.

In short, the second son of Fengyi is a deal between Fengjia and the greedy assassin.

"It's good that the second brother can remember the promise, but the second brother, this is not a fish in front of you, but the top five talents in front of you and me, the south wind of Tianmen who can leap the level to challenge!" Feng Yi said to the second son.

Between the words, Feng Yi's eyes are also coldly looking to the south wind.

"Oh? The south wind of Tianmen Hearing Feng Yi's words, the second son was surprised.

"If not, there is no inferior God here who can obtain 23 blue phosphorus puppets with his own ability." Feng Yi said.

At this moment, Fengyi has a sense of bringing disaster to the East. If the second son can kill Nanfeng, he'd better save his hand. There is a heavenly gate behind Nanfeng. Even in this immortal forest, it's not easy to kill!

"There is no place for me to find out!" The second son said coldly.

"The second son of the assassin." Nanfeng said in his heart, "the genius who is as famous as Gu Du Shen Zi is now one of the five talents in the Dragon elephant region."

At this moment, Nanfeng's heart naturally burst out.

"Eleven, you lead your brothers, the second blue phosphorus puppets who live in this place. Although they are only eight, three of them are the middle God." At this time, the sound of the south wind came from puppet eleven.

"Master, I understand!" Puppet eleven responded.

At the same time, Nanfeng also urged them to fight. The 23 puppets urged them to fight in the 23rd battle."It's said that they have become real combat divisions. Then try your level!" The second son said coldly.

His eyes turned to blood, and the second son also developed the battle array. The battle array derived by the second son was not the battle array of blue phosphorus Hades, but his own.

Because the second son was originally a battle division, and also the only real battle division in the whole dragon elephant region. Except for now, of course, because the south wind is also blowing.

Although the battle array of the second son is not the first type of battle array, he has practiced and smelted for many years, and is already in the state of perfection. Therefore, in terms of the outbreak of strength, he will not shrink from the 23 talent battle array of the south wind.

In the fusion battle, Nanfeng's blue phosphorus puppet and the second son's blue phosphorus puppet fight directly together.

The south wind and the second son kill the vision of the meaning also bombard to face each other, seem two flows of the sky mercilessly collide.

"What? Fengyi, aren't you going to do it? I'll allow you two to go up together. " His eyes turned to Fengyi, and Nanfeng disdained.

"Nanfeng, I, Fengyi, admit that I am not your opponent alone, and my talent is not as good as you, but you should understand that talent is talent, and strength is strength." The breeze Yi light response.

"So, the second brother is enough to suppress you!"

Feng Yi's words are a little interesting. When Jue Wei thinks about it, it means that the second son is not as talented as Nanfeng. If the second son can hear it...

in fact, Feng Yi is right. Judging from the second son's more angry look, the second son can hear it. "Well! It seems that the second son is very impulsive. Unconsciously, he has become a knife in Fengyi's hand! " South wind in the heart slightly a sound.