Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2474

The successful condensation of immortality and the real emergence of 3000 weak water intelligence provide the biggest qualification and guarantee for the further increase of Nanfeng's limit. What Nanfeng lacks is an opportunity to release its strength.

Du Junxiang brings this opportunity to Nanfeng.

Under the continuous crazy impact of the hands of heaven and earth, Nanfeng found the limit of her strength, so at this moment, Nanfeng broke out completely. With the integration of toxin and the power of the world, Nanfeng broke through her limit.

Feeling the sudden rise of the south wind power and the breakthrough of the south wind limit, Du Junxiang and the young people around him are more afraid, especially feeling the courage of the south wind, and they are a little bit reluctant to give up.

But at the moment when the hand of heaven and earth came down, Du Junxiang resisted.

However, the gap in momentum has emerged.

The hands of heaven and earth fall, everything is submerged, and Du Junxiang and the warrior are just suppressed.

With the further increase of the limit, Nanfeng successfully reached two levels of leapfrog challenge, and the gap between momentum also determined the outcome of this battle.

In fact, the battle was doomed from the beginning.

Because Nanfeng is not sure, he will not choose to fight dujunxiang.

It's the same reason that the real refinement of immortality and the real appearance of 3000 weak water intelligence make Nanfeng have the qualification to increase his fighting power again. Du Junxiang has brought this opportunity.

When the inscription appeared, Nanfeng didn't hesitate at all and killed dujunxiang and the young man.

"Master, it's unimaginable that you can really challenge the two realms of the world now!" The spirit of the weak water appeared with deep emotion.

"Under the emperor's realm, I can challenge almost four realms. Since I have broken the rules above the emperor's realm, I will certainly be able to do so in the future." Said Nanfeng.

… After that, Nanfeng did not rush to find LAN Lin's puppet, but entered the Wanshi world.

He wants to cultivate his soul power. When he has a battle array and a puppet, he can't push the battle array for a long time because his soul power is not enough.

Sharpening the knife will not delay the cutting of firewood.

Besides, at this time, not only he, but also many warriors who got more than three blue phosphorus puppets, began to cultivate their soul power first. Don't try to be true. You have the soul power of the battle line division level, but at least you can use the battle line to fight for a period of time.

And this time, the south wind will have to make a breakthrough.

Because Nanfeng can leap to challenge, it's very easy for Nanfeng to leap to improve his soul power. Moreover, he also has the superb cultivation method of soul power in the chaos dictionary.

Therefore, just one year after the passage of time, Nanfeng raised his soul power to the level equal to his own fighting power, that is to say, Nanfeng's power really reached the level of the middle God.

The most fundamental thing for a battlefield division is to transcend its own two realms.

Nanfeng has the qualification to become a battlefield division.

Although the battle array is a special kind of array, there are still many similarities. Therefore, with Nanfeng's own understanding of the array, and three blue phosphorus puppets explaining to him, it doesn't take long for Nanfeng to become a real battle array division.

The soul of zulei of Nanfeng breaks through wholeheartedly. With the momentum that he just broke through the limit of his fighting power and the martial arts experience contained in the real immortal bone, he successfully breaks through to the peak of the perfection of the lower God in less than a year, just one step away from the middle God.

After the soul power and strength increase again, Nanfeng naturally continues to look for the blue phosphorus puppet.

Now he can urge the battle array to stay dizzy for a few days, but if he is given another period of time, he can reach the level of a real battle array division. After that, Nanfeng's target is the blue phosphorus puppets of the middle God. Of course, he can't let go of other puppets, because only by getting all the 72 blue phosphorus puppets can he get the real blue phosphorus Legion. The strongest battle line left by the blue phosphorus underworld can he really


As south wind conjectured, many strong people are closing their doors to cultivate their soul power. They don't have the same time passing means as Nanfeng, so they give Nanfeng a chance!

In the next four months, Nanfeng won the number of blue phosphorus puppets up to 23, of which eight were in the middle period of the middle God and two in the later period of the middle God.

The puppets of the later period of the two median gods were naturally suppressed by Nanfeng after he obtained the puppets of the middle period of the eight median gods.

The name of Nanfeng once again resounds, and Nanfeng has become a real battle division all over the place. Nanfeng is the first of the five talents in the dragon and elephant region, which is more consolidated.

Among the 23 blue phosphorus puppets, Nanfeng has gained a lot of battle experience. With four months of continuous fighting, Nanfeng has indeed become a real battle division.

"To become a battle group division is the biggest unexpected harvest of this visit to the undead bones forest." Nanfeng himself also said with emotion, "the next step is to get all the blue phosphorus Legion."

"Master, next, we should try to suppress a deputy leader." Puppet eleven said in front of the south wind.Puppet 11 is the strongest of Nanfeng's 23 puppets, and the other is puppet 15.

These blue phosphorus puppets are also looking forward to the moment when their blue phosphorus Legion will reunite.

"Is it really time to suppress a deputy chief?" Nanfeng murmured.

In addition to the leader, there are four deputy leaders of the blue phosphorus Legion. Each deputy leader has the strength of the middle God.

With Nanfeng's strength, under the battle, plus 23 blue phosphorus puppets, there is a great chance to suppress a deputy leader. If it succeeds, Nanfeng will be invincible here.

"But now there is one thing, that is, how to quickly find one of the deputy leaders? I guess the place where the deputy chief sleeps is not simple. It will not be a common blue fire space like you. " Then Nanfeng asked 23 blue phosphorus puppets.

"Master, although we were cut off by the previous master, the power of the netherworld stone in our bodies is interlinked. Our 23 members can feel the sleeping place of a deputy leader through joint perception!"

"Can it be so?" The south wind was surprised.

"Yes, master, the netherworld stone contains the Wudao sentiment of the netherworld, which was not completely cut off by the previous master!" Said puppet eleven.

"Give it a try. If you can't feel the deputy leader, you can feel the other puppets among you." Said Nanfeng.

Immediately, the 23 blue phosphorus puppets sat down, fused the power of Pluto stone in their bodies, and began to feel.

About three days later, twenty-three puppets woke up. "How do you feel?" Nanfeng asked at once.