Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2476

Under the intention of killing, the second son took out his hand. An invisible blade of blood killing came out of the deep space. Now the south wind is fighting.

Just as the south wind blinked again, the cutting of this blood killing was full of real power, and each blade of blood killing was tricky and strange, and there was no law in the shooting trajectory.

However, this is the power characteristic of the killer. Only when there is no law can we be surprised.

It's just a pity that such a surprise is too fragile under nanfengjin's mental eyes and primitive self perception. Nanfeng sensed the moment when the second son poured blood killing power into the deep space in front of him.

Therefore, under the skin of the south wind, Tianjin's defense strength has already gathered. The next moment, I just heard the sound of gold and iron, and the blood killing blades were shaken away. The golden light filled the air, and the second son was drowned by the golden light blade.

But the second son's reaction was also very fast. His body turned into an invisible river of blood, which covered and digested all the power of the south wind.

This confrontation, is two people in each other to test!

Fengyi's face darkened, and his eyes were envious, because he found that Nanfeng was stronger, and Nanfeng's progress speed was much faster than him.

Feng Yi also said angrily, "do you have the fighting power of the middle level God, and it's still the top level fighting power, the second son, but it's the top level of the middle level God!"

After the angry words, Feng Yi also had to sigh, "he has to step up the challenge ability, it seems that he has also been enhanced!"

Jealousy is in the wind under the shadow of the look of pan.

At this time, the second son's jealousy is no less than Fengyi's, the second son's heart is not willing to believe, said, "why? Why can such a guy, who doesn't have any blood in the backstage, step up the challenge, or step up to two levels? "

What's more, the second son burst out his real strength. Moreover, he also tried to find out that the south wind was not something he could easily suppress.

The second son, the five geniuses, is famous for his bloody battle. The second son's blood killing battle array is not weak. It is the second kind of battle array. The second son naturally has his own fighting puppet, the blood man puppet.

The so-called blood man puppet is made by selecting the flesh and bones of the powerful dead creatures.

Of course, the living will be better! With the second killer's original intention, his blood puppets are probably all refined with living life, flesh and bones.

Of course, the second son can't challenge his blood man Puppet by leaps and bounds. His blood man puppet can't be compared with the puppet forged by Mingzu stone.

In the whole world, if there are any puppets that can be compared with those forged by Mingzu stone, there are only puppets forged by Tianzu's things and heizu's things.

Because of this, the blue phosphorus puppet can leap over the level to challenge in the battle, which is the fundamental.

The killing power of blood type gushes out and directly transforms into spirit power. At that moment, the second son's eyebrow, the blood mark also emerges, and there are array lines on the blood mark.

There is no doubt that the spirit of the second son is an array spirit, which is also an array spirit. Nanfeng knew something about the second son's spirit body - bloodthirsty battle array spirit body!

Nanfeng can also clearly feel that the bloody killing power of the second son contains the strongest killing power. At this moment, the second son's eyes became bloodthirsty.

The second son looked like a red blood demon.

"Next, experience the bloody killing of my second son. If I could, I would not make you the most powerful puppet." Angry, the second son really attacked.

"Bloody hand!"

The power of the spirit body surges. Under the pattern of the bloody array, it evolves into three bloody hands. Above the big hands, the pattern is rampant, and the killing power is pushed to the extreme. The three bloody hands, according to different spatial trajectories, go to the south wind one after another.

Nanfeng's eyes flashed, and some golden light filled him. He saw the bloodthirsty power in the hands of the three blood formations. Nanfeng immediately understood that the blood array hand was only the second son's leading role. It was the bloodthirsty power that really killed him.

Nanfeng directly summoned two inscriptions on the body of gold, urged the heavenly gold spirit to bombard and smash the three blood array hands.

It was at this moment that the second son's killing roared, "bloodthirsty battle - bloodthirsty bite!"

Boom! In the sound of explosion, the array of the evolved blood array hand changes instantaneously. The three blood array hands are smashed by the gold inscription, but the array is not smashed, and the bloodthirsty power comes out.

The bloodthirsty mouths condense, directly across the two gold inscriptions, biting down toward the south wind. At this moment, Nanfeng also felt the crazy boiling of blood in his body, and was pulled by the bloodthirsty force.

"Die With another roar from the second son, those bloodthirsty insects split into countless tiny bloodthirsty insects, and they want to get into the body of Nanfeng through invisibility.

This is a double attack.

"What a second son. He has a lot of fighting experience." Nanfeng sighed with emotion. However, there is another word that Nanfeng didn't say. It's a pity that he met Nanfeng.The second son's all means, how can hide his gold spirit eyes and the original self extreme feeling.

In the golden light, chaos Jinshen was called to directly resist those large bloodthirsty insects, but failed to resist those micro bloodthirsty insects. Those micro bloodthirsty insects entered Nanfeng's body through chaos Jinshen.

"Remember, this is my young master's killing move. The bloodthirsty insect is very small. You can't resist it even if you have chaotic gold body and can't resist it without limit!" The second son said in a crazy tone.

"Your blood, the blood of your leapfrog challenge genius, will be lost in the end!"

"That's careless! Indeed Nanfeng sighed, "I really didn't expect that you, a bloodthirsty insect, as long as you feel the blood and don't do extreme defense, you can instantly get into the blood!"

"But what about that?"

With a grin, Nanfeng's whole body turns black. At this moment, Nanfeng's whole body is full of toxins. The power of toxins directly drowns the bloodthirsty blood of the second son.

This toxin is the poison of three thousand weak water, or the toxin of three thousand weak water which has successfully condensed the true spirit.

Under this toxin, those tiny bloodthirsty insects in Nanfeng's body were poisoned in an instant.

Under the influence of this toxin, the second son could not help but retreat.

"Why? Such a strong 3000 weak water toxin? " The second son roared, and Yu Guang looked at Feng Yi.

He learned from Fengyi that Nanfeng's 3000 weak water toxins were not so powerful! "His strength has improved!" There was a heavy wind. Fengyi looks gloomy. He didn't expect that Nanfeng's strength of 3000 weak water toxins has been improved, and it's not a small improvement. He feels that the span of strength improvement is larger than his.