Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2462

"Before you fight with me, you still have a chance to leave this bone bridge now, otherwise you will be defeated in any of the three bone bridges, and your mind, spirit and soul will be permanently imprisoned on the bone bridge." Lin Yan said softly, persuading Nanfeng.

"My soul, Yuan Shen, has been imprisoned here for three times. I can feel the pain of loneliness."

"Thank you for persuading me, but as a genius, you should be able to understand the martial arts' persistence in martial arts." Said Nanfeng.

"Well, let me see the level of genius after three times." Lin Yan said, "you are also careful. On this bone bridge, although I am conscious, the strength of my hand is not controlled by me. Every time, it must be full strength."

"Thank you for reminding me!" South wind nods.

Lin Yan has a good heart, otherwise he won't say that to him.

The next moment, Lin Yan moved, his eyes flashed, and a gray rock light appeared directly on the bridge deck. The speed was extremely fast. He swept toward the south wind, and the sound of clicking sounded. The gray rock light submerged the whole body of the south wind, and solidified the south wind. At this moment, the south wind turned into a rock statue.

Lin Yan's body also moved, and his fist containing manic power blew out, straight to the south wind which was already the rock statue. As long as the rock statue was smashed, everything in the south wind would be broken, and the battle would end.

As soon as Lin Yan broke out, he really did his best, and the fighting power under the momentum reached the middle level at the beginning of the middle God.

Nanfeng leaps over the level to challenge, and the will of heaven of undead bone forest naturally knows, so the opponent selected for Nanfeng can't be the same as the realm of Nanfeng.

Boom! Before Lin Yan's fist arrived, the statue broke. The rock was smashed by the force and turned into nothingness. The figure of Nanfeng flashed and hit Lin Yan with the same blow!

After the two fists collided, they both stepped back heavily.

Lin Yan looked surprised, "the realm of the lower God, the fighting power of the middle God? "Leapfrog challenge?"

"Not bad!" South wind nods.

Hearing Nanfeng admit himself, Lin Yan couldn't believe it. "Apart from Tianzu, the ancestor of Wudao, is there another genius who challenges in the divine realm?"

Lin Yan in unbelievable, the attack is still.

His whole body turned into a rock, and his inner spirit mark appeared. The rock he turned into was burning red, boiling hot, and had the taste of multicolored earth fire.

"This kind of rock is the core of the earth!" Nanfeng exclaimed, "your spirit body is the spirit body of the earth core God rock!"

It is one of the hardest rocks in the world. It is also a hot rock. It can also develop the colorful fire in the center of the earth!

"It's the spirit body of the inner earth God rock!" Lin Yan nodded.

The next moment, Lin Yan directly derived the most powerful power under the core of the earth. His whole body turned into a rock, like the source of a multicolored core of the earth, and the multicolored core of the earth also burned from above.

"Magic power - tianwaiyan meteorite!" Lin Yan's roaring voice also rang.

Boom! Under the strong momentum, the hot rock transformed from Lin Yan became larger and became a real meteorite. The shadow of heaven appeared. Under the light of colorful fire in the center of the earth, it went straight to the south wind to suppress.

Lin Yan's physical strength reaches the extreme under the spirit body of the earth core God rock. The power of the physical tattoo evolves from all around and constantly impacts the flesh and blood of Nanfeng's body!

At the same time, Nanfeng also felt the power of immortality. Nanfeng guessed that before stepping into the bone bridge, this Lin Yan must have condensed into the rudiment of immortality!

"Samadhi is really hot!" Seeing the falling tianwaiyan meteorite, Nanfeng doesn't hesitate. He changes his body and enters into the primitive state of fire. Under countless divine fires, samadhi fire evolves.

The power of samadhi's true fire turns into a big net and directly covers it.

Boom! Two magic powers collide, the waves are turbulent, such as the potential of overwhelming, instant impact.

The first bone bridge area was also flooded.

In the center of the submerged air wave, tianwaiyan meteorite is not equal to samadhi's fire net after all, because the colorful inner earth fire power on tianwaiyan meteorite is absorbed by samadhi's fire power.

And the strong physical tattoo power of the rock can't break through the defense of Nanfeng's physical tattoo.

Boom! At this moment, a figure flying backward from the waves, it is Lin Yan.

Soon, the figure of south wind also appeared.

"It seems that I am not as good as you. Your strength is beyond the imagination of my lost genius." Lin Yan said softly, with endless sadness.

Because at this time, Lin Yan's whole body has slowly retreated. In a few blinks of an eye, he becomes a human figure, and then floats in the long river of time in this bone bridge, and will be imprisoned forever!

The south wind shows the direction of Lin Yan's disappearance and steps on the next bone bridge.

Nanfeng sympathizes with Lin Yan, but there is nothing he can do.

This is the cruelty of martial arts. Sometimes you need to pay for a failure forever.

On the second bone bridge, Nanfeng felt a sense of threat. It is obvious that this time he will face a stronger opponent.Soon, another figure appeared in front of him, and finally became a young man in black.

"Another one to die." Seeing the south wind, the young man in Black said, "but since he has come, he will stay here forever. Jingzhen has been trapped here for five times, so more creatures will be trapped with me!"

This young man in black is just the opposite of Lin Yan's previous character. He is unwilling to be trapped. He wants to revenge. He wants to revenge everyone. He knows that he will defeat all the people he meets, so that the warrior who comes here will be trapped.

"If you are trapped, it only shows that you are not strong enough. Don't complain. When you set foot here, you should know in advance that if you fail, you will be imprisoned." The south wind responded coldly.

"Some things, if they fail, they have to pay a heavy price!"

"I don't need you to teach me. Today, you don't want to leave here. Kill me!" Hearing the words of the south wind, Jingzhen roars angrily, and his infinite killing intention covers the south wind.

"Well! A dead person is dead after all. What's the qualification to stop me from the south wind! " Others are not polite to him. Nanfeng has no reason to treat him with courtesy and disdain to respond.

At this moment, his powerful momentum also broke out.

"I'm just a mole ant in the lower divine realm. I dare to talk to Jingzhen like that." Feel the south wind is just the next God, Jingzhen also disdain.

But soon, Jingzhen was a little silly.

When his black crystal fist collided with Nanfeng, he was directly retreated by the anti earthquake, and he also felt the pain brought by Nanfeng's physical strength.

Of course, at this time, the south wind has summoned chaos Jinshen, because this crystal is much stronger than Lin Yan. "Impossible? Even if you have chaos gold body, you can't shock me back! " Looking at the south wind, Jingzhen hissed.