Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2461

"You must have come here for the undead bone tree. Go in as soon as possible. Don't delay your time by collecting the Yellow undead bone marrow in the shadow of the tree. Otherwise, you will miss this time and you won't know when the next time will be." Seeing the expectation in Nanfeng's eyes, shijiayan said.

"And you? Can you resist the artistic conception of the shadow of those trees alone? " Asked Nanfeng.

"Of course I can't, but I have the artifact to resist the illusory mood, so there's no problem, and now I've decided to leave here first." Shi Jiayan said.

"That's OK. It's safer to get out of here!" Said Nanfeng.

Later, the two men walked opposite each other, Shi Jiayan went out, and the south wind continued to deepen.

When there is no tree shadow in the deep area, Nanfeng finds himself in a fog. Even if he stimulates the original self perception, he can't feel the distance, so does jinshenmou.

However, in this dense fog, the strength of the undead character can almost condense into flowing water. In this space, it is absolutely easy to condense the Yellow undead bone marrow.

"Only in such an environment can an undead tree be born!" The south wind sighed.

He observed his whole body area with golden spirit eyes, and found that there was no danger. He also wondered, "is the danger that the tree of undead bone can create only the fear and negative mood of the shadow of the tree?"

Soon, Nanfeng saw bone bridges leading to nowhere.

The bone bridges are inlaid with huge bones. It seems that there are many figures moving back and forth. Looking at them with nanfengjin's mental eyes, they feel that they are illusory and real.

"The power of the dreamland on the bone bridge is beyond the scope of my golden spirit eyes." Nanfeng said in his heart.

But this is not the time to retreat. Although he can continue to go deep from the ground, his intuition tells Nanfeng that only through this bone bridge can he find the undead bone tree.

South wind stepped on one of the bone bridges.

Stepping on the bone bridge, he determines which figures are not illusions, but real beings. When he stepped on the bone bridge, he clearly saw that the bone bridge is divided into three areas. As for where the bone bridge leads, it is estimated that he will not know until the end of the third area.

On the bone bridge, the south wind tries to tear the space, but finds that it can't tear the space at all, and it can't fly.

Boom boom! Immediately, the power of the white fog surged towards the south wind, directly suppressing the south wind in an instant, making the south wind unable to move.

"A warrior in the lower divine realm has the courage to go to this depth." At this time, the sound of a vicissitudes of life sounded.

Hearing this, Nanfeng was shocked and asked, "who are you?"

"Who am I? What do you want when you come here? " Vicissitudes of life, said the voice.

"The undead tree!" Hearing this, Nanfeng felt even more shocked and said with a little panic.

There is no doubt that this immortal tree here has not only intelligence, but also super intelligence, and its strength will not be weak, otherwise it will not be able to suppress him in a moment.

A trace of panic in the heart of the past, the south wind calm dignified.

"Human, you don't need to be nervous. I don't mean to kill you, otherwise I won't appear to talk to you!" Feeling the panic and dignity of the south wind, the tree continued to open its mouth.

Hearing this, the south wind became less dignified, but it was really confused.

Nanfeng also asked respectfully, "dare to ask the immortal bone tree master, what do you mean when you show up?"

"You warriors, you are looking for me only for the undead bone fruit on my body." Undead bone tree said, "however, with the strength of those who enter here, it's wishful thinking to find me!"

"But I have something to ask for, so I'll show up and let you find it."

"What do you want, what do you want?" At this moment, Nanfeng became curious.

"What you want, you need to wait for you to pass the three bone bridges under your feet before you are qualified to know. Otherwise, you can only be like those figures on the bone bridge, just like the ghost forever here." Said the undead tree.

"Human, I can feel that your body is good. I hope you can pass it! Among the many warriors who have stepped on the bone bridge, my intuition tells me that you may help me, which is why I talk to you so much! "

"You are worthy of the immortal old tree. You can feel the extraordinary of my body. It seems that the test on these three bone bridges is the test on the body of living beings." Nanfeng said softly.

"However, master, since you feel my body is good, you can tell me what you want and help you. Why bother?"

"I have to act according to the will of the forest Said the undead tree.

"Good luck, man! I hope to see you again, your body, can make me feel resonance, this is the first time in countless times! "Feeling that the immortal bone tree did leave, the southern wind said to himself, "I can't believe that the undead tree can feel my body's extraordinary, and it is also worthy of being a bone tree. It is the essence of the undead marrow that is brought together."

"But what will the tree ask for?"

In the face of the undead tree, which he knew nothing about, and was so powerful that he could easily crush it, how could Nanfeng not think much about it.

If the tree of immortality asks for some unreasonable things, he can't agree, and the end of not agreeing is needless to say.

But Nanfeng is not the kind of person who is afraid and hesitant after all. The undead tree is in front of him. He doesn't want to give up. He just worries for a moment, and then he decides directly.

He moved on.

After the undead tree left, the power to suppress and restrain him also receded.

"Then what is the so-called test on this bone bridge?" Nanfeng thought in his heart.

Soon, a figure on the bone bridge came to the south wind. The figure solidified quickly and turned into a real youth.

The young man also said directly, "my name is Lin Yan. I came from three times ago. I was a genius of physical cultivation. But after I stepped on the bone bridge, I failed. My mind, soul and spirit will stay here forever."

"Three times ago!" Hearing this, the south wind shook.

At this moment, Nanfeng thought of what the immortal bone tree said. He must go down with the will of the immortal bone forest.

It's not the undead bone tree that can summon genius from the long river of time. In this undead bone forest, only the will of heaven of the undead bone forest can do it. When his heart calmed down, Nanfeng responded, "in xiananfeng, he came from the kingdom of God in this era and majored in the body!"