Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2463

"You have passed away five times, how can you understand the power of the present times?" Nanfeng disdains to respond, and chaos gold body has been running up. Under the evolution of chaos flesh tattoo, it attacks Jingzhen again.

There is no magic power, just pure chaotic body, constantly towards the crystal.

The south wind was so powerful that Jingzhen couldn't resist it at this time. Just after a few punches, he was blown away by the south wind. I don't know how many times he rolled on the ground of Guqiao.

"I'm not willing to fail, but resent the nature and the people, and even resent all the martial arts. I'm not happy with such a person!" The south wind was cold again, and a huge chaotic golden fist was smashed down again.

"I said, I Jingzhen, it's not up to you to teach me!" Jingzhen roars.

This roar directly blocked the fall of Nanfeng chaotic golden fist. His angry voice combined with his black crystal power and evolved into a magic power!

In the sound wave of his voice, a black crystal light blasted, smashed Nanfeng's chaotic golden fist, castrated, straight to Nanfeng's face.

Nanfeng took out a gold body inscription to resist.

At this moment, Jingzhen has changed a lot. His whole body turns black, and the black light is intense. In the center of his eyebrows, there are octagonal crystal marks, including his eyes.

"This kind of black crystal is the most powerful crystal - Black crystal diamond!" Nanfeng said to himself.

The blood of black crystal diamond comes from black crystal diamond battle body, which is also a powerful battle body.

"Does this guy have a real black diamond combat body?" Nanfeng said in his heart. However, it was immediately proved that it was not, because the chaotic golden body of the south wind had no resonance at all.

When chaos Jinshen meets with other powerful fighters, it will definitely resonate, but it doesn't.

Moreover, if this crystal oscillator has a battle body, it should not be defeated by this bone bridge.

"It's just a black diamond spirit." A faint south wind.

"That's enough to make you here forever." Jingzhen roars. This time, he rushes to Nanfeng, and two black crystal fists bombard Nanfeng's chaotic gold.

Nanfeng uses the power of chaos body and some magic power to make the chaos body more invincible. Jingzhen can only leave some traces on it, and can't shake Nanfeng's chaos body at all.

"It's over. I don't have time to waste on this bone bridge!" Looking at the unbelievable Jingzhen, Nanfeng said faintly.

Jingzhen is really much stronger than Lin Yan. Unfortunately, the south wind summoned chaos gold body. Jingzhen can only lose faster!

Between the words, Nanfeng directly smashed down the inscription on the gold body.

Jingzhen gathers real black diamonds to resist, but it's only futile in the end. In the sound of the black diamonds, Jingzhen is smashed by the inscriptions on the gold body, and even there is no cry, so it directly subsides into the long river of time.

Soon, the south wind set foot on the bone bridge area of the third section.

In the third section of the bone bridge area, the south wind did not see the empty figure, nor felt it.

He still couldn't see where the third bone bridge led, only the end was filled with white fog.

"What will be the test of the third bone bridge area?" Nanfeng thought, just as he thought, the power of white fog surged, once again suppressed him in an instant.

However, this suppression only suppressed his Qi power.

Immediately, Nanfeng understood that the third bone bridge was just a pure test of physical strength.

Click! The next moment, the south wind heard the sound of bone collision. Directly on the ground of the third bone bridge, some bones appeared in many places. These bones quickly gathered to form a skeleton!

Seeing this skeleton, Nanfeng was shocked.

This is not an ordinary skeleton. You can see clearly that the skeleton is gray, which is pure gray. It is not white, nor is it black or white of other colors.

On this skeleton, it radiates pure undead power! This undead characteristic power surpasses the undead characteristic power of the undead bone, which is transcendent in essence.

"It turned out to be a real grey undead skeleton!" The south wind said heavily.

Weng Weng! At this moment, his chaotic body resonated, and his immortal skeleton also resonated. This also proves that this skeleton is the real undead bone, the gray undead bone skeleton.

"The test of the third bone bridge area is to fight against a gray undead bone, and only with its own physical strength." Nanfengzhen said.

After the gray level undead bone condenses, it comes straight to the south wind. In the gray light, it attacks the south wind directly!

The grey undead bone is just the power of the body, not the power of Qi.

Fortunately, otherwise, the grey undead still has the power of Qi. There is no suspense in this battle.

Nanfeng looks dignified, and the physical strength of the chaotic golden body bursts out instantly. Under the suppression of Qi, Nanfeng can't summon the chaotic golden body.Nanfeng took the lead. He gathered all his strength, gathered a chaotic gold fist, and smashed it heavily towards the grey undead bone.

See the south wind blow, gray level undead bone also blow a blow.

Boom! The next moment, the strong sound of collision, two fists around the endless tattoo of the flesh collide together, in a moment, with the collision point as the center, strong power ripple in the space, the anti shock force of the flesh pounded the surrounding space.

With the blood flowing, it is the blood of Nanfeng. Under the strong confrontation between them, the anti shock force of Nanfeng's flesh and blood can't bear and is broken.

"It's the grey undead bone!" The south wind is heavy, this moment, the south wind is also fighting, unexpectedly, blood surging!

For Nanfeng, he can't break out the power of Qi, but fight with pure physical strength, which is more passionate and has more fighting spirit for Nanfeng.

"Come on!" With a roar, the southerly wind broke out completely. He didn't care about the flesh and blood on his body. He waved his fist wildly.

There is no fancy, no speed, no tricks in the battle of the flesh. There are some crazy collisions. Whoever can hold on to the end is the winner.

Besides, Nanfeng has no chance to retreat. If he is defeated, he will be imprisoned forever.

Although hunhuo is beside huoyerong and Ji Xiaolu, how can he be willing to be imprisoned.

Boom boom! Soon, the area of the third bone bridge was only submerged by the residual shadows left by two figures, one was gray, the other was blood, because after several collisions, the south wind became bloody.

Blood, also almost soaked the whole third bone bridge area. Boom! At a certain moment, the south wind suddenly burst.